TRAVIS SAGO – Make Em Beg to Buy


SILVER LEVEL: Want A Real Life Example of a Hot Offer (Something Good to Say)?

Payments from $1 to $199 are super appreciated and grants you IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO:

*A LIVE EXAMPLE and CASE STUDY where Rebekah Duron sold out all 30 spots to her entire LIVE EVENT! (Like where people will need to take time from their family, get fondled by TSA and fly the unfriendly skies!)

She sold it out in ONE 6 line email and a 7 page Google Doc including pictures.

You get the before offer and after offer doc, the ONE email she used…


*She got sponsors to PAY the $10,000 in lodging, food and other expenses FOR HER!…in less than 24 hours…

The way she did it was brilliant and simple.

I interviewed her over Zoom and you get immediate access to it all.

* You also get PERMANENT recording, transcripts and call notes to The Make Em Beg to Buy Zoom above PLUS a NEW SUPER SURPRISE gift valued way over $199 (Transcripts underway right now.)

GOLD LEVEL: With Silver You’ve Got a Real Example of a Hot Offer, Now You Just Need to Turn Wordz Into CASH…

Payments over $199 grants you SILVER LEVEL BOOTY and get ready to become a Rainmaker because you’re getting…

*The $1k a Day in 1 Hour a Day Zoom FUN-SHOP:   (4/11/2023)

I’ve been selling Big Ticket thangs from $500 to $50,000 with junior high humor and 6th grade writing skillz since 2014…

(My programs and other people’s programs for 30% to 50% commish)

If you want to learn to write mo’ better, I am NOT your Huckleberry.

But, if you want to sit down on your sofa, with a cuppa joe and your offer (or somebody else’s as an affiliate)…

Write a 6th grader simple email or a post…

Press send…

…watch $1k to $10k a day roll in (depending on the size of the offer and commish).

…then call it quits for the day…

…I’m totally your dude!

I’ve done this with TINY LISTS and groups as small as 300 people.

I make more money in an hour watching Yellowstone than I did my WHOLE FIRST YEAR in the U.S. Navy.

Giddy up!

I’ve taught folks who speak English as a 2nd language…

I’ve taught folks who had no or little copywriting training…

I’ve taught BOTH – folks who spoke English as a 2nd language AND had no copywriting training…

I show them two tools…

…and with a lil practice they crank out $1k to $10k a day for themselves and clients.

* You also get PERMANENT recording, transcripts and call notes to the $1k a Day in 1 Hour a Day FUN-SHOP above PLUS a NEW SUPER SURPRISE gift valued way over $499!

DIAMOND LEVEL: With Silver You’ve Got Your Hot Offer, With Gold You Become a Sales Rainmaker, Now You Create Demand on Demand – More Leads, More People to See Your Offer So Your Stripe and Paypal Notifications Go NUTZ Zongo…

Payments over $499 grants you all the SILVER and GOLD LEVEL BOOTY! When you grab DIAMOND,  you get to be the first to drive the Self-Paced Phoneless Sales Machine 3.0 at a PRESALE INVESTMENT you choose $499 (or above).

(The Self Paced Version of Phoneless Sales Machine 2.0 is currently $2,900.)

NOTE if You’re New to PSM: The Phoneless Sales Machine is how we get leads from email, FB groups, Youtube, Insta, anywhere there’s an audience, qualify them over DM and then close them with Google Docs on products from $500 to $50,000 with NO PHONE CALLS!

Diamond Level entitles you to IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the Tried and True PSM 2.0 + the keys to PSM 3.0 as it is being released!

NOTE: If you’re already a PSM Customer: I love ya! Because you’re a past customer, snap up the Diamond Level now and I will UPGRADE you to DOUBLE DIAMOND BELOW on me!

What’s NEW in PSM 3.0: 

*NEW BREAKTHROUGH ONE: Big Ticket sales without phone calls OR tapping either! DM and Chat sales are super fun when you’re tapping in $500 to $50,000 sales in bed watching Yellowstone. With 3.0 I’ve totally figured out how to eliminate the DMing back and forth.

There’s still a time and a place for DMs.

But I’m gonna hook you up with examples of what I’m doing to make Stripe sing without the tapping 3 Step dance.

*NEW BREAKTHROUGH TWO: More leadsPre-sold leadsCreate Demand ON Demand! Whether you’re using 2.0 with DMs or 3.0, once you’ve got your offer working you want more eyeballs to see your offer – and with earnings per click in the $50 to $100 range that I’ve been able to hit with PSM 3.0…even 10 more people a day seeing your offer is an extra $500 to $1,000 in your pocket a day.

I’ve made new breakthroughs in getting those eyeballs by what we LEAVE out, not what we add in. By doing LESS content and NOT MORE…and taking what worked and cloning it into new lead flow.

Where I used to pull 3 to 5 leads from an email or post, I often pull 30 to 50 now…with LESS SWEAT creating posts, emails and content.

*NEW BREAKTHROUGH THREE: Get PAID to grow your list, group or audience. Some folks like to pay for traffic. Some like to get it “free”.  I prefer to grow AND get paid!

I’ve figured out that growing an audience from the outside-in is slow like baking traffic in a conventional oven.

Growing an audience from the inside-out nukes up traffic fast like a micro-wave.

If there’s a faster and more CONSISTENT way to grow a group, email list or any audience, I don’t know what it is. (I’ve been at this since 2004.) I’ve doubled my group size in weeks. All it cost me was a Zoom call…then…I monetize the Zoom recordings into 5 and 6 figures.

And everyone THANKS ME!

I call this an Audience, Influence, and Income Multiplier Campaign. (AIM Campaign for short)

And as awesome as a bigger audience is…the best part is the explosion in your audience’s RESPONSE RATE.

Leads, sales, referrals MULTIPLY during and after the campaign.

I don’t see ANYBODY teaching this inside-out way to GROW AND CONVERT audiences!

*NEW BREAKTHROUGH FOUR: Turns More Cold traffic into Presold Traffic EASIER and often FASTER than webinars, strategy sessions, VSLs or anything else I’ve tried since 2004.

I will NOT reveal it here because I want this to be an edge for everyone on Planet Mojo.

But all I will say is: NETFLIX EFFECT!

I can watch a cold visitor come into my funnel…watch them devour content…and next thing I know, they reach out in my DMs and say, “How can I work with you?” – I will show you lots of examples! 

NEW and Expanded Million Dollar Template Library:

At the risk of writing a doc longer than the a government bill…

Let your fingers do the walking in the million dollar library and you’ll find emails, social posts, landing pages, dm sales examples, objection UN-handling examples and entire campaign including emails, landing pages and more, ready for you to deploy. **One campaign did $250,000 from a list less than 9,000 with NO PHONE CALLS, NO WEBINARS, NO VIDEO AND NO DMing…Yours for the taking! 

Before you mash the GIMME BUTTON: I am making PSM 3.0 available so cheap because this is PRE-SALE and “under construction”. When it’s all complete, pretty and sitting with a bow on top the investment will be $2,900. It will be a huge value then, but if you want to save some dough and you’ll pardon the “dust” let’s have fun and make it RAIN! 

DOUBLE DIAMOND LEVEL: Everything in Silver, Gold and Diamond + I’ll Be Your Offer and Messaging WINGMAN to Help Dial it All In for You…  

Payments between $999 and $4999 grants you everything above + we’ll jump on group Zoom bonus calls to go over your offers, objection handling, messaging, lead gen, audience growth campaign or whatever you want.

Any where I can lend my experience to save you time, hassle and get your sales notifications to start dinging your phone faster.

How many calls?

And why so inexpensive?

As few calls as possible, but as many as needed.


I want to make it easier for you.

I’m making your investment ridonkulous because…

I am going to USE YOU!

I am going to USE YOU to make PSM 3.0 the most USEFUL training on making big ticket sales (without drama) on the market.

So, I don’t know how many calls that will take.

I’m guessing between 3 to 8.

They will be spread out so we can put your offer and messaging OUT INTO THE MARKET…

…and steer as the MARKET gives us feedback.

In between calls you can…

Share Your Wins and Have a Shoulder to Lean On in our Double Diamond PSM Facebook Group

NOTE: I reserve the right to raise the level of investment at any time. 


I’m not a bashful fella.

And this is really not a testament to my IQ, but my experience in knowing what sells and what doesn’t…

I’ve developed sensitive “offer radar”.

I’ve taken an offers that weren’t getting any takers…

And in 20 minutes made over the offer and messaging and next thing they’re tapping in $5,000 sales the next day.

In many cases, like 8 out of 10…

The offer owners were already REALLY close to the “money bullseye”.

But close don’t buy ya bread in this biz, right?

I can spot this in minutes.

Where it may have taken them months on their own.

And at $1k, $5k or even $25k per sale…

Months of lost sales could put a kid through college, a car in the garage or (it’s happened multiple times) Mojoans buy their dream homes after dialing in their offer and messaging.

I won’t say I can do it in my sleep, but I’ve done it so much it feels like I can.


It was a hot azz humid Arkansas day. I was sitting in my pool. I got a crazy idea to test. The idea was to do a special type of post in my small Facebook group that would get all my buyers to raise their hands, show me their BUYING INTENT AND how much they were willing to PAY!

Not “theoretically” pay, but actually make a commitment to the price.

And do it IN ONE POST!

What happened next was over the course of 24-ish hours I had 200 COMMENTS…

I made an IMMEDIATE $10,000 from one buyer.

And over the course of some time, I sold nearly EVERY SINGLE ONE of the people who commented a high ticket program.

IN FACT, I’m looking at the post right now in the middle of writing this to you.

Out of all the commenters, I only count  3 people I did NOT sell anything to.

I made well over $100,000 from that ONE POST!

I’ve never shared this post/breakdown with anyone but my $48,000 Mojo Mastermind peeps.

(And a couple folks in my mastermind were commenters on that special post.)

I’ve never ever seen anyone do a post like this!

I did it in a Facebook group, but it could easily be done any social media where they allow comments:-) Which is about all of them!

I dunno for sure, but it’s a dang good bet that if all you did was run THIS ONE super easy post…ONE TIME…

You’d make back your Double Diamond investment many times over.

And there’s no law that says you can’t run it MULTIPLE times a year!

Let’s rock n’ roll…

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TRAVIS SAGO - Make Em Beg to Buy
TRAVIS SAGO – Make Em Beg to Buy

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