
The New Email Follow Up Machine


The New Email Follow Up Machine

Launch an Automated Email Follow-Up Machine
Mine Your Subscriber List to Consistently Convert Cold Leads into Red-Hot Buyers (Literally, While You Sleep)

Once Upon A Time…

People used to be thrilled to receive an email.

That cyborg voice chiming “You’ve got mail!” was music to your ears. A reminder that someone was thinking of you.

Back then, email users only received 2 or 3 new messages per day…and they were almost always from tech-savvy friends and loved ones.

But those days are gone.


One Hundred and Forty

That’s how many emails vie for attention in the average American’s inbox per day…140.

If we still heard “You’ve got mail!” every time an email hit our inbox, you can bet we’d throw our computers out the nearest window by lunchtime.

Newsletters, sales, announcements, surveys, and more—all are constantly competing for your customer’s attention, opens, and clicks.

That means as marketers, we’ve got a BIG job to do.

In today’s world, it’s not enough to just show up in your customers’ inboxes.

You must STAND OUT.

Every marketer has been told the same thing since before collecting email addresses was guarded by the CAN-SPAM Act:

The Money Is In The List

But collecting emails isn’t a guarantee you’ll make money.


It’s how you mine your list that counts.

Because if you want to turn your subscribers into customers, you gotta dig deep into their struggles and craft campaigns that bring them closer to what they’re trying to accomplish.

In other words, if your email marketing doesn’t:

  • Focus on your audience’s needs and what’s important to them…
  • Drive relationships as well as engagement…
  • Find intuitive ways to channel their desires towards your products…

You won’t build a strong enough bond with your subscribers and stand out from the sea of emails sitting in their inboxes.

And with that lack of obvious value…

…they’ll head right for the “Unsubscribe” button.



If you craft consistent messaging that builds familiarity and trust, your subscribers will actually get EXCITED to see your name in their inbox.

They might even look for your emails!

And even better…they’ll go from subscriber to customer.

So, how do you build that anticipation and get that kind of commitment?

The Automated Email Follow-Up Machine

In one of our most popular workshops ever, DigitalMarketer Co-Founders (and Email Marketing experts) Ryan Deiss and Richard Lindner give you their time-tested methods for getting your subscribers to consistently open your emails, engage with you, and become customers!

Even if you’ve never written “sales copy” in the past, we’ll show you how to build and automate an email follow-up series that converts.

Specifically, you’ll learn how to…

Turn Strangers into Friends with a Fully Customized Indoctrination Campaign

  • Launch an “Indoctrination Series” that makes a positive first impression and skyrockets the open rates of future emails
  • Take a page from real-life conversion examples like Angie’s List, Shinola, and SeaVees to see how well they stack up against your campaign
  • Swipe our copy-and-paste templates to make writing your emails quick, simple, and nearly impossible to mess up

Tailor Your Conversion Campaign to Fit Your Business’s Revenue Goals

  • Move your new subscribers to the “buy” phase as quickly and seamlessly as possible with our proven email templates
  • Leverage the 4 types of Conversion Triggers & when to deploy each to maximize revenue without “burning out” your list
  • Uncover the key conversion elements your campaign must include—like how to help your reader overcome their own objections

Optimize Your Campaigns For Best Possible Reach & Maximum Engagement

  • Discover the 4 types of subject lines that demand to be opened (PLUS: Swipe 30+ examples of “killer” subject lines for your own campaigns)
  • Stack your conversion series with bolt-on offers that reconnect you with “stubborn” customers who didn’t convert the first time
  • Grade the impact of every facet of your campaign (from subject line to call to action) with our “8-Point Automated Email Follow-up Series Audit”

Finally, a process you can implement today to nurture and convert your subscribers into the buyers of your core offer!

What You’ll Learn

  • Lifetime Access to the Workshop
  • The Email Follow-Up Machine Workbook
  • 37 Done-For-You Copy & Paste Email Templates
  • Indoctrination Series Checklist
  • 8-Point Automated Email Follow-up Series Audit

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The New Email Follow Up Machine
The New Email Follow Up Machine
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