
The Lazy Marketer – The AI Gold Rush Mastermind


Here’s the 4 Smartest Ways to Cash In Big From the AI Gold Rush – Right Now…

Even if You Can’t Write a Single Line of Code…

Watch the video to discover how:

I’ll save us both time and just get straight to the point…

It doesn’t take a genius to see that AI is seriously going to change everything if you’re running an online business of any kind.

Already, tools like ChatGPT can take mind-numbing stuff like coming up with content ideas, creating writer briefs, data entry & thousands of other tasks… and basically do things that used to take hours in a matter of seconds.

Predictably, there are literally hundreds of startups popping up that are just wrapping a simple interface around GPT. Mostly they’re just making tools that let users mass-produce content or ad copy.

But as I see it, those “obvious” use-cases are already getting saturated – and I think it’s a short-lived business model for a few reasons (see video above for details).

Instead, the smartest ways to cash in on this are more along the lines of how fortunes are really made any time there’s a gold rush, digital or otherwise…

  • Selling picks & shovels,
  • Specializing in niches, and
  • Rapidly building an audience

With this in mind, here’s what I see as the 4 smartest ways to cash in on the AI hypertrend, right now…

  • Discover how to build massive, overnight niche portals with a genius twist on GPT. (This is a goldmine in any conduit-friendly niche!)
  • Discover an epic, AI-powered service business that’s a total no-brainer offer for any brand with an active content strategy. (This sells itself, has crazy margins, and is now very easy to scale)
  • Discover the proven marketplace model that lets you build a huge B2B audience in the AI space – using other people’s traffic for free.
  • How to use AI to build huge traffic in thousands of utterly untapped enthusiast niches (where millions of fans are starving for a new type of content).

Key Point: Each of these business models – while unique – are still something you could literally build in a weekend. You don’t need to be a developer (or hire one) to take action on any of these.

Let’s take a look at what’s inside – as well as why this is different from our other reports…

What You Get:

AI Strategy #1: Niche Expert Portals

  • Discover how the technology behind ChatGPT can now be laser-focused and “trained” on specific content (books, websites, or even specific URLs), so that you can build a custom chatbot / content creation app that is actually an expert… on anything!
  • You can use this in so many different ways. Some examples are: Building an interactive “answer bot” or product comparison engine in your niche, resurrecting historical figures (imagine getting your writing critiqued… by Shakespeare, or having Winston Churchill help you write a speech), or even duplicating yourself, based on your existing knowledge base / blog posts.
  • Discover the genius strategy for using your “personalized” GPT bot to drive user-led content creation on a mass scale... giving Google exactly what it wants, and creating truly compelling, useful content in huge volumes.
  • Get our market analysis to see who’s already using this model
  • And get our detailed blueprint for exactly how to exploit this opportunity, ASAP

AI Strategy #2: The Channel Mixer

  • Discover how AI now makes it possible to convert virtually any kind of content into different formats, in a matter of seconds. (Eg. Turn any article into a video, or any video into an article, turn any blog post into a Twitter thread, etc.)
  • Unlike a word-for-word transcription, AI knows how to convert things so they’re actually enjoyable to read / watch / listen to. This means that multiplying your content strategy across every platform is now something you can do in a matter of hours vs. weeks.
  • Thousands of brands would currently kill for the ability to do this at scale, so they can just stick to the content they’re actually good at creating – while also benefiting from all the added reach of different formats… effectively multiplying the reach of their content.
  • There are already several agencies & packaged services that do this conventionally – but it’s not cheap. (Most clients would be paying $1K – $3K / mo, or even a lot more, depending on how much transcribing / reformatting is needed)
  • Competing as a powered-by-AI alternative that’s basically just as good, at half the price (or less) is a recipe for hypergrowth. And this is the kind of service that easily sells itself.
  • Get our market analysis to see who’s already using this model (or similar)
  • And get our detailed blueprint for exactly how to exploit this opportunity

AI Strategy #3: The Marketplace

  • Every day, there are literally dozens of new AI apps, tools & products being released – to the point where it’s actually very difficult to keep track of it all, even for industry insiders.
  • Existing SaaS marketplaces like AppSumo & ProductHunt are being overrun right now. There is definitely room – and a huge opportunity – to start a focused / themed AI marketplace.
  • But simply starting an “AppSumo for AI” isn’t the winning strategy – instead, you’ll have a lot more traction focusing on a category / industry, and featuring AI startups specific to it.
  • Get our market analysis to see who’s already using this model (or similar)
  • And get our detailed blueprint for exactly how to exploit this opportunity

AI Strategy #4: Enthusiast Niches

  • When I was CMO at PosiRank, one of our most interesting clients was a gaming website. All they did was create custom skins, mods & post content about playing a certain RPG…
  • At the time in 2014, they had so much traffic they were earning $2M/year just from display ads. Fast forward to 2023, and their traffic is nearly 3X higher than it was back then, and they’re earning $7M/yr. Wild.
  • The best part? The single RPG game the site is based on is 10 years old! 
  • The point is: There are tens of thousands of untapped enthusiast niches like this, with rabid, lifelong fans who are craving any kind of content about their favorite games, books, TV series, collectables… etc.
  • And now, thanks to AI, creating (and crowdsourcing) engaging new content, character illustrations, extended “fan fiction” and so on is now possible on a massive scaleThe amount of traffic on tap in these niches is astounding, and it’s easy to monetize.
  • This is especially powerful for stories / books / characters who are now in the public domain – where there are now no restrictions on derivative works.
  • Get our market analysis to see who’s already using this model (or similar)
  • And get our detailed blueprint for exactly how to exploit this opportunity

Strategy Session: Live Brainstorm & Consultation

  • Unlike our previous special reports where we just do a live AMA, this time we’re doing something much more interactive…
  • In a few weeks (TBA), we’ll do live brainstorming sessions for each of these business models.
  • You’re welcome to attend, and collaborate in real time as we investigate, brainstorm and map out a plausible strategy for each business model above. And of course, there will still be a no-holds-barred Q&A period as well
  • If you can’t attend – no worries – we’ll record the sessions and make it all available afterwards.

Catching the Right Wave Can Change Everything…

If they’re honest (and if they’ve had enough to drink), most successful people will admit that while hard work & persistence are certainly a factor in their story…

…usually there was a pivotal moment that acted as a catalyst, forever changing their trajectory – setting everything else into motion.

Maybe it was building hundreds of AdSense scraper sites back in the early 2000’s.

Maybe it was being one of the first app developers on Shopify.

Maybe it was buying $500 worth of Bitcoin on a whim back in 2011 (now worth $83M).

Years ago, my “moment” was a random marketing experiment. I created a really basic shareware tool that promoted a related product, and uploaded it to, which took all of 20 minutes.

I completely forgot about it until weeks later, when my web host notified me about hitting my traffic limits. Curious, I logged into my affiliate dashboard… and my jaw dropped.

That stupid, 20-minute experiment ended up driving millions of downloads, and generated about $80K in affiliate revenue over the weeks to follow. This was the catalyst, and I doubled-down on the strategy… ultimately earning millions over the next few years as a result.

This then provided the foundation for going on to build real brands & businesses for nearly two decades now.

But I often wonder… what if I didn’t run that 20-minute experiment? What if I didn’t catch that initial wave?

Who knows.

What I do know is that my story isn’t the exception. Almost everyone I’ve met who’s “made it big” with something has had a similar catalyst or key decision that forever changed their trajectory.

For some – like me – it was basically random. But for others it was intentional; a calculated risk that paid off in spades.

As an entrepreneur, catching the right wave – even just once – can change everything. But you need to know where the waves are gonna be… and where to be positioned.

And that’s exactly what this report lays out in detail.

And there’s no reason this can’t be your wave to catch…

I hope to see you on the inside 😉

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The Lazy Marketer – The AI Gold Rush Mastermind
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