
The Lazy Agency Owner’s Growth Toolkit


What is the Lazy Agency Owner’s Growth Toolkit?

The Lazy Agency Owner’s Growth Toolkit is the EXACT tools, systems and processes pulled directly from our working agency, that allows you to massively increase monthly revenue WITHOUT…

  • Wasting hours figuring out what to do
  • ​Trying to establish best ways to fulfill your services
  • ​​Working overtime and weekends and being on call 24/7
  • ​​Scrambling to replace clients all the time
  • Being a salesman – INSTEAD of being a real CEO/owner
I achieved this by Working ON my Business Instead of working IN my business.
I don’t put out fires 24 hours a day, or try to micromanage everything.
And as a result… this frees me up to LIVE A LIFE for a change – this is what the Lazy Agency Owner’s Growth Toolkit is all about.
If scaling your 1-2 person agency has you questioning if it’s worth all the gray hairs, then we need to talk…

The Lazy Agency Owner’s Growth Toolkit is a Shortcut to Execution

Before I created the Lazy Agency Owner’s Growth Toolkit – I was struggling with my Agency’s profitability and growth for years AND was seriously on the verge of giving up.
I was usually working 7 days a week, 12+ hours a day, neglecting my family to the point where nerves were frayed everytime I came home. I was trying everything I knew to move the agency into steady profitability and end the ‘feast or famine’ months.
Honestly, I felt like I got myself a deal I never signed up for.
Which led me to questioning everything and eventually turning the entire model upside down, breaking all the rules and freeing me from the chains of the old ways.
After several years of trial-and-error,  testing everything and figuring things out the hard way – without anyone guiding me I’ve finally reached a point where I had my best month yet of $129,000 and I didnt work any harder that month, than when I made $11,000. Most agencies never are able to grow like this since the owner suffers from constant burnout and the marketing they’re doing just fizzles out.
By the way, I don’t say any of this to brag or imply you’re not knowledgeable or up to speed. I say this out of respect, from one fellow agency owner to another.

Here’s What’s Included In The Toolkit

  • Want To Ramp Up With New Employees Fast? Hire New Employees From This Source, If You Also Know What To Avoid. (Hint: It’s Not Any Common Job Site)
  • How We Price Jobs So We NEVER Lose Money.
  • What Document Sharing Platform Is Working Best For Us Distributing Information To Our Teams.
  • Our Refined And Perfected Intake System For New Clients – THE MAJOR TIME & HASSLE SAVER.
  • Our Multi-Step Process To Managing Client Expectations. Our Fall-Out Rate Is VERY Low And This Is Why.
  • How We Manage Work Flows So Everyone Knows WHO Is Doing WHAT At All Times. This Is A Killer Process!
  • We Overhauled Outsourcing!… Our Process Leaves No Questions As To What SHOULD Be Outsourced And What Shouldn’t. (And Steps To Do It).
  • Client Says “Yes” Then Has To Pause The Project? How To Handle It And Save The Deal.
  • Social Media Mgmt Can Be A Real Pain UNLESS You Follow Our Precise Step-By-Step Process.
  • Getting Paid Month After Month Takes A Strategy. We Show You How To Invoice And Always Get Paid- Rather Than Chasing Clients For Money.
  • Successfully Running A Project Can Be A Challenge… You’ll Watch Over Our Shoulder As We Manage One From Start To Finish.
  • How To Build A Fully Automated, Hands-Off Agency In Just 6 Months. Totally Possible, If You’re Motivated.
  • How We Sell SEO And How We Manage The Ongoing Process. (One Of The Most Important Areas We Cover)
  • Go Inside Our Paid Media Campaigns For Social Media… And Copy What We’re Doing Right Now.
  • The Secrets Of Fulfilling Our Top 3 Services That Sold Over 1 Million In 2023.
  • Working REMOTELY From Anywhere Yet Staying On Top Of Everything. (This Should Be Your Long Range Goal.)
  • Our Twist That Turns Website Development Into A PRODUCT For Scalability. Critical Information.
  • How We Build And Maintain Websites For Clients. (Without Making It A Full Time, Grinding Job).
  • This Is KEY: ​Our Process To Centralize Client Information For Web Development Projects Is Yours Now.
  • Watch Us Build AUTHORITY Through Portfolio And Client Reviews.
  • What Works Best: ​Building A ‘Killer’ Website Portfolio That Sells Your Digital Agency.
  • PLUS, We Give You OUR PORTFOLIO Page To Use And To Lend You More Credibility!
  • The Biggest Barrier To Scaling Your Business Is Not ‘Productizing’ Your Website Design! (This Will Seem Counterintuitive, But You Can’t Grow Without It.)
  • The Website Discovery Pages We Use. (And You Need To Copy. This Is Where QUALITY CONTROL Starts.)
  • How And When To Engage The Outsourcer And Web Developer – The Process Dictates It All.
  • Our Formula For Presenting The Client With Their New Website… And Handling Changes. If You Don’t Have This Whole Thing Controlled,
  • Your $8,000 Website Sale Could Come Crashing Down.
  • The WRONG Way To Show The Client Their New Website. (BTW, This Is The Way 90%+ Of Developers Do It)
  • Setting A Completion Date For The Project Is About The PSYCHOLOGY First. (A $10,000 Tip).
  • How To Get 2/3rds Of The Price Quote Upfront – And NOT Have Any Resistance. We Do It Everyday.
  • After The Website Is Finalized, THIS Crucial Step Is Necessary. Miss It, And You Blow A Big Opportunity.
  • For PPC, What Determines If This Is A Good Fit? (We Teach You How To Know, OR What Alternatives There Are).
  • One Person Is Our Entire Google Ads Department (Running Ads For 20+ Clients). Discover What We’re Doing.
  • How We NEVER Front ANY Money For Our PPC Clients.
  • When You’re Low On Funds You May Bring In FRACTIONAL Project Managers. (All Explained)
  • A Design Trick That Combines A Home Page With A Landing Page — Can You Say Slick?
  • Inside Look At Sales, Costs And Profit Breakdown For Our PPC Campaigns. What Can I Say, It’s The Key To The Vault.
  • How We Reward PPC Managers AND Incentivize Them.
  • How We Incentivize Project Managers So Their Goals Align With Ours.
  • Are You Better Served To Have A LOCAL Outsourcer Or Not?
  • New Lead Programs We’re Testing. You’ll Hear About The Results. (We’re Never Afraid To Try Something.)

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The Lazy Agency Owner’s Growth Toolkit
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