
The Jewelry Juggernaut – The Profitable POD Fasttrack


Start Generating Bigger Profits in your POD Business as Quickly as Today!

This Course is Perfect for You If…

  • You struggle to come up with phrases that sell
  • You’re baffled by how to design products that people actually HAVE to buy
  • You need to eliminate creative block – proven phrase development worksheet used by 7 figure sellers

Why You Need This Course

You’ve just started your POD journey and figured out all those first steps of getting your first launches running. Now what? This course will give you the direction in building successful foundations for a profitable POD business.

Maybe you’ve been in the industry a while and have lost your way or your ‘Print on Demand Mojo’? Consider this course a ‘lifesaver’ for your POD business, with tons of actionable prompts to kickstart your phrase building & launching again and get it on the right path to becoming a profitable business once more.

From $120,000 in Debt, to creating multiple 6 & 7 Figure Ecommerce Businesses!

Have you ever felt trapped or weighed down in your circumstances? Not happy with where you’re at in life or what you’ve achieved?

I felt the exact same way as I was laying in bed next to my wife in early 2010. We’d just had our first child, Samuel. It was a Sunday morning, the only day I could have any kind of a sleep in and I was completely over it, wanting an opportunity to get online and to be at home with my family.

See, at the time I was a carpenter. Getting out of bed at 4:30am 6 days a week, unmotivated, preparing for another 1.5 hour drive to a job site in the middle of nowhere, to start at 7, where I’d spend 10-12 hours working hard, drive home, have dinner and be in bed by 9 to be able to do it all again the next day.

I had debt up to the eyeballs, struggling to make ends meet, stressed, wondering where I would get the money to pay my electricity bill, let alone the dozen other bills that were piling up, not to mention where I’d get the money for the next mortgage payment.

That Sunday morning, Carlie mentioned something that would change the course of our life forever, it was a comment that was conversational…it certainly wasn’t a “Hey Ronnie, this is how you’re going to hang up your tool belt forever…” kind of comment. As she was laying in bed on her iPad, scrolling through a flash sales website she innocently mentioned that she’d wish that there was a site like that for baby gear.

The Moment That Changed My Life Forever…

Immediately I got on my computer and started researching to see if there was a business like the one Carlie had mentioned earlier, and to my astonishment, there was nothing. That is the moment that changed my life forever and started me on the path to where I am today.

Within 3 hours I had managed to borrow some money from family, find a web designer, and had put together the wireframe of how I wanted my new website to be built. This was the first moment I started overspending on my new business. I agreed to a $35,000 contract to have my site built with a web designer that I’d met only hours earlier.

Bambino Brands was born and I put a hard line in the sand that I wanted it to launch on the 15th of August. Everything I did was focused on that date, finding suppliers, getting a warehouse, buying sorting tables and preparing for that first day I would eventually open.

I was in hustle mode and for the next 12 months I focused on growing my business. I’d cut my teeth on Facebook, building a highly engaged business page and running ads that were costing me a fortune. I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew was I had to spend money to make money. I was spending stupid! Very quickly I was spending more than I should have been to acquire customers and I needed help.

I was dreaming big, working hard and believing I could achieve anything. I started thinking about how I could get Bambino Brands acquired and started working on a plan to get in front of the big dogs. I needed money, that much was obvious. The business piqued the curiosity of the biggest flash sales site in Australia and we started hanging out and talking about what an acquisition would look like.

An Acquisition Was Imminent

An information memorandum was put together and I made the presentation in the hopes of finally being acquired and having the biggest steroid for the business I could have possibly imagined. To say that meeting didn’t go well would be an understatement, within minutes I had lost the only party that’d shown interest.

To rub salt in the wounds on my way home I found out a new competitor had launched backed by serious investment and run by a team that had experience in the industry. I was done. The stress, the workload, the disappointing potential acquisition.

I Was Done…

I had no idea how I was going to do it, but I knew I would. To make sure some of them were paid back I started looking for credit cards. Ones with long interest free periods, low repayments and as cheap as possible. This seemed to work well, although the limits were small it allowed me to start making good on my debts.

Good for my suppliers, bad for my credit and I had a new problem on my hands… I had no money coming in and could not meet the minimum repayments on these cards. As soon as a payment was missed I was smacked with heavy interest and I had a serious problem on my hands…this time, big banks.

I started fielding calls from debt collection agencies and lawyers. Incessantly I was getting hounded by “no caller id” all times of the day and into the night. The stress was at all time high but my belief remained firm…I would not go bankrupt.

That’s when I stumbled onto the next part of my journey that would continue to buy me more time whilst I worked out how I would pay back all this money. I started the “credit card shuffle”, going from interest free period to interest free period, sometimes buying up to 6 months of extra time to get my debts paid.

I Had Found Belief Again

I had met Suhail a few months earlier and for whatever reason he had agreed to try the online world with me. We managed to buy an undervalued website off Flippa and took over a site that made cheap websites. Wow, what an eye-opening experience that was… Building cheap websites for people with no money. People who expected the world for paying almost nothing, again, this would be a failed business endeavour.

Then, one day, I was scrolling through Facebook and started noticing a new company. Teespring was printing tshirts on demand and people were making incredible amounts of money. All we had to do was come up with a funny phrase, run ads on Facebook and Teespring would pay us once a “campaign” had ended.

The more I looked into it the more I thought it was something I had to try! I purchased a course and learned the in’s and out’s of how to profitably run ads on Facebook. The money that I was seeing people make was absolutely insane, more than I’d ever seen people making before and I was aligning myself to be doing the same thing.

Introducing…7 Years in the Making The Jewelry Juggernaut

Here is What You Get Inside the Course

If you’ve ever struggled with inconsistent results, wildly fluctuating ads, far too much debt than this is the course for you. I take you through all the different facets of running a successful Print on Demand business. Below you will see what is included in the course.

  • Over 50 Videos and free updates on any important changes and new videos added ($3695)
  • Get a FULL PRODUCT REVEAL of the product I scaled to make $39,188.77 cold hard cash in just 16 days (valued at $1995)
  • Get the EXACT LAUNCH & SCALING STRATEGY we have used and refined over 7 years that has created multiple 6 & 7 figure POD businesses. (valued at $2995)
  • Get the QUOTE & PHRASE Creation Spreadsheet that Supercharges Your Phrase Building Output (valued at $995)
  • Get the ELEMENTS OF A 6 FIGURE WINNER Strategy. A process that will allow you to create incredibly UNIQUE, ONE OF A KIND products people HAVE to have! ($2995)
  • Branded SHOPIFY STORE TUTORIAL. Create a store that exudes trust from the moment your visitors see your store. (valued at $495)
  • How to find 5 and 6-figure products with 6 of my favorite research methods
  • How to create your own VIRAL PRODUCTS
  • How to create unlimited Moneymaker Phrases with the phrase builder
  • How to create a HIGHLY ENGAGING Facebook Community that LOVE you!
  • How to create Viral Ad Launches testing with super low budgets.
  • Find out my relatively unknown POD partner! (That has HUGE profits)
    How to Create Facebook Ads, Custom Audiences & Lookalikes in Over the Shoulder Lessons
  • How to Create Niches on Demand by following a simple method that increases your chances of success exponentially
  • How to Hire Staff, Job Descriptions & SOP’s
  • How to HANDLE SUDDEN Success
  • How-to Mini Google Ads Course + Must Have Email Flows
  • How to create a Launch Schedule for Consistency

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The Jewelry Juggernaut – The Profitable POD Fasttrack
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