The Climber’s Theory



Power is taken, never given.

The age of the internet has made power such an elusive concept that your average guy no longer understands what true power is.

Iíll tell you what it is:

Power is being able to get what you want.

Money has purchasing power. Because in terms of buying,  the  more  money  you  have  the  more  you can buy.

But thatís not the only kind of power there is and this  is  where  many  get  lost.  At  the  absolute  highest level, power has very little to do with money.

The reason for this is because for you to even be there, having money is a prerequisite.

You donít expect to run for president while earning a few thousand dollars a year.

The purpose of this course is to show you the road map to power.

The  content  of  this  course  is  drawn  from  real-life parallels.

I have not networked with presidents. But I have used  every  single  technique  that  will  be  revealed throughout this course. This is not imagination; these are  things  that  work  in  the  real  world  and  utilizing extrapolation can be extended to the big leagues.

Before you go any further, I must mention that this course  is  specically  for  men.  So,  if  youíre  a  woman going through this course, you should probably put it down now. Thereís nothing of value in here for you.

The course will detail all the different principles you need to understand to acquire power and how to apply them in the real world. Each principle brings you a part of the machine that builds up on your project POWER.

Do not take this course as the all-be-all to acquiring power. It is a brief one and it does go over the concepts quite summarily. Use your intuition to extrapolate the ideas and try to be sharp.

If you cannot do this, then the power game isnít for you. A high level of intelligence and understanding is needed for someone taking up such a pursuit


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The Climber’s Theory

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