
The 3 Day “Attention Hacking” VIP Workshop – Stefan Georgi


How To Use “Attention Hacking” To Consistently Land New High-Paying Clients, Systematically Smash Nearly ANY Control You’re Trying To Beat, And Steal The BEST Customers In Any Market…

Keep reading if you’d like to discover…

  • The “S2E” Framework That Practically FORCES Prospects To Consume ANY Sales Message You Put Together (Applies to cold outreach, job board posts, client-attraction content, ads, emails, sales letters, VSLs, and more!)
  • How To Make A Full-Time Income As A Copywriter… Specializing In Writing Simple 150 Word Micro-Leads! (Imagine collecting 5K, 10K, even $20K BONUSES… just for cranking out 150 words of copy! I’ll show you how it’s possible… why it’s LESS competitive than email copywriting… PLUS give you A.I. templates for PRINTING high-performing Micro-Leads.)
  • Why “Evocative Velocity” Is The #1 Key To Commanding Attention In 2024 (Top filmmakers and an 18 year old female Youtuber ALL use this simple concept to OUTPERFORM many of the world’s “A-List” copywriters. The best part? You can model this strategy to produce top 1% results. )
  • The EXACT Step-By-Step “Micro-Lead Printing Process” I’ve personally used to produce over a DOZEN winning controls in the last 2.5 years… just for my 9-figure clients ALONE! (This is the SAME process I recently used to give a giant in the health space their BIGGEST front-end split test win EVER. And the whole thing took me 20 minutes.)
  • How You Can Get Two Of The Highest-Paid Copywriters Today…
    To Actually Help Optimize Your Copy WITH You… LIVE! (Our goal is for you to leave this workshop with air-tight sales messages… that are systematically structured to grab and hold MAXIMUM attention.)
  • Plus… Templates, Frameworks, CustomGPTS, And Other AI Shortcuts That Can Help You Execute These PROVEN Strategies A Whole Lot Faster!

Count down with me…




By the time you’re reading THIS… it’s usually already too late.

Because in today’s hyper-competitive marketplace…

Where consumers are faced with ENDLESS distractions…

You Have Less Than 3 Seconds To COMMAND Your Prospects’ Attention.

And if you don’t NAIL IT in those 3 seconds…
Poof. They’re gone. Back to their lives.
Or worse… off to buy from one of your competitors.
With no guarantee you’ll EVER get another chance to turn them into paying customers.
So, as dramatic as it sounds…
If you’re a marketer, a copywriter, a media buyer, an agency, own a direct response brand, or work with clients of any kind…
Your Ability To Execute For Those 3 Short Seconds… Heavily Impacts Your Current Quality Of Life.
Oh, by the way, that “3 second countdown” I started this letter with?

That’s called an ENGAGEMENT DEVICE.

It’s one of the many tricks I use to command attention.

There’s a bunch more of those tricks embedded within this letter, so make sure you keep reading… (yes that’s another)

Obviously, if you run offers/courses/coaching programs…

Then it’s easy to see how your ability to COMMAND prospects’ attention is a massive needle mover.

It determines how much of your content gets consumed.

How many sales you make.

How your ads perform.

And whether you spend your days EXCITED about SCALING your business…

Or STRESSING over how you’re going to cover this month’s bills.

And If You’re A Copywriter? Attention is EVERYTHING.

Because clients CAN’T ever hire you unless they know who you are.

Which means… you NEED a way to get on their radar.

And with thousands of copywriters flooding the markets… this is becoming more competitive than ever.

So your ability to COMMAND attention can make the DIFFERENCE between staying booked solid…

At rates YOU choose…

With a growing waiting list of eager clients sliding into YOUR DMs.

Or… feeling FORCED to belittle yourself on overpopulated job boards…

Fighting for gigs that pay table scraps…

And not even getting SELECTED for opportunities you’re OVERQUALIFIED for…

Because your responses are getting swallowed up in the red sea of “Sent you a message!” replies.

And once you actually HAVE clients?

Well, the RESULTS you produce for those clients…

Are ALSO going to rely on your ability to seize and HOLD attention with the copy you write.

Point blank…

If You Can’t Command Attention In The Market…

Your Copy Is Almost Guaranteed To Bomb.

And nobody is gonna want to rehire you…

So you’ll constantly find yourself stuck in that stressful circle of “looking for the next client…”

Likely even having to make crazy propositions like “not charging anything upfront…”

Which only REALLY tends to attract low-tier, tire-kicking grifters who just want free work.

Bottom line: attention isn’t just PART of the game.

Attention IS the game.

And the reputation and future you build AS a copywriter heavily depends on mastering this ONE skill.

The problem is…

Learning How To TRULY COMMAND Attention Is The Skill Most Marketers & Copywriters (Even GOOD Ones) Tend To Struggle With MOST!

How do I know this?


Between the hundreds of copywriters who’ve passed through Genesis…

All the copywriters we’ve managed as part of the CA Labs agency…

Plus… being responsible for pretty much ALL the 1-on-1 copy feedback given to members of the $30,000.00 a year CA Pro mastermind…

There are VERY few people on the planet who’ve looked at, analyzed, and helped OPTIMIZE more copy than I have over the last 2 years.

I’ve been “hands on” with over 60+ winning offers…

I’ve worked with many talented copywriters…

And successful marketers running 7, 8, and 9 figure businesses.

Yet… even at the HIGHEST level…

Where people KNOW all the basics.

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The 3 Day “Attention Hacking” VIP Workshop – Stefan Georgi
$497.00 $39.00 Add to Cart

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