
Terry Dean – Client Funnel Formula


Get Paid to Attract Your Ideal Clients

Why the ‘Buyers Search Engine’ Wants to Send You a Flood of Pre-Qualified Leads, Position You as the Premier Authority on Your Topic, and Deposit Money Directly to Your Bank Account

If you want to attract as many high-value clients as you can handle…and have them starving to buy your offers before they even visit your website, then you’re going to love what I’m about to share with you.

An audience of hungry buyers is the biggest advantage you could ever have in business.

And if you’re a consultant, coach, course creator, or service provider…the best source of premium clients is…

NOT Facebook.

NOT Google.

NOT Youtube.

NOT TikTok.

NOT Your Favorite Social Media Site.

Google has the most traffic, but a majority of their searches are for FREE information.

Amazon is where the buyers go.

63% of online shoppers go to Amazon to start searching for products (from a 2020 survey by

That stat includes all types of ecommerce products.

The percentage would be even higher for people buying information products.

Amazon is the KING of online retailers.

It’s where the majority of YOUR buyers go first.

When they search about your topic on Amazon, are they finding you…or your competition?

You might say, “I’m a high-end copywriter or coach.  My fees start at $15,000+.  Amazon buyers are looking for low-cost eBooks.”

Sure, they might start by buying an eBook, but that is just the FIRST transaction.

And you’re underestimating just how often…

Your Future Clients Are ALREADY Searching Amazon For Your Topic

A consultant that specializes in helping authors promote their books made a startling discovery recently…

When his clients got a specific number of reviews on Amazon for their book, their conversion rates shot through the roof.

I’m NOT talking about just their Amazon conversion rates.

This applied to EVERYTHING!

Sales on their website multiplied.

A higher percentage purchased on their webinars.

Orders flooded in from their emails.

Literally, everything they did, whether organic or with paid ads, became more profitable.  

All from the increased credibility they got from Amazon.

And this wasn’t a one-time occurrence.  It has happened again and again…in all types of markets.

Your book can make you the premier authority on your topic…if you set it up correctly.

It can multiply the income you’re currently earning from everything else you’re already doing.

It can give you an unfair advantage over all your competitors no matter what you sell.

And that’s NOT even counting the flood of new leads which come in from the book itself…

Thousands of New Pre-Sold Leads Each and Every Year

Amazon doesn’t give you a list of your book buyers.

But that doesn’t matter.

You can offer ‘Content Upgrades’ that make it irresistible for book buyers to join your email list.

These are easy add-ons that help your readers implement your advice.

One of my clients inserted a series of these throughout his book, and Amazon has sent tens of thousands of new subscribers to his list.

He recently shared with me that his business is close to the seven-figure level, primarily from leads which come from his book on Amazon.

Subscribers From Amazon are his BEST Buyers

And it’s easy to see why.

Who do you think is more likely to buy?

Someone who is interrupted by a short 30-second ad on Facebook…clicks to your website…and joins your list in the spur of the moment…

Or someone who actively searched for information on Amazon…purchased your book…immersed themselves in your message for several hours by reading it…and actively visited your website to download an ‘upgrade’ to help them implement your advice?

The value difference between those leads isn’t even close!

In the Facebook example, you’re just an interesting diversion if you’re lucky.

The Amazon lead has already bonded with you and is presold on following your methods…if you’ve followed the simple system I’m about to share with you.

Ask yourself this simple question…

What Major Thought Leader Doesn’t Have a Book Available on Amazon?

Seth Godin…Dan Kennedy…Michael Gerber…Gary Vaynerchuk…Dave Ramsey…Tim Ferris…Simon Sinek… Marie Forleo…Brene Brown…Ann Handley…Mari Smith…James Clear…Ray Dalio…Robert Kiyosaki…Oprah Winfrey…Jason Fung…Mark Hyman…Gary Chapman…Heidi Murkoff…Alan Weiss…Robert Cialdini…Donald Miller…Russell Brunson…Michael Matthews…Bob Bly…Dan Sullivan…Craig Groeschel…Perry Marshall…Tony Robbins…

This list could include thousands of names!

All the top authorities…no matter their field…have a book on Amazon.

Why wouldn’t they?

We’ve already covered how it is proven to boost your credibility and multiply the conversion of everything else you do.

How much money are you wasting by NOT having a book out there collecting high-value leads for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week?

But of course…having a book available on Amazon isn’t enough on its own.

You want a…

Bestselling Book That Attracts a Flood of Your Ideal Clients

You need to know the insider shortcuts to getting your book to show up on top of searches for your bulls-eye buyer keywords.

You want to rank high in the categories where your ideal clients shop.

You need a step-by-step system for coming up with a title that not only taps into the Amazon search algorithm, but also sells your book like hotcakes.

Create a description that engages your reader and makes your book the obvious choice to solve their overwhelming problem.

A map to create a book that turns readers into raving fans who leave 5-star reviews and jump at the chance to buy your other offers.

And most important of at all…an easy way to drive consistent sales of your book off of Amazon.

Because this is the obvious truth almost no one wants to talk about…

Amazon’s #1 goal is to sell more products.

All their algorithms are built around showing products that sell more often.

You’ll discover how to take full advantage of that by producing a book that sells to a specific target audience.

The more you sell, the more Amazon sells you.

It’s a symbiotic relationship with the biggest online retailer on the planet.

All the pieces of the puzzle are put together for you in the…

 Sales Page:_


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Terry Dean – Client Funnel Formula
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