
Tanner Henkel & Jerrod Harlan – 7-Figure Email Machine


How Two Normal Guys Made $5,286,115 Writing & Testing Simple 120-Word Emails

Discover the simple 4×4 Email System 7, 8, and 9 figure companies like Natural Health Sherpa, V Shred, and Credit Secrets use to increase “hidden” email profits by up to 227%…

And how you can use this step-by-step system to double, triple or even quadruple your freelance or business income…

Dear Copywriter, Marketer, or Business Owner,

What if there was a proven, reliable system you could use to write successful, cash-pulling emails, more consistently?

Instead of pulling your hair out trying to come up with winning email ideas…

Or feeling that knot in your stomach when you look at a blank screen & no idea what the hell to write.

Instead, you can actually sit down with confidence…

Open a proven email playbook used by some of the savviest (and richest) marketers on the planet…

And produce more winning emails – fast.

Whether you’re a solo freelancer with a few clients…

Or a business owner with an email list of 5,000, 100,000 or a million subscribers…

This email system I’m sharing today is a secret weapon you can use to make more money from every email you write & send.

This might sound a “little too good to be true”…

But I personally use this system to work with my dream clients, negotiate lucrative monthly retainers, and sign profit share deals most people swear are impossible for email copywriters…

… all because I now have the skills to double (even triple) my client’s email revenue!

So read this letter carefully, my friend…

Because I’m about to share exactly how you can add this under-utilized email system to your copywriting toolkit.

My name is Jerrod Harlan.

And yes, this is the exact step-by-step, revenue-generating email system my business partner, Tanner, and I use to make MILLIONS in affiliate & internal sales for our 7, 8, and 9-figure direct response companies!

I’m about 3 years into my freelance copywriting business…

Yet clients gladly pay me $10k+ per month to write super short emails (sometimes less than 100 words)…

Because they know I’ve written single emails that have generated tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars per email.

No, NOT every single email I write will make that much…

But very few other people can say they’ve made $396k… $197k… or even $79k for their clients simply by writing 3 separate emails.

Yes, one email made my client $396k in PROFIT in less than 6 months from a single email.

And I’m not the only person using this email system to rake in above-average industry profits…

Just look at my own email mentor, Tanner Henkel.

Tanner is only 3 years into copywriting as well…

And he’s using this profit-making system to run email marketing at V Shred — a 9-figure company — that is growing larger and scaling faster by using this email system to make record-breaking sales month after month.

Even world-class copywriters and marketers like Stefan Georgi, Justin Goff, Dan Ferrari, Kim Krause Schwalm, and Jimmy parent have seen how this email system drives clicks, boosts conversions, and increases sales…

They all endorse the system and recommend it to copywriters and business owners who want to level up their email marketing.

Introducing The 7-Figure Email Machine

A proven, step-by-step email system you can use to open the floodgates of profits in a direct response email list…

This is the exact system we use today to generate MILLIONS in sales for our 7, 8 and 9 figure clients.
We’ve broken down each step of the “120-word PWAT email formula” in a logical, easy to understand way…

So you can consistently write emails with a good chance of winning.

We walk-you-through multiple examples, in multiple niches, for each of the critical elements of the writing formula…

And we lay out the entire testing system for you, from A to Z…

So you can optimize every aspect of your emails and generate more money for yourself and your clients with EVERY send.

Here’s what’s inside…

Module 1: The secret selling power behind the 4×4 email system… and how you can use it to rake in more email profits…

Right away we get into the good stuff…

The deep-seeded psychological reasons these emails break sales records time and time again.

Plus, exactly when this system is right for YOU or your clients.

In a nutshell, module 1 is a necessary primer to “unlock” the full potential of this system.

You’ll discover…

The “magic” behind these short, straight-to-the point emails… and how to use them to make more money without relying on a celebrity guru or story-based formula…

The REAL reason most emails never get read (plus an easy way to make sure your emails stand out in a messy inbox)…

The #1 needle mover of every email creative…

98% of copywriters have this same “fatal flaw” as Paris Hilton, Michael Phelps, and Justin Timberlake… yet, when leveraged, you can become a sought after email copywriter.

The ethical email trick, discovered by a world-famous psychologist, to put the reader in buying frenzy mode without them seeing or knowing a thing about the product.

The “Terminator Test” that predicts how well an email is going to do before you even hit “send” (Warning: brushing THIS test off can result in 0 sales and embarrassing email bombs…)

2 things you MUST do before writing a lick of email (getting these right will virtually eliminate writer’s block & get even the most skeptical person to throw their cash at you).

The email method that allows even newbie copywriters to up their fees & make at least $250+ per email — oftentimes, much more. (I once used this method to land a $1000 gig for an email that took me all but 20 minutes to write.)

And much more!

After we talk through the theory behind the system — and how it fits with your current business — we get right into the action…

Module 2: Watch us “over-the-shoulder” as we develop three winning email angles from scratch…

We open up our email inbox…

Pick a completely random offer…

And talk through every step of our brainstorming & writing process.

So you’ll see us take a random sales letter, blank google doc, and draft 3 emails just like we would for our 9-figure clients.

We discuss…

Common “from name” mistakes that even some of the most experienced email marketers make… PLUS the right way to deploy this open-rate boosting technique to stop readers in their tracks and increase conversions.

The subtle connection between from names and subject lines (most people screw this up when testing “from names”)…

When to use short form and long form emails… and how to decide which is best for you or your clients… (make no mistake, you CAN use this system to write longer emails. In fact, there’s a very specific time when you should. We’ll tell you about it inside…)

How to write the first line of copy to “lock-in” your reader…

An easy way to write emails that tell your prospects what they want to hear… while priming them for a product that delivers what they really need…

Jerrod’s shortcut to finding winning angles… that boost click-through rates and pull prospects into the sales page copy…

Our now legendary “mini-testimonial” trick that hypnotizes the reader into open, click, and “buy now” mode…

What you can learn from housekeepers about writing winning subject lines (this subject line “trick” wins in split tests over and over and over again)

A sneaky way to write marketing emails that pass as pure entertainment for the reader, even though they’re being sold to (this ensures your emails are making sales, while your competitions’ are being tossed in spam)

Waited till the last minute to write your emails? Here’s the slacker-friendly way to find 3 (at minimum) money-making email angles without even knowing what’s being sold! (Not only can you write these emails super fast… but they’re usually the ones that bring in the most cash)

Exactly what words to copy and paste in your emails to not only “punch” them up, but have your reader hungry to buy on the sales page. (This is routinely done by the email marketing behemoths like Natural Health Sherpa, Credit Secrets, V-Shred, and more)

The 2 words to AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

Got a story in the sales letter? Here’s when and how to include it in your email. (But if you screw this up, the email WILL flop. We reveal how to do it right, at 34:40)

The “Bread & Butter” email used by 7, 8, and 9 figure companies like Beachbody, Bose, and AirBnB to make thousands of sales per email send. (Some would argue that you could grow a business using nothing but this type of email!)

And much more!

Module 3: How to turn a rough draft into “A-List” level email copy… AND boost open rates and conversions with attention-grabbing From Names and Subject Lines…

With all our ideas and angles fleshed out in a first draft…

The real fun starts…

In this module we’ll show you how to turn your angles into hard-hitting, clickable (but still compliant) email copy that converts.

Next we’ll share how we write subject lines and “from names” that can take your email and turn it into a winner.

After this module, you’re gonna be ready to start writing and testing the same style emails we write for our 8 and 9-figure clients…

You’ll discover…

A simple, yet powerful tactic to wake up your least responsive subscribers and turn them into buyers (A little caveat: although this works like gangbusters, I recommend using this once a month AT MOST.)

A subject line persuasion trick to skyrocket your open rates (this is used all the time by nurses, doctors, and even mechanics to earn more respect and attention)

The secret art of editing emails… and an easy way to make your emails extremely concise, simple, and clear… without making any false claims.

Simple transition words that create a “slippery slide” and keep prospects reading line after line…

The “Trilogy Law” that subconsciously boosts persuasion in your email…

A “from name” and subject line MISTAKE 90+% of copywriters make when delivering copy to their clients. (Simply do THIS instead and you’ll stand out as an expert.)

The RIGHT way to set up a split test when trying to find an email control. (Again, very few email marketers or business owners know how to do this properly. We’ll show you how inside…)

And much more!

There is so much value packed in this module…

If you’re a copywriter, you can complete this module and start implementing these strategies for your clients right away…

If you’re a business owner, you’re going to want to call a meeting with your entire marketing team to talk through your new ideas!

But we’re not done…

Module 4: The 4×4 testing system that turns good email copy into unbeatable controls…

Sometimes the smallest overlooked changes can make the biggest difference.

And inside this module we’ll show you 5-minute changes we’ve made to our email creatives that boosted response, beat controls, and gone on to generate thousands (or 10s of thousands) in extra sales revenue…

We break down the 4×4 testing method, including…

The “Toddler Tactic” you can use to write a winning from names and subject line in under 45 seconds.

Testing secrets of a world-class email copywriter and marketer (HINT: This is the secret sauce that separates newbies from legit A-Listers…)

The “Rapid Testing” method that can increase your email conversions in 10 minutes or less…

Watch us set up from name and subject line split tests in real-time… (I believe any copywriter or business owner could model these tests to find a winner in any niche)

And the fundamental testing sequence you must follow to ensure you get the most out of the 4×4 testing method…

And much… much more…

Module 5: A LIVE writing session with a freelance copywriter to show you how to use the million-dollar PWAT writing system in less than 39 minutes…

At this point you might be wondering what exactly is the PWAT formula and why is it so powerful?

Well I’m gonna break it down for you in depth… and explain why and how this formula works.

Next… I’ll show you exactly how to use it. I sat down with a freelance copywriter named Michael and showed him the ins and outs of the formula.

And in 39 minutes we wrote an entire PWAT email from scratch (which includes writing time AND some breaks for explanation).

If you’re a copywriter working with a new client…

Or a business working with a new copywriter…

This module walks you through the critical questions you must ask to get started… and craft killer copy in record time.

Plus you’ll see how we customize the PWAT email formula to fit a unique business voice, a new audience, and an entirely new product outside our niche..

You’ll discover…

A detailed explanation of the PWAT format… (so you know exactly how to use it)

Why you should simplify your offer and your solution in the copy if you want more conversions and better customers…

How to map your ideas, organize your thoughts, and establish the logical flow of your email… (this erases writers block and makes it easier to write high-converting emails)

How to ethically push emotional hot buttons starting in the first line of your email…

How to write highly “clickable” CTA’s that prime your reader to read and buy…

Now, you can probably agree these modules could completely change your business… or your career as a freelancer.

And alone they’d undoubtedly be worth your entire investment in the course…right?

I mean they provide a proven roadmap to hit more home runs — while avoiding costly strike outs — with your email copywriting…

AND we’ve shown you how to get even more money out of your email list…

In the shortest time possible.

So at this point, you’ve probably come to realize that…

The 7-Figure Email Machine provides a systematic way to craft wildly-profitable emails on demand…

Without complicated auto-responder sequences, drawn out “story” emails, or weird ISP hacks…

But it gets even better because we’re also including…

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