Sean D’Souza – The Brain Audit


The Brain Audit Why Clients Buy (And Why They Don’t)

Have you seen a customer back out of a deal at the very last minute?
(Have you seen your customer ready to sign up, and then mysteriously back away? Don’t you feel like tearing your hair out when customers do that?)

When a sale falls apart, it’s extremely frustrating!
And what’s frustrating is the fact that you don’t know at which point the sale fell apart. What you do know is that your product or service is really good for your customer. And that you’ve done everything to get them interested and ready to buy.

Yet despite being interested in what you’re selling, they shift, fidget—and then inexplicably walk away. And a ‘sure sale’ slips through your fingers forever! So what stops customers from buying? What stops them from moving ahead? What’s really going on in your customer’s brain?

And are you losing tons of business because you don’t know how the customer’s brain works?
Your customer’s brain is a lot like the ‘conveyor belt’ at the airport.

Have you ever waited for your bags at the airport? And would you leave the airport without taking all your bags off the conveyor belt? Even if there’s just one bag missing, you get tense. You’re not sure what to do.

Your customer’s brain is a lot like that conveyor belt.
If you don’t get those bags off the customer’s brain, the bags go round and round. Even one bag left behind can stop the sale from going through. But how are you going to take the bags off if you don’t even know what they look like?

Introducing The Brain Audit

The Brain Audit is a complete system that enables you to understand what’s going on inside the brain of your customer. It’s a system that is based on a deep understanding of how our mind works.
It shows you the bags inside your customer’s brain. It gives you an understanding of how the brain responds to specific psychological triggers. And it speeds up the sales process, without the need to be pushy.
Being pushy is unnecessary

That’s because pushiness creates an unnatural situation. The Brain Audit doesn’t teach you how to use mind tricks. It’s not a system of coercion. It doesn’t psyche the customer into buying against his or her will.
Instead it shows you how to attract the attention of a customer

It shows you how to keep that attention. It shows you where the attention wavers. And it takes you through a series of steps that we all take on a day-to-day basis when buying products or services.
And not only does it show you a step-by-step method, but it gives you a checklist that takes the ‘iffiness’ factor out of your own marketing and communication.

With The Brain Audit, you’re going to have consistent results

Mental Barriers That Slow You Down (And Derail Your Progress)
The reason why you’ll get consistent results is because of three simple reasons:

Reason 1: The Brain Audit is built on a system. It’s not random.
Reason 2: It isn’t some magic trick. It follows the decision-making pattern that we use everyday.
Reason 3: You can spot the mistakes and fix them thereby improving attraction and conversion.

So what’s in The Brain Audit? And how can it help you?
Here is just a tiny preview of what’s in The Brain Audit.

How the Brain Goes Through Decision-Making: Do you often wonder what your customer is thinking? Don’t leave the thought process to chance and let that customer walk away. Your customers don’t want to walk away. They want to buy from you. So how does the brain make decisions? And what causes it to get confused?

Is the Brain a Conveyor Belt?: Does the brain actually process thoughts in a step-by-step manner? Would you believe it’s not random at all? The Brain Audit is a tool that allows you to understand the predictability of a buying sequence. The moment you understand how the ‘conveyor belt’ concept works, you’ll see that your brain follows this sequence no matter what product or service you’re buying.

The Hidden Trigger: This one factor will turn everything you’ve learned on its head. Readers have changed their business cards, their websites and their whole way of thinking once they learned the extreme power of this simple trigger. When you use this trigger, you activate the curiosity of the brain and get customers engaged. Customers start asking questions, and instead of shooing you away, invite you to tell them more.

The Futility of Solutions: Most of us believe that we should talk about benefits and solutions. And benefits and solutions work, but they fail miserably if they’re placed out of the sequence. So where do you place your benefits? And why?

Getting the Customer’s Attention: The core of getting attention is to flag a customer down. But how are you going to do that if you don’t even know what gets their attention in the first place? The Brain Audit not only shows you how to get their attention, but actually get a response. This response helps you go ahead with the sale.

Targeting and Testing: Easily the most important factor of marketing is targeting. But how do you target? How do you target when you’ve got multiple products and services? How do you target when you’ve got such a wide potential customer base? The Brain Audit shows you how. Ignore targeting and you get close to zero-response and polite smiles.

Case Studies: How to create a killer case study based on the brain. Here are several case studies that help you create a distinct marketing tool that you can use in any business you start up.

Uniqueness: You’ve probably heard about a USP several times before. How do you stop your brand from being a commodity? There’s a comprehensive wealth of information within The Brain Audit that shows you how to go about defining your uniqueness in a step-by-step manner.

Is the Customer Ready To Buy?: Customers give you a clear indication when they’re ready to buy. But we read the signals all wrong. Instead of anticipating and preparing for this moment, we make the mistake of getting defensive, and it drives the customer away. So what does the customer say? How do we know that the customer is ready? You’ll be amazed that you’ve never realised this obvious buying signal before.

Attracting Ideal Customers: It’s all very fine to attract customers, but how do you attract the customers you want? There’s a simple way to attract the non-pesky customers. There’s a simple way to attract customers from specific industries or locations. With this information you get the dream customers and the painful customers never show up at all.

The Risk Factor: One of the biggest reasons customers don’t buy is the inherent risk. The risk of making a mistake; the risk of looking like a fool; the risk of wasting time, money and resources. Even when a customer is ready to buy the risk becomes an almost insurmountable wall. How do you reduce this risk to zero? And how do you explore the obvious as well as the hidden risks and get them out of the way?

The Next Step: You can get all the information in the world, but if you can’t benchmark or audit it, the information becomes pretty useless. Think of The Brain Audit system as ‘brain analytics’. You can test and measure, but more importantly you can spot EXACTLY when you’re doing something wrong—and fix it all by yourself.

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Sean D’Souza – The Brain Audit

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