
[Group Buy] Sandy Forster – Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy (2024)


Do You Love The Law of Attraction?
Are You Ready to Create a Life
Filled With Freedom and Prosperity?
Would You Enjoy Helping Others
While Being Paid Abundantly to Do So?

If you answered YES – your spirit will soar as you read these words and discover how your life will change forever… Hi, my name is Sandy Forster and I’ve transformed my life and thousands of others by using these exact principles.When I became an accredited Coach, I quickly created a wonderfully fulfilling and successful coaching business by combining the Law of Attraction with masterful practical strategies and prosperity consciousness processes.

I’ve coached people from all around the world helping them to create a life they love and I want to continue to transform as many lives as possible but I simply can’t do it all myself – so in 2008 I founded the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy…

Now I train people from around the world who are motivated and inspired and open to becoming a confident Law of Attraction Internationally Certified Coach. Thousands of Coaches have been through our training, from as young as 18 all the way to 71 years of age. Our training which is accessible world-wide now has Coaches in over 31 countries around the world including Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico, Switzerland, France, Denmark, Ecuador, Singapore, Germany, Thailand, South Africa, Poland, Romania and more!

Enrollment Now OPEN for our August 2024 intake

If your spirit is calling you to be part of this world-wide transformation – coaching others using the Law of Attraction so they to create success in whatever area they desire and in doing so YOU become confident, empowered and achieve your own success – then this is what you’ve been waiting for…

Inspired Spirit International Coach Certification Offers the Most Diverse Coach Training, Prosperity Consciousness Raising and Business Success Secrets in ONE Program

We combine Proven Coaching Models you can follow step by step WITH Law of Attraction Principles to create powerful long-lasting change… YOUR life will transform as you go through your training, because in order to coach others you will learn, apply and live the Law of Attraction in your own life as well as transform your money story into a strong prosperity consciousness so you begin to see and experience greater abundance in your own life.

Join us for this extraordinary certification and training program and the opportunity of a lifetime to study with other like-minded individuals from around the world. The Inspired Spirit International Coach Certification program is unlike any other Coach Certification available today. It combines practical proven coaching skills and strategies with leading edge processes, spiritual practices and ancient wisdom passed down through the ages.

Become an Internationally Certified Inspired Spirit Coach if:

Your spirit is calling you to do something worthwhile you love on a daily basis
You want to be the best YOU possible then take that knowledge into the world to help others do the same
You’re ready to break through your blocks and manifest the prosperity you’ve always desired
You want to create an additional stream of income (or a thriving business) where you are paid abundantly for helping others achieve their goals and live their dreams
You’re looking for step-by-step systems, proven processes and models you can take others through that are easy, fun and uplifting

How Does the Inspired Spirit Coach Certification Program work?

  • 9 Months of Training Modules (either live, video or audio) accessible by phone or internet anywhere in the world at a time that suits you. Each module takes approx. 60 mins to complete. PLUS, if you pay in full you can access the entire training immediately, no waiting for modules to be released weekly.
  • During your training and beyond you’ll have lifetime access to live calls every 2 weeks with Sandy and her team to ensure you understand the material and how to utilize it in your business and life.
  • Modules are taught by Sandy Forster and her team. Sandy is a multi-award winner business owner and a member of Jack Canfield’s exclusive Transformational Leadership Council alongside the world’s most famous authors, experts and personal empowerment teachers.
  • Sandy’s talent for applying the Law of Attraction combined with proven practical strategies in her own life have seen her go from welfare to millionaire. There truly is no-one better than Sandy to learn from when it comes to sharing Law of Attraction Secrets and money and success strategies
  • Weekly Inspired Notes, Worksheets, Handouts or checklists for each module. Great to refer back and re-enforce your learning.
  • Done-for-you coaching content to use with clients including Handouts, Templates, Exercises, Visualizations, Scripts, Samples and Processes
  • Coaching content materials are ready for you to use & brand as your own
  • A complete Done-For-You 12 session Coaching Program so you feel confident working with paying clients
  • Current Tuition includes live Mastermind Calls, and Bonuses and your Coach Training Program for a LIFETIME once certified, without any additional fees

Your Life Will Transform as You Embrace the Wisdom in Your Extensive Coach Training Course:

The secret of behind the secret

Are you aware that the Law of Attraction is just ONE of many powerful Universal Laws? In this section you’ll learn 16 of the most powerful laws that rule our entire universe including the Law of Attraction. When you enhance your understanding of these laws and consciously align and harmonize with them, you will be able to affect real and rapid change – and your life and the lives of your clients will totally transform. Discover how to become a true creator by integrating these powerful Spiritual Laws including:

  • The Law of Attraction
  • The Law of Deliberate Creation
  • The Law of Allowing
  • The Law of Abundance
  • And a dozen more powerful Laws which, when combined create magic in your life!

This understanding will enhance your life in ways you cannot begin to imagine. When you consciously tap into these simple, seemingly mystical, yet incredibly powerful Universal Principles, you will be well on your way to creating situations, circumstances and experiences in your life you’ve always desired, but had previously eluded you. You’ll also learn the amazing and mind-altering history and science behind the Law of Attraction which will change the way you see yourself in the world forever and allow you to access the amazing power you have within!

Masterful coaching skills for success

Let’s start you at the very beginning of your coaching journey. Discover why NOW is the right time to become a Coach and more importantly a Law of Attraction Coach. In these modules you’ll learn why the world is ready for coaching, what coaching is, how to be a masterful Coach and so much more. During these modules you’ll build a solid foundation of basic coaching skills and will begin to coach others using our powerful Law of Attraction coaching processes. You’ll discover:

  • What is coaching, what it is not and why it’s important
  • Coaching as a career or an added skill for your job or business
  • How The Secret has opened the door for you as a coach
  • Why being a Law of Attraction Coach is the best model for success
  • Becoming a good Coach and how to develop the qualities required
  • Follow our powerful Coaching Models to help client’s journey from where they are to where they want to be
  • Discover a framework for your coaching sessions that you can follow word for word, or enhance with your own personality and skills and flavor
  • How to weave Law of Attraction processes into your sessions for added power
  • Enhance your active listening, powerful questioning and direct communication skills
  • Discover how to use focus, authenticity and awareness in your sessions
  • Transformational goal setting methods
  • How to energetically align your clients to their dreams
  • Supporting clients to live their best life and make positive change
  • What to do before, during and after a coaching session
  • How to seamlessly transition clients into long term coaching
  • Done-For-You Coaching Content – Exercises, Visualizations, Ready-to-go Programs, Agreements, Checklists, Coaching Forms, Transformational Processes, Interactive Worksheets and more – so you hit the ground running with new clients

Million Dollar Mindset secret

The thinking that bought you to this exact place at this exact time in your prosperity journey is not what will take you and your business to the next level.By creating my own Million Dollar Mindset, I’ve gone from welfare to millionaire and I know how vital it is that you learn and embrace the beliefs, mindset and thinking of a million dollar entrepreneur. I’ll be sharing all my techniques, ideas and simple but powerful actions which you can use in your own life and business and use when coaching your own clients!

  • Discover the exact amount of money you need to live your dream life
  • Create a month by month plan to achieve your prosperity goals
  • Start to think like a million dollar entrepreneur
  • Transform your relationship with money
  • Break through your money blocks
  • Multiply the prosperity you make
  • Use ancient and cutting edge processes to attract abundance to you
  • Embrace the flow of money, prosperity and success

During these modules you’ll discover what’s been holding you back from the success you deserve and be gently guided through transformative prosperity processes. You will break through your self-imposed limitations, opening you to the highest vision of abundance you hold for yourself. You’ll learn how to use these powerful processes with your clients, and you will change who you are at a cellular level and finally step into the blissfully abundant business of your dreams.


Transformational Energy Processes

Now your understanding and confidence in your own abilities both as an individual and as a Coach is flourishing, now it’s time to take you and your clients to the next level. Learn a number of life-changing spiritual processes which can break through unconscious beliefs and blockages and allow you to make instant and lasting transformation.
You’ll be trained in over 36 simple but powerful processes – both ancient and cutting edge modalities to effect change in your and your clients lives. You’ll receive powerful subliminal audios to re-program your mind at a subconscious level as well as a complete step-by-step guide to create your own powerful, personal visualizations allow you and your clients to:

  • Release self-sabotage
  • Attract and manifest money
  • Achieve peak performance
  • Create loving relationships
  • Banish self-doubt and procrastination
  • Create a body they love
  • Attract success into their life
  • Create motivation and energy
  • Transform any lack into a prosperity consciousness
  • Create a healthy self-esteem
  • Quickly and clearly identify blocks that are standing in the way of their success, and clear them forever

These advanced transformational coaching techniques allow you to work on a completely different level than other ‘Life Coaches’. You’ll discover how to manage your mind, body and emotional state and coach your clients to achieve their goals and create the change they desire using these powerful transformational processes.


Secrets to divine manifesting

Over 20 years ago I first discovered these hidden truths and since then my life has done a complete turnaround. Real transformation occurs when you begin living these truths, rather than just knowing them… and now, you can live them too!

This is where you truly become what I call a marvelous manifestor. In these modules, you’ll bring all your previous learning and combine them with advanced meditation, visualization and energy processes to become a powerful agent for change. You’ll become aware of your divine self and begin creating from the highest expression of your being. By embracing these processes, you will easily draw to you situations, circumstances and experiences that bring you…

  • Joy and flow
  • Ease and grace
  • Peace and harmony
  • Abundance and prosperity
  • Love and connection
  • Blessings
  • And ALL good things

Using these processes enables your clients to live their best life and become the person they most dream of being. During these modules you will enhance your ability to create your life the way you want it to be and will realise the world offers you limitless opportunities and experiences. You really can BE and DO and HAVE anything your heart desires.


Blissful Business Building

Now you have the skills and confidence as an Inspired Spirit Coach and are stepping into the best version of yourself, it’s time to discover our proven process for business success as a Spiritual Coach. Rather than waste time, energy and money trying to make a profit from coaching, implement the secrets that enable our Coaches to start creating abundance… even before they become certified! You’ll not only learn how to implement this system in your business, my team will also create a website for you to ensure you can start taking on paying clients as soon as you’re ready.
We know the difference this makes to your coaching business and want to ensure your success. As part of these modules you’ll receive some amazing bonuses including your own website, products to attract clients and an audio program to sell, so you can generate instant revenue!
You’ll discover

  • Secrets to Coaching Success – a this step by step system exclusive to ISCA students to ensure you create abundance doing what you’re passionate about!
  • We’ll mastermind with you to help you choose your coaching niche
  • From free to fee – turn potential clients into paying customers using our special ISCA script to turn complimentary consults into paying clients
  • What to charge, and when to raise your fees
  • Creating a Desire Statement for your ideal business
  • What is a marketing message and how to create one
  • Envision your ideal life and build a business around your lifestyle
  • Attracting the perfect clients for your business
  • How to leverage your time and create more abundance through group coaching
  • Winning websites for Coaches… as an ISCA Coach you’ll get one FREE!
  • 25 ways to attract your ideal clients
  • How to easily gather success stories and testimonials
  • How to get other people to refer clients to you
  • How to have the ISCA send you clients once you’re certified

Beyond Coaching One-by-One

If you love working with clients, you’ll discover there’s something magical if you choose to move beyond one on one coaching. You’ll discover why working with groups or holding workshops, creating online courses, writing a book or even holding a retreat can be life-changing for you and those you work with. Many of our Coaches have done all this and more and discovered the secret to leveraging their time, money and impact. You’ll learn many models to grow your reach, transform more lives and make a bigger difference in the world. In these modules you’ll discover:

  • Group Coaching, workshops, online courses and retreats
  • Which model suits your personality and lifestyle
  • How to price your program
  • Whether to offer in person or online
  • Sample outline for weekly Group Coaching Sessions
  • Attracting your ideal participants
  • Authentic promotion of your offerings
  • Expanding your reach and making a bigger impact

As part of these modules, you’ll learn how to create your own products and programs to sell online to leverage your time and money while transforming more lives. These are some of our most popular modules as our Coaches discover the unlimited possibilities for themselves and their business.


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Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid


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[Group Buy] Sandy Forster – Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy (2024)
$3,800.00 $799.00 Add to Cart

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