[SALES] MindValley – Life Visioning


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Are you trapped living a life too small?

This Quest is for people who’re dissatisfied with modern goal-setting which leads to so many of us waking up one day in our 40s and beyond wondering what on earth happened to our life. This happens because we often set goals not on what our soul wants us to do, but what society wants us to do.

Forget society.

Listen to your soul.

What If The Path To Your Most Fulfilling Life Has Already Been Written By The Universe?

And all you needed to do was accept it? As per Dr. Michael Beckwith, there are no extra people on this planet. Each and every one of us is born for a special reason, a unique purpose that only we can fulfill.

The best part is — The Universe is always on your side and is constantly working for you to realize your unique purpose.

Still, most people still feel so deeply dissatisfied with where their lives are heading. If it’s heading anywhere at all.

What You’ll Learn

How The Life Visioning Mastery Will Help You Uncover Your Life Purpose

In the Life Visioning Mastery, you’re going to discover a spiritual framework that transcends any traditional goal-setting method out there, where you can instead operate from a place of pure inspiration. With that, comes complete clarity of what success truly means to you, so you’re no longer influenced by societal expectations and you’re free to craft a life that sings to your soul.

1. Get “Pulled” By A Vision For Your Life

No longer feel burdened to “motivate yourself” to achieve anything because you will be pulled by a powerful desire to create a reality that’s aligned with your soul’s calling.

2. Create Your Own Luck

Once you embrace the model of a “friendly Universe” where the world conspires for your success, you’ll instantly experience a deep sense of calm and certainty that you will always be living your highest purpose.

3. Free Yourself From Any, And All, External Expectations

Become so in tune with your soul’s calling that nothing—whether it’s the media, society, parents, culture, religion, and more—can sway you from living life on your terms.

4. Uncover The Greatest Version Of Yourself

Embrace the great understanding that comes through the Visioning process, and create the ideal conditions for the emergence of your unique gifts, talents, skills, and how the Universe wants to express itself through you.

5. Embrace Your Divine Consciousness

Understand your true, eternal nature as a spiritual being and watch your life unfold with more love, beauty and plentitude.

6. Tap Into Messages From The Universe

Discover advanced spiritual practices that will allow you to accept ‘downloads’ from the Universe and the collective consciousness where all knowledge originates. This will let you go beyond your limited viewpoint and experience creative epiphanies and certainty.

7. Experience “Oneness” For All Forms Of Life

Transcend the harmful ego, so you no longer see a separation between you and the rest of the world, and realize that you are indeed a unique expression of the Universe.

8. Go Beyond Traditional Goal-Setting

Learn how to manifest beyond your imagination, and open up exciting new possibilities for more success, more love, and more growth you never knew existed.


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MindValley - Life Visioning
[SALES] MindValley – Life Visioning

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