Russell Brunson – One Funnel Away Challenge


What Does…’One Funnel Away’ Mean To You…?

What does ‘One Funnel Away’ mean for you…?

For everyone it’s different…

For some of you, you’re in a job that you hate, and you’re trying to get out.

For others, you are entrepreneurs with your own company… but you’re stuck, and you’re not sure why.

And for others of you, you’re looking for that one funnel that will help you to have more impact on the world!

Before I share with you MY GOAL for this ‘One Funnel Away challenge for YOU… let me ask you a few questions…

If You Checked ANY Of The Boxes Above, Then I Want To Invite You To Join The ‘One Funnel Away’ Challenge And Change Your Business Forever!

What One Funnel Away Challenge?

One Funnel Away Challenge is a virtual coaching session held in 30days where Russell Brunson with two (2) of his top marketing coaches (Stephen Larsen and Julie Stoian) will hold you by hand to launch your first (or next) million-dollar generating sales funnel, with tasks (challenges) to be completed each day.

It doesn’t just end there…

You will also learn how to create, structure, launch, and market your products or services to thousands of prospects out there in the world willing to pay you.

The One Funnel Away Challenge will arm you to teeth every resource you ever need to perfect your sales funnel and offer so you can be able to serve your REAL audience the right way and make money of course.

Not just money…

But you’ll get to discover that the successes in life, marriage, and business have a lot to do with mindset. (More on that soon)

As a participant in this coaching session, you will have access to your own One Funnel Away Challenge membership area and there will also be a dedicated community where you get to directly interact with other people taking the challenge and get the motivation to complete each day’s lessons.

Who are the Coaches in the ClickFunnels OFA Challenge?

In the One funnel Away Challenge, you’ll have access to three coaches who are super proficient at what they do and have been in this marketing and business development game for decades. Imagine having Russell Brunson, Julie Stoian, and ‘offer master’ Stephen Larsen hold you by hand.

And walk you through the step-by-step method on how to properly sell products or services online.

And don’t tell me you don’t know these gurus. Let’s quickly review and talk about them for a bit.

#1 OFA Coach – Russell Brunson

We all know Russell doesn’t need any introduction. The founder of ClickFunnels software, a multiple 8 figure marketer and an author of the best selling Dotcom Secrets and Expert Secrets book.

He will, of course, teach you different tactics involved in marketing your offers the right way, which will make your competitors GO HOME.

All in video format.

In case you don’t know, Russell charges more than $25,000 just for his masterclass and well over $200,000 for a one-on-one.

#2 One Funnel Away Coach – Julie Stoian

Julie is 7 figure entrepreneur, 2comma award winner, and creator of several online courses, events, and masterminds.

She has built multiple million generating businesses over the years. She teaches and educates business owners on how to utilize digital marketing and sales funnels to explode in business and make an impact.

#3 Trainer/Coach – Steve Larsen

Of recent, Steve Larsen happens to be one of my favorite marketers and I always find myself consuming his contents almost on a daily basis.

He’s also a 2comma award winner for sure and one of the world’s most talented sales funnel experts and ‘offer’ guru. No doubt!

Being the founder of the popular sales funnels podcast called: Sales Funnel Radio, Steve is an expert you’ll never want to take his stuff for granted.

Steve Larsen is the one responsible for delivering most of the One Funnel Away live coaching calls with an extremely pumped-up and motivating charisma.

He guides you through all the daily videos and interactions.

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Russell Brunson – One Funnel Away Challenge

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