
Rob O’Rourke – Fox Legends Program


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I get this question all the time.

Not just from web designers but also from people looking to get started in web design.

The truth is this:

There is more money to be made from web design in 2023 than ever before.

Today’s web design market is worth over 40+ billion dollars in the US alone.

Here’s the catch, though.
99% of web designers will never make more than a few hundred dollars per website.
Let me explain why.
The old way of selling web design is DEAD.
One look at Fiverr or Upwork will show you that most web designers are struggling.
There are nearly 24,000 web designers building websites for under $100!
This is CRAZY.
All of these web designers have mastered the technical skills of web design…
But they’re selling websites for less than $10!
Now at this point, you might be thinking:
What if there is just no money to be made in web design?
How could I ever pay my bills competing with these low-priced web designers?
Should I just give up on web design entirely?
Which are all fair questions…
But like I told you, there is more money to be made from web design than ever before.
Let me explain how it works…

Why Many Web Designers Struggle
(And Most Fail)

Unfortunately, everything I just described is pretty common for web designers.

Despite there being more demand for web design than ever before…

The majority of web designers never even get their businesses off the ground.

And out of the ones who do, only a small percentage end up building a truly profitable business.

So you might be wondering…

What separates the successful web designers from the rest who struggle to even get started?

Its All About HOW You Approach Web Design

You see, most web designers focus on the wrong things when starting their businesses.

  • They spend hours and hours improving their coding and design skills, believing that’s all they need to be in high demand…
  • They focus on becoming experts in the latest website technology, thinking it will help them stand out from the thousands of other web designers online…
  • They focus on building fancy custom-coded websites, hoping that big-budget clients will want to hire them…

But here’s the problem with these approaches (and what the web design gurus that teach them won’t tell you):

They’re all focused on the things that business owners don’t care about.

Because the truth is…

Most business owners don’t care about custom-code or beautiful designs. They don’t care about what platform you build their website on or what plugins you use.

All they care about is what a website can do for their business.

The problems it can solve and the results it can provide.

This separates the web designers who quickly build profitable businesses from those who struggle to charge more than a few hundred dollars per website.

Because when you start thinking bigger than just code and design…

And start focusing on the things that business owners actually WANT to pay for…

Web design gets VERY profitable.

How do I know this?

Because I used to be in the exact same position you are in now…

From $200 Websites to a Six-Figure Web Design Business

Hey, I’m Rob O’Rourke.

And when I first started my web design business in 2016, I followed the same generic advice you probably did.

I developed my coding skills, built out my portfolio, and put all my time and energy into becoming a “better web designer”.

The result?

After six months of effort, I was stuck selling $200 websites on Upwork and hating every minute of it.

My clients were terrible…The projects took ages to complete….And I hadn’t come close to making a profit yet…

I was on the verge of giving up on my freelance dreams completely…

Then it hit me:

If I wanted to make more than $200 per website, I needed to offer more than some complex code or fancy website design.

I needed to focus on what a website could do for the businesses I worked with.

Things like improving their sales, bringing them more leads, and eliminating time-consuming processes.

So I decided to put this new approach into action.

And you know what’s funny?

The less I focused on the technical side of web design, the more money I made!

I went from charging $200 to $2,000 for a website within a few weeks.

And in just six months, I was getting paid up to $20,000 per website.

All because I started focusing on what really mattered to my clients.

Now I know that such a quick transformation might sound crazy…

And you might even be thinking, “If it’s that simple Rob, why isn’t every web designer using this approach?”

Well, the truth is…

There is A LOT of wrong advice out there.

Advice that keeps web designers around the world from achieving their dreams.

This is why I created Fox Legends…

The ONLY web design program that helps you develop the mindset and skills you really need to build a profitable web design business.


Fox Legends is a step-by-step program that shows you how to start – and grow – a profitable web design business.

Inside Fox Legends, we don’t teach you how to become a better coder or designer…

We teach you an approach to building your web design business that’s based on real experience and proven to get results.

One that doesn’t require you to have years of coding experience, pixel-perfect design skills, or an award-winning portfolio.

So whether you’re just getting started in web design or you have some experience but are struggling to make progress, you’ll quickly be able to:

  • Start getting paying clients, without needing a huge portfolio
  • Stand out from 95% of web designers in the market
  • ​Have high-paying clients come to you instead of begging for jobs on sites like Upwork and Fiverr
  • ​Charge 10 or even 20 times what the average web designer charges for a project
  • ​Work fewer hours and have more freedom in your life



The first phase is all about building a solid foundation for your profitable web design business. If you build a house on sand it will eventually collapse – and the same is true for web design.

  • Discover the 4 things every business owner NEEDS, and why most web designers fail to deliver them.
  • ​Discover the true value of web design and how to use it your advantage.
  • Learn the biggest mistake 95% of web designers make and how to avoid it.


In the second phase, I’ll teach you the essential mindset and habits for building a profitable web design business.

  • You will learn the #1 Mental Blueprint that allows you to reach any goal.
  • ​Discover the secret hack to change your self-image and boost your confidence
  • ​Learn the exact system I use to create long-lasting motivation.


Phase three will teach you the fastest way to go from zero to 6-figures in your business.

  • Learn how to quickly get your first paying clients, even if you’re just getting started and don’t have a portfolio.
  • ​Discover the “Fox Prospecting System” that I use to get high-paying clients, again and again.
  • ​​Learn the ”GREAT Framework” that got me from selling $100 websites to $10K websites FAST.


Phase four walks you step-by-step through the exact sales process that I use to close big deals. You’ll learn how to become confident at selling without being pushy.

  • Learn the ”CORE Sales Process” I use to close deals effortlessly.
  • ​​Learn to understand human psychology and get inside the mind of your dream client to create irresistible offers that crush your competitors.
  • ​​Discover 3 simple questions I used to go from zero sales experience to confidently closing big deals.


Phase five will flip your perspective and teach you exactly how to build websites clients will happily pay $10k+ for.

This isn’t a coding tutorial – it’s a crash course on marketing, sales, and creating massive value for businesses.

  • Discover the RIGHT way to start a project so you maximize profitability.
  • ​​Learn the step-by-step process I use to quickly build websites that get clients amazing results.
  • ​Find out the biggest mistake new web designers make that actually HURTS their results.


Finally, phase six shows you how to wrap up your web design projects and leave clients as happy as possible with your work.

  • Learn the easy tactic to get valuable client feedback that makes your website perfect.
  • ​​Discover the 10-Minute Technique I use to test my websites to make sure they are perfect.
  • ​How to get great client referrals you can leverage to get even better clients and bigger deals (template included)


On-Demand Training Content

When you join, you will get instant access to over 40 hours of content.

The training content outlines the exact steps to building a profitable web design business.

We cover everything step-by-step, so it’s easy to follow along.

All of the content is on-demand, so you can work on it when you want.

Monthly Live Coaching Calls

Every month you can attend two live group calls. These calls are the perfect place to ask questions and get feedback.

These calls will help you progress quickly and reach your goals quicker.

A Supportive Community

You get access to our private Fox Legends Facebook Group.

This is not some dead Facebook Group either. The community is one of the most appreciated parts of the program.

Our students are very active, and you will find a lot of support.

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Rob O’Rourke – Fox Legends Program
Rob O’Rourke – Fox Legends Program
$1,200.00 $32.00 Add to Cart

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