
Rachel Mazza – Advertorial 101 course


What If You Never Had To Sell To Cold Leads Again?

Instead – what if you could make all your leads “ready to buy” before they hit your sales page?

Most of my clients struggled to convert cold traffic – spending tons of money on ad campaigns that barely broke even…

Until we made one simple change to their funnel that exploded cold traffic conversions immediately.

That’s why I created the Advertorial 101 Training Program.

It’s a step-by-step coaching program on how to research, write, and publish advertorial presale pages that transform cold or skeptical readers into eager buyers – before they even land on your sales page!

How I Use This Simple “In Between” Step To Quickly Convert Cold Traffic and Lower Traffic Costs. 

A few years ago, I was approached by a client who had a big problem. They had a fantastic offer that sold like hot cakes to their existing audience, but struggled to scale the offer to cold traffic.

They knew they had a product that people wanted…And they knew their copy and landing pages were proven to convert….

But they were spending an obscene amount of money on ads, and barely breaking even.

After losing money week after week, they were ready to give up…Until we decided to test a simple “in between” part of their sales funnel that we hoped would finally crack cold traffic.

As soon as we tested this “missing link,” their cold traffic conversions increased by 80%. 

It worked so well, I decided to test it with other clients.

By changing this one simple thing about their sales funnels, all of them saw dramatic increases in click-through rates, conversions, and sales.

One client even increased engagement by 162% across our 12-day test campaign! 

All from adding in this simple “in between” step in their funnel.

What was this missing link that finally made cold traffic “work”? These powerful pieces of copy go by many names, including driver pages, customer activation pages, and more.

I call them Advertorial Pre-Sale Pages. They’re so successful at converting cold traffic, that I was able to build a successful copy agency with a team of 15 writers who exclusively wrote advertorials for our clients.  Now I’d like to show you how to use these “in between” pages to lower your traffic costs, and dramatically increase conversions to cold or skeptical audiences.

Less Ad Spend – More Conversions

The hardest part about converting cold traffic is gaining their trust and attention.  That’s because people are over marketed to, which means they’re inherently skeptical

We see 20 times more advertising today than we did 50 years ago. In fact, the average American sees between 4,000 – 10,000 ads EVERY SINGLE DAY.

This rapid shift means that people are constantly bombarded with sales messages – making them skeptical and desensitized to most advertising. That’s why it’s not always enough to get that first cold click and send prospects straight to your sales page.

The fact is, converting cold traffic is hard. 

So hard that most businesses lose their shirt trying everything to finally get a cold traffic funnel to “work.” But what if you didn’t have to?  The great thing about Advertorial Pre-Sale Pages are that you NEVER have to convert cold traffic.
Instead, you use this powerful “in between” step to build trust and familiarity that warms up your traffic BEFORE they hit your sales page.

This means your sales page is speaking to warmer leads – giving you higher conversion rates, and helping you pay less to bring in cold traffic that converts.

Here’s how it works…

These “in between” pre-sale landing pages – called advertorials – cleverly disguise sales copy as content the reader actually wants to read and share.

They sit between the initial touch point – where you first interact with your new prospects – and the point where you ask for the sale.

Like this:

If you can figure out how to create and use these pages correctly, not only will this increase your cold traffic conversions, but will also lower your traffic costs if you run paid ads…

… reducing your cost per acquisition (CPA) and putting more money in your pocket.

And if you’re a copywriter who works with clients? Advertorial presale pages are a perfect addition to your copywriting arsenal.

They’re more approachable than a massive sales page, and easy to sell to clients since they make cold traffic funnels extremely profitable.

In fact, I’ve had clients pay upwards of $2,500 for a SINGLE advertorial page that I wrote in just a few hours.
The thing is, to make this work…

You’ve GOT to know how to get readers in the right mindset to buy BEFORE showing them your sales message.

Otherwise you’ll trigger your prospect’s ‘salesman alarm’ and lose them before they ever land on your sales page. You see, most marketers struggle to create these presale pages without coming across as “spammy” or “salesy.”

And if you don’t get that balance between editorial and ad just right…

… your new prospect will click away before you get the chance to build enough trust and familiarity to transform them into warm leads.

If we haven’t met yet, I’m Rachel Mazza. 

I’m a direct response copywriter and sales funnel consultant who helps business owners scale their offers to cold traffic.

I’ve been building and managing sales campaigns for nearly a decade – both in my own businesses, and for my private clients.

Along the way, I’ve coached hundreds of copywriters and marketers – helping them develop their skills, and earn big wins for their own business or their clients.

I taught them the same skills, systems, and templates I used to build a successful copy agency that created thousands of advertorial presale pages across dozens of industries.

And now I’d like to share them with you.

Join me and a select group of marketers as I open the doors to this live training program to the public for the very first time.

By the end of this 4-week program, you’ll be able to:

  • Create an advertorial tailored to your specific industry and market
  • Craft a hook that grabs cold reader’s attention and keeps them engaged
  • Build the perfect balance of editorial and ad so your copy never comes across as spammy or ‘salesy’
  • Find and use true stories from your audience that build instant trust and familiarity with cold readers
  • Put cold leads in the “buyer’s mindset” before sending them to your sales page
  • Instantly overcome objections from skeptical audiences.
  • Learn where to publish your advertorial for best results
  • Design entire advertorial presale funnel from scratch that helps lower traffic costs
  • And more… all with plenty of examples

Here’s what’s included in the Advertorial 101 training program 

  • 4 in-depth lessons teaching you how to design, research, write and use effective advertorials
  • Weekly homework assignments to make sure you’re consistently making progress and building out your advertorial portfolio
  • Frameworks, templates, and systems I use to build successful advertorials for my own clients
  • Bonus training resources to give you lots of real-life examples and help you apply what your learning quickly
  • Copy breakdowns to inspire you and help you come up with creative hooks and ideas
  • And more.

Here’s how it works:

You’ll get instant access to your private learning dashboard. This includes  unlimited access to your lessons and bonus training materials.

Lesson 1 – Converting Cold Traffic 101

In Lesson 1 you’ll learn how advertorials work and how they’re used across various industries and business models. We’ll also deep-dive into the psychology behind advertorials and how they differ from sales page copy.

Lesson 2 – Million Dollar Hooks

In Lesson 2 you’ll learn how to create an engaging hook based on your audience’s awareness level so your copy never comes across as spammy or salesy. You’ll also learn my research system for finding true stories that make an instant personal connection with your reader – building trust and familiarity quickly.

Lesson 3 – Lighting Speed Advertorial Creation

In Lesson 3 you’ll learn how to design and structure an advertorial that works for your specific industry and business. You’ll learn how to choose from different types of advertorials, then build a clear outline so it’s easy to write copy that flows smoothly and naturally throughout the piece.

I’ll also share the same templates I used to build out a successful copy agency that exclusively wrote advertorials for clients across dozens of niches.

Lesson 4 – Advanced Advertorial Secrets

In Lesson 4 you’ll learn my simple process for creating advertorials quickly so you can test ideas for your new campaigns. You’ll also learn where to publish your advertorial, how to use content networks to expand your reach, and how to design an entire pre-sale funnel that transforms readers from cold leads to profitable customers.

All with plenty of real-world examples along the way.

I’m going to show you advertorials that worked like crazy, and break down their strategies so YOU can use them in your own advertorials and funnels to make more sales.

You’ll have lifetime access to your private training dashboard, so you can go through the training at your own pace.

After every training session, the assignments will help you create valuable assets for your advertorial portfolio.

This means you’ll be able to ask questions, get feedback on your copy, and get all the support you need to implement everything you’ve learned in the real-world.

What’s the Investment?

The enrollment fee for The Advertorial 101 Training program is a one-time payment of $497.

That includes the 4 training sessions, the 4 homework assignments, and access to FAQ videos to help you answer any lingering questions you have as you go through the program.

I should also let you know that this may be one of the only times I offer this training program at this low price. 

As my business continues to evolve, I’m always looking for new ways to support and service my audience.

Because of that, I plan to offer this program as part of a high-level mastermind in the near future. That way new students can get all the training PLUS my personal coaching and feedback on their copy.

So if you’re on the fence, don’t wait too long because this will probably be the lowest price you’ll see.

With all that said – the way I see it, you’ve got 2 options.

Option #1: Muddle through endless hours and expensive ad-spend to test, tweak and hope your way through scaling your offer to cold traffic…

Or Option #2: Take advantage of this ridiculously low “pilot program” pricing to get in-depth training and live Q&A sessions, where you’ll get my personal attention as you learn how to create persuasive pre-sale pages from scratch.

If you’re committed to putting in the effort to implement what you learn here, then The Advertorial 101 Training program can show you how to convert more cold traffic quickly while lowering your traffic costs.

It can help you shortcut the difficult, expensive process of scaling your business to cold traffic audiences.

I’m going “all in” and giving you everything I have in this program to help make that process as easy as possible for you.

That’s why I say that this program is designed for a very specific type of person….

Someone who is willing to show up big for themselves or their clients, and implement what they’ve learned with the help of a seasoned coach.

Does that sound like you?

If so, click the button below to get access, and we’ll dive right in.

I look forward to seeing you inside.


Rachel Mazza

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Rachel Mazza - Advertorial 101 course
Rachel Mazza – Advertorial 101 course
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