
Niko Velikov – The Targeting Academy


Why This New Advertising Approach Drives 5,257 Leads For $1.46, And Generates 119 Sales For $4.48

  • This approach to advertising is brand new and it works in 2023!
  • This approach is designed for people selling online courses, services, masterminds, high-ticket items, and information products!
  • This approach generated 36 appointments in the last few weeks! The cost per booked call is $39.46!
  • This approach drove 5,257 webinar leads and the cost per lead is $1.46! (USA market only)
  • This approach is ideal for people looking to target niche audience. Because… let’s face it broad targeting does NOT work for niche products!
  • This approach is perfect for complete beginners and even more advanced Facebook Ads Experts! 

If You’re a Coach, Consultant, Service Provider, Agency Owner, Content Creator, Media Buyer or Course Creator, I Have Some Good News for You!

I discovered a new advertising approach that helps you generate more leads, book more appointments, and make more sales than ever before.

And this is the exact approach that allows me to book calls for $39.46 each, and I was able to reduce the cost per purchase for my campaigns from more than $240.23 per purchase to $72.20.

With this approach, I’m generating leads for $1.46 and driving sales for just $4.48!

You’ll see the proof below..

That’s the same exact approach I’m using to get you to read this page right now!

It’s pretty cool, right?

I’ll get to my advertising approach in a second, but first, let me explain why the traditional way of advertising does not work for most media buyers, coaches, consultants, service providers, agency owners, content creators, and course creators.

If you already have a well-defined niche, it becomes harder and harder to target your niche with Facebook ads because most of the ad networks have already removed the detailed targeting.

Facebook™ Announced The Removal of Some Detailed Targeting Options On November 9, 2021.

And it’s getting worse…

Because from January 6, 2022, Facebook started to remove even more detailed targeting options.

Because of this, now you can only target larger audiences that consist of a lot of people, your audiences could be $1M – $10M people, or even more.

If you sell to a well-defined niche, you know that people who are going to buy are not $10M.

Maybe out of these $10M people, only 10,000 – 50,000 might be interested, but why spend the money on people who are not even interested?

If you have to target 10M people, it’s almost impossible to target “the people who can actually afford it” or your ideal market.

This results in spending a lot of time and money on people who are not qualified to buy.

This leads to a higher cost per conversion and makes the ad platforms too expensive and ineffective to use.

That’s why many coaches, consultants, service providers, agency owners, content creators, and course creators struggle to get good consistent results with Facebook™ ads and believe that ads are not an effective way to get business.

But I found a new legal way to target specific Facebook groups and Facebook pages, that makes ads work again!

This Works So Well Because, with This Brand-New Facebook™ Ads Approach, You Can Target Specific Facebook™ Groups and Facebook™ Pages

But you don’t know me yet…

My name is Niko Velikov. I’m the CEO and Founder of NV Marketing.

I started my business with pen, paper, and a $400 laptop in one of the poorest countries in Europe, Bulgaria.

Today, 8 years later, my ads generated over $30M in sales for clients.

I specialize in selling online courses, coaching programs, masterminds, and services with Facebook™ ads.

My standard of living depends on my ability to run Facebook™ ads profitably.

That’s why I bought the most expensive online courses, I joined different masterminds, but more importantly, I spent millions of dollars on ads!

I tested pretty much every advertising strategy I could, but I haven’t seen a better approach to Facebook™ ads so far…

And the best part, this targeting is only available to a few!

That way, you can target a very niche market, and this works extremely well if you want to get B2B clients, high-income individuals, people “who have money to afford it,” and pretty much anybody who joined a group or liked a page.

This approach places your ads right in front of people who are most likely to book calls, fill in your forms, or buy your products.

With this approach, you know exactly who’ll see your ads!

Why Targeting Specific Facebook™ Groups and Pages Is The #1 Thing You Need To Do If You Want To Grow Your Business This Year

I tested this targeting approach for the first time early in May 2023.

I managed to book 34 appointments with “people who can actually afford it.”

Most of the people were highly qualified, but I mainly sell “done for you” services, so I had to stop the campaigns because I had booked more calls than I can handle.

Yes, I’m a one-man show

And all this happened in just two short weeks!

What was the cost per booked call?

As you can see on the screen, I’ve spent $1329.30. I booked 34 appointments and ran my ads mainly in the USA & Canada.

What was the quality of the leads?


Out of these 34 appointments, I managed to close 7 deals. And this is just the very first month I tested it.

The appointments were way too much for me to handle. I can’t even imagine what will happen if I start scaling…

This approach will work great for high-ticket business owners, agency owners, coaches, consultants, course creators, and content creators, media buyers.

This approach will work great for any marketing objective you have — this could be booking calls, generating leads, or making sales.

If you want to generate more leads, book more calls, or get more sales – this is exactly for you!

I have to say that I’ve been advertising for more than 8 years.

Some of my ads have made 7-figures, but I have never seen something that effective.

That’s why I decided to put this approach to the test.

I Tested This Approach In Very Different Campaigns And The Results…

Let me explain!

I have a client selling an online course priced at $97.

I managed to find relevant groups and pages for this course.

In just the month of August, the campaign drove 119 purchases at a cost per purchase of $4.48!

This means that for the $533.69 we spent on ads, we managed to bring in $11,543 just on the front end!

That’s pretty crazy, right? (screenshot below)

But there’s more!

I had a campaign aimed at driving leads for an online webinar.

Usually, given how ads worked, I expected the cost per webinar registration to be around $5 – $10.

And that was a very optimistic goal having in mind we were targeting only the USA.

I decided to target groups and pages relevant to the webinar topic.

I wondered if this approach would work for lead generation.

The results were insane…

The campaign drove 5,257 leads at a cost per lead of $1.46!

I couldn’t believe the results.

Since I started running ads, I haven’t seen anything this effective.

Most people don’t know how to target specific groups and pages — that’s why ads don’t work for them.

But with this approach to targeting, it’s a game-changer.

Here’s a quick comparison between how most people run ads and how they should actually be run…

The Targeting Academy: Facebook™ Pages & Facebook™ Group Edition

5-Module Online Course: Teaching Beginner-To-Advanced Facebook™ Targeting for Optimal Business Growth

The Targeting Academy is my 5-module online course designed to teach coaches, consultants, service providers, agency owners, media buyers content creators, and course creators how to target specific Facebook™ groups and Facebook™ pages so they can generate more leads, book more appointments, and make more sales.

Whether you’re a complete beginner or a more advanced marketer, The Targeting Academy will provide you with the knowledge and strategies for creating profitable ad campaigns!

Here’s what you’re going to learn:

MODULE 1 Introduction To Facebook Advertising

In the first module, we will focus on the fundamentals of Facebook advertising. We’re going to discuss the power of Facebook™ ads and the most important things you need to know before you start advertising. Many people dive straight into running ads, but this first module will be essential to your success.

We are going to cover…

  • Overview of Social Media Advertising and Why It’s So Effective
  • Overview of Different Types of Ads (Image Ads, Video Ads, Carousel Ads, etc.)
  • Introduction to Targeting Options (e.g. Location, Age, Gender, Interests, Behaviors, etc.)
  • How the Advertising Algorithm Works and How To Use It To Drive More Leads & Sales
MODULE 2 Defining Your Target Audience

Defining your ideal customer is an extremely important step towards your success. In this module, I’m going to show you the #1 strategy to identify your ideal customer on Facebook. Because in order to attract thousands of people, you need to figure out how to attract just ONE. And this is exactly what you’ll learn in module two!

We are also going to cover…

  • The Importance of Targeting Your Perfect Client
  • How to Identify Your Target Audience and Find Your Perfect Client
  • Three Tools That Will Help You Learn More About Your Target Audience
  • Introduction to Buyer Personas and How to Create Buyer Personas That Will Generate Profits in the Long Run

MODULE 3 Creating Effective Ad Campaigns

Many people can not make ads work because they don’t know what to focus on. There’s way too much confusing information out there. Here, we’ll break down the anatomy of the 7-figure campaign. Once you complete this module, you can set ads that convert from the get-go!

We are also going to cover…

  • Setting Up a Facebook Ad Campaign The Right Way
  • The Art of Creating Ad Copy and Creative That Resonates With Your Target Audience
  • Introduction to Ad Optimization Techniques (e.g. A/B Testing, Ad Placement, etc.)

MODULE 4 Beginner To Advanced Targeting

We will take your targeting game to the next level, and here I will show you how to use advanced targeting techniques that are completely different from what you’ve seen! These techniques are the secret sauce to my 7-figures campaigns.

We are also going to cover…

  • The Most Effective Way to Generate Leads and Book Appointments
  • The Best Targeting for Campaigns Optimized for Purchases
  • How to Structure Your Ad Account So You Can Get the Most Out of Your Ads and Save Money
  • How to Target 10 – 30 Facebook Groups and Pages

MODULE 5 Optimizing & Scaling Facebook Ads For Insane Results

You’re going to learn how to run ads that are profitable from the start, but how do you scale? How do you go from making $100 daily to $1,000 to $10,000 per day with Facebook ads? I’ll give you my #1 Facebook ads scaling framework responsible for over $30M in sales! With this framework, you’ll be able to scale ads better than the most experienced Facebook ad experts out there!

We are also going to cover…

  • How to Measure Ad Campaign Results, So You’re Not Wasting Your Money
  • How to Make Adjustments to Ad Campaigns to Improve Performance
  • How to Analyze Data to Determine What’s Working and What’s Not

That’s great! But How Much Does It Cost?

Now you’ll say, Niko this sounds great, but how much does it cost?

Well, for the information in The Targeting Academy I can easily charge at least $997, but because this is the first time I launch my online course to the public the price will be different.

I’ll reveal the price in a second…

I believe that The Targeting Academy is the #1 online course you need to grow your business this year, and because I really want to make this a no-brainer for you – I’ll include some bonuses.

Sales Page:_


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