
[GroupBuy] Natural Harmonization of Face (Works For Both Men and Women )


Dear friends! You can join the course at any time, it’s pre-recorded, and you can learn at your own pace. The access is 1 year from the date of payment.

Included with your course purchase is daily feedback with me, Lilia, a co-author of this course, the author of a popular blog about cranial biomechanics and connection between our occlusion and posture. I consult you individually and answer all your questions with the help of my assistants, Svetlana and Amir.

What will you find on this course?

🟢 The first part of the course focuses specifically on mewing. First, we will restore the correct function of the body, and then you will learn manual osteopathic techniques for remodeling the position of the bones of the facial skull and techniques of cranial gymnastics to relax the dura mater so that the process goes more efficiently and faster.

‌🟢 There are basic and advanced parts of the course. In the advanced part, we work with facial asymmetries deeper. There are included unique techniques for fixing of palatal asymmetry that replace action of the asymmetrical ALF (intraoral device) and work in several times faster.

❗All the techniques on the course were approved by many osteopaths, two orthocraniodontists, and a gnathologist-posturologist.

❗Contraindications to using the techniques: neuralgia of any kind, including intercostal neuralgia, any type of inflammatory process in the acute phase, postoperative period, screws in the bones of the face and skull after surgery, difference in the length of rami more than 7mm, severe cases of TMD, mental illness. /*In the case of mild TMD, your mouth should be able to open at least 2 fingers. If, at the same time, you feel tension in the occipital area or the suboccipital muscles, this would indicate a contraindication/.
‌Another contraindication would be a combination of deep bite a very narrow palate strong teeth crowding on the lower arch (it’s very common in cases of undiagnosed TMD).
‌If you have crowded teeth, you should get them fixed by a doctor. Our techniques can help with fixing the position of the jaws (by improving the bite) but not with teeth alignment. In this case, interoral face pulling can be done during such treatment. The same situation is with missing teeth – you should consider getting dental implants as soon as possible. Please refer to the two posts I wrote on my Instagram page about missing and crowded teeth, including pictures and examples. You can also consult with us about your particular situation in DMs.

‌❗️Note: in some cases of deep bite and cranial torsion with twisting of the lower jaw, an additional step of adjusting the occlusal height pads is necessary.
‌* If you have severe torsion you will need an individual program of interoral face pullung techniques (presented in one of lessons on the course) + the use of polymorphic pads from the very beginning. You can find information about polymorphic pads in the Highlights under the bio of my Instagram page

🟢 In addition to working with bones and cranial sutures, we present the most effective techniques for soft tissue, which can also help to speed up the process of harmonizing the face.

🟢 There are 19 lessons on the course plus a lot of bonuses, including the complete mewing guide with all the tips. More than 25 videos with English subtitles. The content looks like this (skip the screenshots):

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Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid


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Natural Harmonization of Face (Works For Both Men and Women )
[GroupBuy] Natural Harmonization of Face (Works For Both Men and Women )
$72.00 $29.00 Add to Cart

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