
Nat Eliason – SEO For Solopreneurs


SEO for Solopreneurs

The minimum maintenance, maximum results guide to putting your sales on autopilot.

The 80/20 of SEO for Creators & Entrepreneurs

SEO promises passive recurring traffic and revenue. But the industry makes it seem like a horribly complex mix of art and science.

SEO is not that complicated. It’s actually extremely simple if you know the few things to focus on, and the 80%+ of things to completely ignore.

I’ve worked in SEO for over 7 years, built a 7-figure SEO agency, and my entire life is paid for by the SEO traffic my sites passively generate.

I know exactly which levers you can pull as a busy solopreneur to get the maximum results with your limited time, and this course is where I share that knowledge.

Learn SEO this Weekend

Could you spend months reading every SEO blog and watching every YouTube video on SEO? Yes. Do you need to? No.

SEO is extremely easy to waste time on. It’s not clear what to do, so you try to do everything.

I’m lazy. I want to do some upfront work, then set it and forget it. So that’s what I show you how to do in this course.
And since it’s a choose-your-own adventure style self-paced course, you can work through the pieces you need now, and come back for more whenever you’re ready.

SEO for Solopreneurs Curriculum

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Part 1: SEO Basics

The mindsets and mental models you need to succeed at SEO. Learn how to think like Google, what actually matters, mistakes to avoid, and why patience is so powerful.

Part 2: Keyword Research

How to do an hour or two of research that prepares you for a year of execution. Learn tricks to accelerate keyword research like auto-generating keywords and checking out your competition. And figure out what terms are worth targeting now or later.

Part 3: Creating Content for SEO

Learn how to create SEO-optimized content from your list of keywords. We cover creating articles for keywords vs. optimizing existing content, claiming your own terms, going after progressively harder keywords, and speeding it up with good tools.

Part 4: Building SEO Authority

Content alone is not enough, Google also needs to trust you. In this unit you’ll learn sustainable ways to increase your site’s authority, without sending tons of “PLEASE LINK TO ME” emails. We’ll cover traffic generators vs. link bait, mistakes to avoid, using podcasts & communities, dead link recovery, and doubling your presence with YouTube.

Part 5: Technical SEO

Make sure your site is technically healthy and readable by Google. You’ll learn the few bits of HTML you need to be familiar with, and how to set your site up for success. You’ll also learn some good user experience principles to follow to make sure people stick around on your site.

Part 6: Tracking & Analytics

Learn what to track, how to track to it, and how often to look at it. And more importantly… how little to look at it! Learn how to use analytics to inform decision making without it turning into a huge time-suck.

Part 7: Monetization

Traffic doesn’t put food on the table, sales do. Learn about the different ways to monetize your search traffic, focusing on ads, affiliates, and products.

Part 8: Making SEO-Focused Products

Learn how to spot product opportunities from the traffic you’re already getting, and turn that traffic into passive income. We cover info products, courses, apps, physical products, and using SEO traffic to increase sales for anything you’ve already made.

Part 9: Creating SEO Sales Funnels

Learn how to create a sales funnel that turns cold SEO traffic into customers. Search traffic is rarely ready to buy right away, so putting the right funnel in place can dramatically help your conversion rate.

Part 10: Hiring Help

As your site grows, learn how to hire the best help you can and delegate parts of your SEO stragey to them. We cover hiring writers, freelancers, and agencies to augment your work.

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