
Mike Shreeve – The 6-Figure Passive Author Business Course


Here’s A Quick Snapshot Of Just Some Of The Lessons From Inside The Course

  • How To Pick The Right Niche For You
  • How To Pick The Right Book Length
  • How To Sustain This Income For More Than 10 Years
  • How To Design A Book That Will Sell For Decades
  • How To Build “Word-of-mouth” Recommendations Into Every Book You Write
  • How To Test Whether Your Book Will Sell In Advance (using real data)
  • How To Pick The Right Book Hook For This Publishing Model
  • How To Get Other People (for free) To Make Your Book More Sellable
  • How To Get Loads Of Reviews For Your Books
  • How To Decide On A Pen Name
  • How To Implement The World’s Most Simple (yet effective) Book Launch
  • How To Optimize For Long-tail Sales And Thinking In Decades
  • How To Add Additional Mini-Income Streams To This Book Business
  • How To Sell Your Book Business For For $350,000 Or More
  • And a whole bunch more!

“How Is This Different Than Every Other “How To Publish Books” Course Out There?”

First off, you should get your hands on as many courses, mentors, and resources as you possibly can. Personally, I’ve never understood why some coaches want to force you to only consume their stuff… I think you should consume it all. Take every good idea and mash it all up with your own life experience so you can plot the best plan for you as an individual.

That said, if you’re wanting to make sure you’ll actually learn something new in this course, here are 5 unique things we’ll do inside The 6-Figure Passive Author Business Course that you might not find elsewhere:

  • Thing #1. We’ll build a book business, not randomly publish books.

We’re gonna talk a lot about increasing Read-Through-Rate, extending the Lifetime-Value of your readers, using Authority Publishing to increase sales, and even how to combine all of that to stay well positioned on the publishing platforms for long-tail (aka: forever) sales.

This course will show you how to operate like a true publishing business, not just a random author throwing books up and hoping they work.

  • Thing #2. We’ll know in advance if your book is going to work.

This alone would be worth buying this course.

Books are not nothing to create. They take time. To create a good one you really have to put in some effort.

So, why would you ever want to put that kind of effort into something not knowing if it’s going to work out? That seems silly.

In this course, we’ll cover multiple ways you can test-in-advance the concept of your book and know that you’re gonna be spending time writing something that works. I have never shared these principles anywhere, and I’m excited we get to talk about them in this course.

  • Thing #3. We’re gonna talk way less about marketing than you might think.

The way I run my author business doesn’t require a lot of marketing. In fact, I think you’d be surprised by how little I need to market these non-fiction works.

Put simply, the more you spend on marketing the less profit you have left over. With these books, I prefer to keep really big profit margins and rely on things like Purposeful Word-of-mouth and other non-marketing intensive ways to keep consistent sales moving along.

  • Thing #4. You’re going to learn how to write a book that lasts a decade or more.

It’s a big claim but I’m proof that it works.

Also, so are my earliest clients that I used to do this for as a ghostwriter as far back as 2007. I’ll be showing you how to write a book that will sell for years and years. I can’t promise 15 years from now it will be selling as strongly as it will the first 5 years, but it’ll still keep selling.

This might be one of the biggest differences between what you’ll learn here vs. what you’ll learn elsewhere. Everyone else wants to teach you that you can write terrible books and make money. In 17 years I’ve never seen that happen. Not once. I’ve seen people lie and claim it can happen, but I’ve never seen it turn out in real life.

In this course, we’re gonna talk about writing really good books that sell for a really long time.

  • Thing #5. I’ll teach you how to sell this business for $350,000 or more if you want.

One of the amazing benefits of this little side income is the ability to sell it once it’s profitable, often for 6-figures or more.

Yes, you read that correctly.

I’ll show you how to write books, get them selling, then sell the whole thing for a massive payday that you can use for literally whatever you want or need.

That’s pretty cool stuff, right?

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Mike Shreeve – The 6-Figure Passive Author Business Course
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