
Menekse Stewar – The SEO Bundle


What if you are the best person to do SEO for your business?

Yes, you.

Search engines run the internet.

Without them, we would have no way of finding any of the things we want or need online.

And if you have a website or online business, you are using and relying on them every single day – whether consciously or not.

Whether it’s Google (and other search engines), Pinterest, YouTube, marketplaces, or your website’s own search function, search is at the heart of helping potential customers find your products and services.

You can either do search badly, or you can do it well. Either way, search marketing is part of your business – it’s just part of how the internet works.

Intrigued? Read on, my friend!

What is SEO and why should you care?

I love an analogy, and there are two favourites that typically help people get really excited about the why of SEO – because when you know the why, consistent action becomes a whole lot easier! I hinted at these earlier, but here’s a more detailed explanation…

SEO is housekeeping for the digital high street

A.k.a. vital chores for your online store

Imagine having a physical shop or office space where you welcomed customers and clients.

You’d have to think about rental contracts, utilities and tax, as well as interior design and visual merchandising, not forgetting window cleaning, vacuuming, emptying bins, and changing lightbulbs.

SEO is the digital equivalent of these things: Making sure your online presence is clean and tidy, and welcoming to visitors.

SEO is like putting your books in a virtual library

And if they’re not clearly labelled, the librarian’s gonna ignore them

Now, imagine that you’ve got a big box of books to donate to your local library. But plot twist: all the covers are brown paper.

The librarian has no idea what they are or where to put them, so she puts the box in a back room for when she has time to come back and look properly.

If we ignore SEO, it’s like giving Google a box of brown paper books.

How long has your to-do list looked like this?

🔲 Look into SEO
🔲 Research keywords
🔲 Write a blog post
🔲 Improve my website traffic

If you’re like the majority of small business owners, you’ve heard terms like “SEO” and “keyword research” and made a note to get them sorted.

But then you Google the term “SEO checklist” and get 15,500,000 results.

You click on the first one, and it’s full of jargon.

You click on the second one, and it leaves you with more questions than you started with.

You click on the third one, and make a start, but then you end up in a YouTube rabbit hole trying to figure out what a meta description is when your Shopify or Squarespace website only gives you an SEO description.

Ready to throw your laptop out of the window, you bookmark the tab and promise yourself you’ll go back to it another day.

Sound familiar? That’s the experience of so many others like you.

YouTube University and Googling SEO will quickly leave you in a state of content overwhelm and jargon-induced anxiety.

The story is that Search Engine Optimisation is highly technical, overwhelming, and full of jargon that means you can’t possibly do it yourself.

But I’m here to tell you – with my 15+ years’ experience in SEO, and teaching hundreds of business owners how to optimise their websites – that it simply isn’t the case.

The reputation SEO has means that agencies and freelancers are charging thousands of pounds because business owners are scared of SEO. The reputation of SEO makes people money, so it means that very few people are motivated to make it accessible and straightforward.

But SEO is a vital skill for online business owners that goes WAY beyond search bots on your website, and learning it can be straightforward and hugely impactful for your business.

SEO underpins every decision you make about your website and brand online: What language you use to describe what you do, what pages you include on your website and where, what kind of content you create on a regular basis, and what kind of customers you attract to your business.

I can help you turn this…
🔲 Look into SEO
🔲 Research keywords
🔲 Write a blog post
🔲 Improve my website traffic

Into this…
✅ Look into SEO
✅ Research keywords
✅ Write a blog post
✅ Improve my website traffic

You can make your website search engine friendly. You just might need a helping hand.

Growing your visibility via Google doesn’t need to feel scary or overwhelming.
SEO isn’t about understanding the imperceptible will of an invisible robot in the sky.

Google isn’t sending you messages in complex code, and punishing you if you can’t understand them. (I know it feels that way, but I promise, it’s really not!)

SEO is virtual hospitality. It’s cleaning out your digital dust bunnies.

It’s creating a space online where your brand stands out so that people who want or need what you have can find you.

SEO is about creating a positive website experience for your ideal customers.

It’s about building your brand online using the language your ideal customers are using, and making tweaks and updates to your website to make sure it’s a great place to hang out.

Menekse Stewar – The SEO Bundle

The SEO with Menekse programme leads you through a 3-part approach to optimising your website…

Part 1: Your Customer

In order to build a website that Google loves, we need to make sure we understand exactly who our customers are and how what we have to offer relates to them and what they’re looking for.

Understanding their needs, how they’re searching for those needs, and what their experience looks like as they engage with your website and the wider web helps us to build a high quality, engaging website.

The plus side to this foundational work? It makes all your other marketing way easier, too!

Part 2: Your Brand & Website

Now that we know who our customers are and what they’re searching for, it’s time to review how your brand and website are communicating that.

What do you do? How do you talk about it? What actions do you want people to take?

What’s working on your website? What needs to be fixed or improved?

How is your website structured? How does it need to be structured? What content have you got? What content do you need?


Part 3: Search Engine Optimisation

Now we’ve got information about our customers and our brand, and we understand where we are right now and where we need to be, it’s time to tackle improving our websites!

In SEO, this is broken down into three parts:

Technical Optimisation: Making sure your website performs well on things like speed, security, and URLs working properly.

On Page Optimisation: Making sure your website content and structure reflect your expertise using keywords and internal links.

Off Page Optimisation: Making sure your brand appears on the wider web as a trusted source of value and expertise.

Menekse Stewar – The SEO Bundle

  • 1._What_Is_Pinterest_.mp4
  • 1._What_is_Intl_SEO.mp4
  • 1._Why_Are_Product_Descriptions_Important_-_Presentation_16_9_.mp4
  • 2._Intl_search_engines.mp4
  • 2._Keywords_Product_Descriptions_-_Presentation_16_9_.mp4
  • 2._The_Structure_of_Pinterest.mp4
  • 3._Avoiding_Duplicate_Content_-_Presentation_16_9_.mp4
  • 3._Website_structures.mp4
  • 3._What_can_I_put_on_Pinterest_-_Presentation_16-9_.mp4
  • 4._Geotargeting.mp4
  • 4._Using_Keywords_on_Pinterest_-_Presentation_16-9_.mp4
  • 4._Wholesalers_Marketplaces_-_Presentation_16_9_.mp4
  • 5._Buyer_Intent_on_Pinterest_-_Presentation_16-9_.mp4
  • 5._Technical_considerations.mp4
  • 5._Will_you_marry_me.mp4
  • 6._Hreflang.mp4
  • 6._Website_SEO_and_Pinterest.mp4
  • 7._Content-language.mp4
  • 7._Writing_Guidelines_-_Presentation_16_9_.mp4
  • 8._Choosing_Your_Boards_-_Presentation_16-9_.mp4
  • 8._Schema_Markup.mp4
  • 9._Content_Creation_in_Pinterest_-_Presentation_16-9_.mp4
  • 9._Sitemaps.mp4
  • 10._Avoiding_Spam_in_Pinterest_-_Presentation_16-9_.mp4
  • 10._On_Page_Content.mp4
  • 11._Intl_keyword_research.mp4
  • 12._Off_Page_SEO.mp4
  • 13._Intl_CRO.mp4
  • A_Tour_of_GA4.mp4
  • A_tour_of_GA_Universal.mp4
  • A_tour_of_Google_Search_Console.mp4
  • A_tour_of_the_SERP.mp4
  • About_Google_Tools.mp4
  • An_Intro_to_Google_Search_Console.mp4
  • Answer_the_Public_-_Blogging.mp4
  • Audit_not_action.mp4
  • Audit_tools.mp4
  • Backlinks_and_anchor_text.mp4
  • Basic_SEO_Tools.mp4
  • Block_IP_from_GA4.mp4
  • Block_Your_IP_Address_from_Universal.mp4
  • Blogging_for_SEO_-_Now_What_.mp4
  • Blogging_strategy_101.mp4
  • Blogging_the_customer_journey.mp4
  • Building_External_Links.mp4
  • Check_Performance_Metrics.mp4
  • Check_Your_GA_Metrics.mp4
  • Check_Your_Site_is_Secure.mp4
  • Check_for_duplicate_content.mp4
  • Checking_Core_Web_Vitals.mp4
  • Checking_Site_Speed_in_Analytics_PageSpeed_Insights_and_Pingdom.mp4
  • Checking_for_crawl_errors.mp4
  • Checking_mobile_usability.mp4
  • Checking_security_and_manual_actions.mp4
  • Checking_site_securitty.mp4
  • Checking_sitemaps.mp4
  • Christmas_Content_Creation.mp4
  • Christmas_SEO_for_Your_Website.mp4
  • Competitor_Research_Websites.mp4
  • Competitor_Research_and_Keywords.mp4
  • Compressing_Images_-_Canva_vs_TinyJPG.mp4
  • Connecting_Google_Analytics_to_Etsy.mp4
  • Content_Planning.mp4
  • Content_Planning_Template.mp4
  • Content_structure_for_content_pillars.mp4
  • Creating_Shareable_Content.mp4
  • Customer_Reviews_SEO.mp4
  • Customer_Rreviews_and_SEO.mp4
  • Day_1a_Simple_SEO_-_Google_Search_Console.mp4
  • Day_1b_-_Submitting_Your_Sitemap.mp4
  • Day_of_Voxer(1).mp4
  • Day_of_Voxer.mp4
  • Designing_Pins_in_Canva.mp4
  • Elements_of_on_page_SEO.mp4
  • Email_Marketing_-_Session_1.mp4
  • Email_Marketing_-_Session_2.mp4
  • Email_Marketing_-_Session_3.mp4
  • Email_Marketing_-_Session_4.mp4
  • Email_Marketing_-_Session_5.mp4
  • Email_Marketing_-_Session_6.mp4
  • Email_Marketing_-_Session_7.mp4
  • Etsy_SEO.mp4
  • Expertise_Authority_Trust.mp4
  • FB_Ads_Live_Training.mp4
  • Festive_Keyword_Research.mp4
  • Find_content.mp4
  • Finding_Blogging_Inspiration.mp4
  • Finding_H1s.mp4
  • Finding_Your_Way_Around_Google_Analytics.mp4
  • Finding_internal_links.mp4
  • Follow_vs_nofollow.mp4
  • Formatting_Your_Site_Crawl.mp4
  • Free_Workshop_What_is_Marketing_Strategy_-_Presentation_16_9_.mp4
  • GA4-_Acquisition_Report.mp4
  • GA4-_Comparisons.mp4
  • GA4-_Demographics.mp4
  • GA4-_Engagement.mp4
  • GA4-_Monetization.mp4
  • GA4-_Retention.mp4
  • GA4-_Set_Up_Email_Reports.mp4
  • GA4_IP_exclusion.mp4
  • GMT20191015-190453_SEO-for-Cr_1920x1040.mp4
  • GMT20210107-130124_Menekse-St_1696x898_1_.mp4
  • GMT20210107-190154_Menekse-St_1696x898.mp4
  • GMT20210119-190044_Menekse-St_1730x898.mp4
  • GMT20210202-190522_Menekse-St_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210216-190301_Menekse-St_1916x924.mp4
  • GMT20210302-190222_Menekse-St_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210315-140448_Shopify-SE_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210316-190121_Menekse-St_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210318-200149_Squarespac_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210330-175923_Recording_1822x908.mp4
  • GMT20210331-130515_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210406-180538_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210409-120308_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210413-180025_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210416-120514_Recording_1808x912.mp4
  • GMT20210421-120339_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210422-180708_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210423-120444_Recording_1826x940.mp4
  • GMT20210427-180608_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210430-120345_Recording_1830x958.mp4
  • GMT20210504-180523_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210507-120534_Recording_640x360.mp4
  • GMT20210511-175719_Recording_1724x934.mp4
  • GMT20210518-180602_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210601-180536_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210615-180504_Recording_2560x1440.mp4
  • GMT20210629-180306_Recording_1894x898.mp4
  • GMT20210713-180339_Recording_1858x916.mp4
  • GMT20210720-175948_Recording_640x360.mp4
  • GMT20210723-090420_Recording_1794x856.mp4
  • GMT20210727-180317_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210729-180834_Recording_1850x910.mp4
  • GMT20210803-180852_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210805-181352_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20210810-090731_Recording_1708x914.mp4
  • GMT20210811-090808_Recording_1708x914.mp4
  • GMT20210812-180245_Recording_640x360.mp4
  • GMT20210816-180601_Recording_1708x914.mp4
  • GMT20210825-180347_Recording_1920x854.mp4
  • GMT20210907-180434_Recording_1920x932.mp4
  • GMT20210915-090947_Recording_1920x1030.mp4
  • GMT20210921-180338_Recording_1820x884.mp4
  • GMT20211001-150446_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20211005-181122_Recording_3200x1700.mp4
  • GMT20211007-090448_Recording_1856x880.mp4
  • GMT20211102-190739_Recording_1832x936.mp4
  • GMT20211116-200723_Recording_1920x1050.mp4
  • GMT20211130-190515_Recording_1796x922.mp4
  • Good_vs_Bad_SEO.mp4
  • Google_Analytics_Installation.mp4
  • Google_Tools_for_Keywords.mp4
  • Hotjar.mp4
  • How_Website_Hierarchy_Works.mp4
  • How_do_headings_work_(1).mp4
  • How_do_headings_work_.mp4
  • How_does_blogging_help_your_business_.mp4
  • How_often_should_you_blog.mp4
  • How_to_Decide_on_Keywords_-_Video_1.mp4
  • How_to_Do_a_Link_Audit.mp4
  • How_to_Find_Your_H1.mp4
  • How_to_Find_Your_Way_Round_Search_Console.mp4
  • How_to_Fix_Technical_Errors.mp4
  • How_to_Improve_Site_Speed.mp4
  • How_to_Read_a_Site_Crawl.mp4
  • How_to_Research_Keywords_-_Overview.mp4
  • How_to_Set_Up_Google_Alerts_for_Your_Business.mp4
  • How_to_choose_content_pillars.mp4
  • How_to_do_a_link_audit_-_edited.mp4
  • How_to_improve_speed.mp4
  • How_to_perform_an_audit.mp4
  • Installing_GA4.mp4
  • Installing_GA4_on_Squarespace.mp4
  • Installing_Google_Tools_-_Intro.mp4
  • Internal_Linking.mp4
  • Internal_Linking_-_Google_Search.mp4
  • Internal_Linking_on_Your_Website.mp4
  • Intro_Video_-_How_to_Fix_On_Page_Issues.mp4
  • Is_Blogging_for_You_.mp4
  • Judith_Cupples.mp4
  • Keyword_Basics_-_1.mp4
  • Keyword_Research_Template_and_Keywords_Everywhere.mp4
  • Keywords_and_YouTube.mp4
  • Keywords_and_the_Customer_Journey.mp4
  • Keywords_for_Pinterest.mp4
  • Keywords_in_your_URL.mp4
  • Link_Building_101_New_Lesson.mp4
  • Live_Training_-_Creating_a_URL_Map.mp4
  • Long_Tail_Keywords.mp4
  • MARKETING_STRATEGY_101_Session_1.mp4
  • MARKETING_STRATEGY_101_Session_2.mp4
  • MARKETING_STRATEGY_101_Session_3.mp4
  • MARKETING_STRATEGY_101_Session_4.mp4
  • MARKETING_STRATEGY_101_Session_5.mp4
  • MARKETING_STRATEGY_101_Session_6.mp4
  • MARKETING_STRATEGY_101_Session_7.mp4
  • MARKETING_STRATEGY_101_Session_8.mp4
  • MARKETING_STRATEGY_101_Session_9.mp4
  • MWM_Product_Descriptions_101_-_Google_Sheets.mp4
  • Mapping_Your_Customer_Journey_1.mp4
  • Mapping_Your_Customer_Journey_Workshop.mp4
  • Marketing_in_an_Hour_a_Day_Workshop.mp4
  • Metrics-_Average_Pages_per_Visit.mp4
  • Metrics-_Average_Session_Duration.mp4
  • Metrics-_Bounce_Rate.mp4
  • Metrics-_Click_Through_Rate.mp4
  • Metrics-_Conversion_Rate.mp4
  • Metrics-_New_vs_Returning_Visitors.mp4
  • Metrics-_Page_Speed.mp4
  • Metrics-_Top_Exit_Pages.mp4
  • Metrics-_Top_Landing_Pages.mp4
  • Metrics-_Website_Traffic.mp4
  • Nina_Allwood.mp4
  • Organising_Your_Files.mp4
  • Performing_Website_Crawls_for_Site_Audits.mp4
  • Performing_a_Site_Crawl.mp4
  • Pinterest-_Claim_your_URLs.mp4
  • Pinterest-_Convert_to_a_Business_Account.mp4
  • Pinterest-_How_to_Create_a_Board.mp4
  • Pinterest-_Optimising_your_boards.mp4
  • Pinterest-_Product_Rich_Pins.mp4
  • Pinterest-_Profile_Name_About.mp4
  • Pinterest-_Profile_Pic_and_Cover_Photo.mp4
  • Pinterest-_Trends.mp4
  • Pinterest_Analytics.mp4
  • Pinterest_Scheduler.mp4
  • Pinterest_for_Christmas.mp4
  • Pinterst_Analytics_-_Google.mp4
  • Preparing_for_an_auidt.mp4
  • Product_Descriptions_101_-_Organising_Your_Files.mp4
  • Product_Descriptions_101_-_Planning_Your_Rewrites.mp4
  • Product_Descriptions_101_-_Uploading_a_Product_to_Etsy.mp4
  • Product_Descriptions_101_-_Uploading_a_Shopify_Product.mp4
  • Product_Descriptions_101_-_Uploading_to_Squarespace.mp4
  • Repurposing_Your_Blog_Content.mp4
  • Reviewing_Site_Crawl_for_Errors.mp4
  • Rowana_Mallett.mp4
  • SEO_101-_Keyword_Research.mp4
  • SEO_101-_Off_Page_SEO.mp4
  • SEO_101-_On_page_SEO.mp4
  • SEO_101-_Technical_SEO.mp4
  • SEO_101-_What_is_SEO_.mp4
  • SEO_101_Basic_SEO_Tools.mp4
  • SEO_Group_Call_10th_August.mp4
  • SEO_School_Case_Study.mp4
  • SEO_School_Video_1.mp4
  • SEO_School_Video_2.mp4
  • SEO_School_Video_3-_The_SEO_Action_Plan.mp4
  • SEOfCB_-_Product_Descriptions.mp4
  • Scheduling_Pins_in_Tailwind.mp4
  • Search_vs_Social_-_Presentation_16_9_.mp4
  • Search_vs_Social_Algorithms.mp4
  • Setting_Intervals_in_Tailwind.mp4
  • Setting_Up_Google_Search_Console.mp4
  • Setting_up_GA4.mp4
  • Setting_up_GA_Universal.mp4
  • Setting_up_a_Google_Alert.mp4
  • Setting_up_a_Shopify_Redirect.mp4
  • Shopify-_Add_Image_Alt_Text.mp4
  • Shopify-_Add_a_heading.mp4
  • Shopify-_Blog_SEO.mp4
  • Shopify-_Change_a_URL.mp4
  • Shopify-_Check_for_H1s.mp4
  • Shopify-_Collection_SEO.mp4
  • Shopify-_Customer_Reviews.mp4
  • Shopify-_Image_Optimisation.mp4
  • Shopify-_Navigation_Menu.mp4
  • Shopify-_Page_SEO.mp4
  • Shopify-_Product_SEO.mp4
  • Shopify-_Site_Security.mp4
  • Shopify-_Sitemap.mp4
  • Shopify-_Sitewide_SEO.mp4
  • Shopify-_Social_Profiles.mp4
  • Shopify-_URL_Redirects.mp4
  • Shopify-_Updating_Contact_Info.mp4
  • Shopify_Redirect.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_-_Day_2.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_-_Day_3_Social_Accounts.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_-_Day_5.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_-_Day_6.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_-_Day_11_-_Footer_Menu.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_-_Day_14_Unbranded_Keyword.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_-_Day_15_-_Global_SEO_Settings.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_-_Day_16_-_Reviewing_Your_Home_Page.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_-_Day_22_-_Your_Top_Priority_Offers.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_-_Day_26_-_Product_or_Package.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_-_Day_27_-_Optimise_a_Blog_Post.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_-_day_7.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Challenge_-_Day_17_-_Adding_Home_Page_Content.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Challenge_-_Day_18_-_Home_Page_SEO.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Challenge_-_Day_19_-_Reviewing_Your_About_Page.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Challenge_-_Day_20_-_Build_About_Sections.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Challenge_-_Day_23_-_Choosing_Keywords.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Challenge_-_Day_25_-_Identify_Products.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Challenge_Day_4.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Day_8_-_Reviewing_Your_Apps_and_Plugins.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Day_9_-_Website_Structure.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Day_10_-_Reviewing_Your_Navigation_Menu.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Day_12_-_Set_up_Redirects.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Day_13_-_Brand_Keywords.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Day_21_-_About_Page_SEO_Settings.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Day_28.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Day_29_.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Day_30.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Metrics_Spreadsheet_-_Google_Sheets.mp4
  • Simple_SEO_Metrics_Spreadsheet_-_Google_Sheets_1_.mp4
  • Simple_SEOo_-_Day_24_-_Optimise_1_Category_Page.mp4
  • Site_speed_vs_Page_Speed.mp4
  • Small_Business_Guide_to_Digital_Marketing_Workshop.mp4
  • Social_Media_and_SEO.mp4
  • Social_media_SEO.mp4
  • Spreadsheet.mp4
  • SquareSpace_GA4.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Adding_a_Heading(1).mp4
  • Squarespace-_Adding_a_Heading.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Adding_reviews.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Blog_SEO.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Categories_Tags.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Contact_Domain.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Edit_Image_Data.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Editing_Page_SEO.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Editing_a_URL.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Editing_your_navigation(1).mp4
  • Squarespace-_Editing_your_navigation.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Enable_SSL.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Finding_a_Sitemap.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Product_SEO.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Setting_up_a_Redirect.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Sitewide_SEO(1).mp4
  • Squarespace-_Sitewide_SEO.mp4
  • Squarespace-_Social_Media.mp4
  • Squarespace Social Media.mp4
  • Squarespace_Redirects.mp4
  • Squarespace_Redirectt.mp4
  • Squarespace_Security.mp4
  • Strategy_Implementation-_Grow_Your_Business_with_Blogging.mp4
  • Strategy_Implementation-_How_to_Create_Content_Quickly.mp4
  • Strategy_Implementation-_PR_SEO.mp4
  • Strategy_Implementation-_The_content_strategy_process.mp4
  • Strategy_Implementation-_What_is_content_marketing_.mp4
  • Strategy_Implementation-_What_s_Next.mp4
  • Tailwind_Create.mp4
  • Tailwind_Insights.mp4
  • Talking_titles.mp4
  • Technical_SEO_Errors.mp4
  • The_Efficient_Marketing_System_Workshop.mp4
  • The_Importance_of_Building_Your_Brand.mp4
  • The_Product_Launch_Plan_Workshop.mp4
  • The_Product_Launching_for_Creative_Businesses_Masterclass.mp4
  • The_Summer_Marketing_Plan_Workshop.mp4
  • The_Ultimate_Guide_to_Digital_Marketing_Masterclass_1.mp4
  • The_customer_journey(1).mp4
  • The_customer_journey.mp4
  • The_importance_of_brand_building.mp4
  • Understanding_Marketing_Metrics_Part_1_1.mp4
  • Using_the_Keyword_Research_Tools.mp4
  • Video_Pins.mp4
  • Website_review.mp4
  • Week_1_Q_A_Recording.mp4
  • Week_2-_Tutorial.mp4
  • Week_2_Q_A-_Keyword_Research.mp4
  • Week_3_Q_A-_Keyword_Strategy.mp4
  • Week_3_Tutorial-_Keyword_Strategy_with_eCommmerce_example_.mp4
  • Week_3_Tutorial-_Keyword_Strategy_with_service-provider_example_.mp4
  • Week_4_Q_A-_Keyword_Implementation.mp4
  • Week_4_Tutorial-_Keyword_Implementation.mp4
  • Week_5-_Q_A.mp4
  • Week_5_Tutorial-_Using_Keywords_in_Your_Business.mp4
  • Welcome.mp4
  • Welcome_-_Marketing_Masterclasses.mp4
  • Welcome_to_Google_Search_Console.mp4
  • Welcome_to_Quick_Christmas_SEO.mp4
  • Wendy_Armitage.mp4
  • What.mp4
  • What_Are_Headings_.mp4
  • What_Are_Keywords.mp4
  • What_Is_Domain_Authority_.mp4
  • What_Is_Off_Page_SEO_.mp4
  • What_Is_On_Page_SEO_and_Keywords.mp4
  • What_Is_Technical_SEO.mp4
  • What_is_Google_Analytics.mp4
  • What_is_Marketing_Strategy_-_Presentation_16_9_.mp4
  • What_is_On_Page_SEO.mp4
  • What_is_SEO_Trimmed.mp4
  • What_is_Screaming_Frog_.mp4
  • What_is_a_Ranking_Factor_-_Trimmed.mp4
  • What_is_a_URL_redirect_-_Presentation_16_9_.mp4
  • What_is_a_conversion_rate_.mp4
  • What_is_a_website_audit.mp4
  • What_is_an_affiliate_.mp4
  • What_is_blogging_.mp4
  • What_is_domain_authority.mp4
  • What_is_google_search_console.mp4
  • What_is_internal_linking.mp4
  • What_is_off_page_SEO.mp4
  • What_makes_customers_convert.mp4
  • When_should_you_do_a_redirect.mp4
  • When_should_you_redirect_-_Presentation_16_9_.mp4
  • Why_content_is_queen(1).mp4
  • Why_content_is_queen.mp4
  • Working_with_developers.mp4
  • what_is_a_URL_redirect.mp4

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