
Max Tornow – Freedom Business Mentoring


Max Tornow – Freedom Business Mentoring is a digital online course with the following format files such as: .mp4 (.avi or .ts), .mp3, .pdf and .doc .csv… etc. You can access this course wherever and whenever you want as long as you have a fast internet connection OR you can save one copy on your personal computer/laptop as well.

Freedom Business Mentoring is a course developed by previous PUA and also a dating trainer, Max Tornow or RSD Max as well as his team who live out of Kiev, Ukraine.

The program promises to assist business owners to find and also monetize their strengths right into creating a liberty coaching business.

The program is broken down into 12 stages, the final stage being apparent upsell to more training.


This Freedom Business Mentoring review aims to shed some light for those of you thinking of getting into the coaching, consulting, and service providing course created by Max Tornow aka RSD Max.

I’ll highlight the Good and the Bad regarding the program, so you’re able to make an informed decision on whether the program is right for you. I do not work for the Freedom Business Mentoring group, as you will no doubt discover. As someone who got the program, I’ll give my views and be completely transparent.

Freedom Business Mentoring Outline

Table of Contents

Freedom Business Mentoring is a course created by former PUA and dating coach, Max Tornow or RSD Max and his team who reside out of Kiev, Ukraine.

The program promises to help entrepreneurs discover and monetize their strengths into creating a freedom coaching business.

The program is broken down into 12 Stages, the final stage being an obvious upsell to more coaching.

This is the dashboard and as far as the structure goes, it teaches you the correct process to go through when creating any online business, which is to identify your audience first and their pain-points prior to creating an offer or PFMO (Perfect fit market offer), which Max calls a USP (Unique selling point).

Most people actually get this backwards, so the initial modules of the training will set you up well if you are a complete newbie to starting a business.

After committing yourself to a niche based on your strengths, you learn how to conduct an actual coaching session, and then you learn sales. On top of that there are about 4 live calls every week with Max and his team that you can jump on and ask questions.

The Freedom Business Mentoring Sales Funnel

Before I get into looking at the Pros and Cons, you should know what to expect as far as their own sales funnel goes.

The Top of the Funnel

At the top, Max is clearly utilizing Instagram and YouTube in order to get leads through to their website, which is ironic because in the course he says don’t do this. Most of Max’s content is heavily biased towards coaching, consulting, and service providing being the only decent way to make a living online.

This is absolutely not true, and you shouldn’t hold Max as an authority on this because he simply isn’t an authority. Max was a dating coach until 2018 as far as I can tell. He has always made money via coaching, so his opinion on dropshipping, blogging, digital media agencies or anything else shouldn’t be paid attention to.

As he says himself, only listen to people who have done it. Has he done anything outside of coaching? No, no he hasn’t.

The Freedom Business Mentoring Landing Page

If you are pulled in via the Social Media channels, you’ll be presented with a hard-selling sales page, which uses every psychological trick in the book, especially scarcity and flipping the script on you to make it feel like there are limited spots available and that it’s them who may or may not accept you.

If you have the money they will accept you, and anyone who says their spots are limited are lying. Why would they limit spots and deny themselves more income? It’s an obvious scarcity tactic to anyone who know anything about marketing.

After you answer a couple of questions, which is really to screen for how much money you make, you book a call with them.

The Setting Call and Consultation Call

It’s interesting to go through this process as someone who wants to learn about sales. In fact, on my calls I was taking a bunch of notes on questions they asked as well as how they dealt with difficult objections I was putting up on purpose.

The setting call was with a kid called Nico, who was very enthusiastic and, again, trying to gauge for my savings per month. I pushed him for how much the course was and he was reluctant to tell me, but I eventually got it out of him.

For those of you wanting to know the price, depending on your answers, they will pitch you between $2,500 – $3,500

I said to call me back in a week and i’ll tell him if I’m ready to start or not. When the week rolled around I cancelled the call because I was at a wedding, but he called me anyway.

He wouldn’t let me hang up even though i’d expressed that I would be unavailable for the call. He then got very pushy over the phone on whether I was committed or not and how they don’t just take anybody. That gave me a chuckle. I said call me tomorrow.

The next day he called and I went through the motions with him and he set me up with the real consultation call where he said I’d get so much value from a guy called Josef.

A few days later Josef called me and wasn’t really pushy. Gave an outline of what was involved, and hit me with at $3,000 Price tag, which was fine. I was actually keen to sign up from the get go as I like to buy courses I think look good once in a while to keep the axe sharp.

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

So I figured I’d just bullet point what I like and dislike about the program and then give my concluded advice to anyone on the fence about joining.

The Good

Course Content

The Program itself has a lot of value in it and is structured well and teaches you all you need to know about setting up an online coaching business. The fundamentals are sound and the content thorough, especially at the beginning. Is it $2,500 – $3,000 thorough? Well, I’ll get to that a bit later

The Consultation Calls

The consultation calls are there 3-4 days a week and are on time and you have time to have a question answered along with a whole bunch of other people you have to wait for. These aren’t all done by Max however, but in way the other coaches have a better manner about them than Max who often belittles people’s questions, and seems easily frustrated.

The Coaching and Consultation Lesson Structure

The scripts for holding coaching sessions are good. The structure is sound and it’s easy to follow, despite the odd bit of broken English

The Bad

“Always side with the sharks”

Commonly used quote By Max & his team

The Misleading Sales Process

You will get a bitter taste in your mouth from the hard-selling style of the team overall from the landing page to the calls. I was trolling a little during the calls slightly and it was interesting to see the guy on the first call get triggered fairly easily.

If you do still want to get involved after this Freedom Business Mentoring review, note that there are not limited places. If you have the cash, they will let you in.

Another thing is that when you ask the price via Instagram or somewhere you will be given the response, “It completely depends on where you want to go and what your goals are.”

It doesn’t. There is one course and it’ll be $2,500 – $3,500+ depending on how much money they can gauge you can afford. In essence, by not telling you the price, they can milk you for as much as you can pay.


It’s Way too Expensive For What You Get

Don’t be under the impression that you’re going to be, “coached by Max and his team.” No matter how you look at it, this is an online program like any other you’d get from Tai Lopez or someone for usually $297-$997.

The fact that they have weekly calls doesn’t make it coaching, and the message is very clear that the calls are for any “burning questions” you need answers to. Also, since the weekly calls are filled with 50-100 people, it is not personalized coaching in the slightest. Also, if you are a total beginner and ask a question they deem to be dumb, prepare to be told your question is dumb. Max in particular has no qualms about making you feel humiliated in front of a bunch of other people who will also be watching on the call.

I’d go as far as to say that the other coaches, who don’t have big personal brands are much easier to deal with and actually appear to know more than Max.

It follows a ZERO Accountability Model

What do I mean by this? Like a lot of not-so-great programs out there, the accountability is thrusted on YOU. Think of a mother bird pushing her young off a tree branch in order to teach it how to fly, but then picture the bird only having one wing and then hurtling to the ground below and splatting on the bottom.

That’s 95% of online courses today. They start off good, tell you to get out there and get sales, and then if you have any problems? Oh sorry, it’s your fault! You aren’t trying hard enough, and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with their methods.

Smart business, but total horseshit. Some people were busting their ass and getting nowhere. There is no evidence to support that it’s the fault of the individual from what I’ve seen, but there is evidence that it is the fault of the material as it only advocates manual lead gathering.

Should you be accountable for how you apply the program? Yes. If the program really gives solid advice, and isn’t just sending you out like a single winged bird and told to “Test more!” and “Try harder!” while withholding other information.

In Freedom Business mentoring, the advice is that you must to go and gather sales manually via Facebook groups, Reddit, Instagram, etc.

Is that good for learning? Sure, but it’s not the be all and end all of getting leads. Search lead generation for coaching on YouTube and you’ll see many respectable and more experienced coaches saying that running ads gets them the most leads.

Max himself isn’t even inline with what he’s teaching either since he is generating leads via his content creation and previous following to boost his reach. Has he ever scoured Facebook groups and Reddit getting leads manually like he teaches clients too? I doubt it. So, then one must ask: Why be hellbent on teaching it?

The answer is no doubt because they had to save some content for their upsell for those who manage to generate leads manually up to the tune of 10k a month.

They also tell you to only do coaching without running an online program, yet they are being contradictory again by running an online Program with coaching calls secondary.

Reminds me of a GaryVee quote, “Don’t copy what I say, watch what I do.” – And I’d advise you to do the same.

The People Making the Most Money Seem to be Private Students

One thing you’ll notice in the group is that there are clearly people in there who have paid more than the $2,500 – $3,500 fee and are getting extra material. There is a guy who hit 100k, which seemed legit. However, when he announced it and the coaches where replying they were referencing things not taught in the main course, like “setting calls” and other stuff. After I prompted one of the coaches with, “I missed the part in the course about doing ‘Setting Calls’,” I was informed that the guy who made the $100k was a private client.

For the main $2,500 – $3,500 course, it means that there is clearly information behind held back for private clients and/or within the upsell. From a business perspective this makes sense as they need to retain clients and get as much money as they can, but for that price, it should all be included.

One example is that in the main course, people are taught to do free consultations and try to sell at the end of the call. However, some people have been taught another process, which obviously is more effective, including Setting calls, which is also what you get when signing up to Freedom Business Mentoring.

There are actually quite a lot of contradictions. Max will insist that nobody create content on their social media profiles or use paid advertising, YouTube channels, or Podcasts, yet it is clear that these are his own primary means of getting attention and leads.

While I can’t speak on it explicitly, I’m willing to bet that in the upsell, this is all taught. I also bet the upsell is $5,000+. I mean, they know you’ve already made 10K in order to be eligible for the upsell.

Max’s Instagram Testimonials Paint a Misleading Picture (Not That Many People are Getting Success)

The mark of a good course; online, college or otherwise is predicated on one major KPI (key performance indicator). What is the pass rate?

I will say this, a lot people landed clients. Even people you’d never imagine could have landed a client, but the amount of time and energy put into landing that one client? It seems as though you may as well keep your day job.

One guy who had been struggling and on many of the live calls landed a client and everyone was pleased. He was pleased, everyone was giving him props and he was in this mindset of, “I did it! I made it!”

Not really. He’d gotten one random person to buy coaching after MONTHS of trying, which he now needed to go and do again and again and again.

I jumped on one of the group calls last week and the same guy was there talking about how he had to get a new job. He looked dejected as Max yelled at him.

Zero accountability model. When was the last time Max went and got manual leads of Facebook and Reddit? hmmm. Never?

Freedom Business Mentoring – Conclusion

Thanks for reading this Freedom Business Mentoring Review. I know it’s quite long.

So what is my concensus?

Wel for the price, it is not worth it. They are not teaching anything new under the sun. All that information is available on YouTube for free, so like many online courses, you’re not paying for the content itself as much as the fact they have packaged it all together for you.

The weekly coaching calls aren’t worth it either, so really you’re paying $2.5-$3.5k for a course that should be $297 – $597.

They employ gaslighting tactics like, “This course is set out in such a way that you need to follow it to a T and don’t run paid ads or do this or that.”

Um, except it isn’t though.

They clearly want you to follow their exact method because they fear that if you branch out or seek advice from others you might actually make money despite them. It’s also apparent by the way the put down other methods of making money online, which they have no experience with.

Even their method for generating leads manually were lacking (unless there is more in the upsell). There is much better lead generation training out there.

I actually ran ads straight away after the course and got solid leads.

Not saying you need to run ads, but the clients I’ve gotten have been mostly from a combination of better manual strategies than what they teach, as well as ads, which I learned to do from Social Media Marketing training.

Landing clients manually using the methods in Freedom Business Mentoring isn’t yielding high enough results for people in my opinion.

To call-back to what I said at the beginning of this review, there are also other effective ways to monetize your passions and make money online. I’ve been making money online since 2015 in affiliate marketing, drop shipping, SMMA and Consulting.

Is coaching a viable way to do it though? Yes, sure it is.

It’s also one of the most fulfilling ways especially if you like being client focused. But, can you make money in other ways also? Yes, of course! But, would I recommend paying $3,000 to learn how to do ANY of those things? No, I most definitely wouldn’t.

And, if you would be struggling to scrape together $2.5k-$3.5k, my final recommendation would be to not bend over backwards to pay that exorbitant price tag.

If you do want to get into coaching or monetizing your passion in a way that suits YOU, and learn a systemized and scalable client acquisition strategy, I’d recommend THIS BOOK, which teaches everything in FBM and a bag of chips.

Hate the idea of getting on the phone with people every week? You can still make good money and have freedom.

For some it’ll be blogging, for some it’s product creation, for some it’s coaching and consulting, for some it’s an agency, and for others it’s E-Commerce, which is still a strategy that works, despite the claims.

I have experience and a roadmap no matter the means at which you want to make money and be your own boss.

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Max Tornow – Freedom Business Mentoring
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