
Matthew Dicks – How to Use Humor in Storytelling


Humor Volume #1

The best strategies for using humor even if you are not that funny

Learn strategies you can apply to be funny in almost every situation, use humor as power, and deploy it when the time is right.

Grab people’s attention and immediately convey that you are a person to be listened by demonstrating positive qualities

  • Intelligence
  • Attractiveness
  • Leadership
  • Empathy

This is no joke!

There is real science behind the power and impact of humor:

When you make a person laugh…

It stimulates a dopamine release in their brains which make them feel good so they associate that good feeling with you.

  • Emotional connection
  • Stronger bonds
  • people think they know you
  • People like to be around you
  • Mental health

Inside the Course

During the five-part series, Matt reveals the ideas behind the strategies which make them so effective.

Module #1: Introduction to Humor

You’ll learn all the foundations of humor including; when and why to be funny, finding where humor hides, 3 perspectives of humor, delivery, and more.

Part 1: Nostalgia

Learn to use nostalgia effectively and build connection to your audience.

Part 2: Exaggeration

People who exaggerate in hopes that others will believe their exaggeration are known as politicians. In this course, you’ll learnt o use it to be funny

Part 3: One of these things

I’ll teach you a simple and fun game of upending expectations.

Part 4: Definitions

Learn to take simple definitions and make them funny.

Part 5: Metaphor

How to use the Metaphors and why they are different than similes.

What’s Included?

  • 5 Humor Strategies
  • Worksheets
  • Daily practices
  • Templates
  • Samples

FREE Access to the Storyworthy Community

A community of professionals who understand the power of storytelling. This will be where I will provide resources, free training, peer work sharing, and feedback.

FREE Bonus Access to Module #1

Storyworthy for Business Course

6 Lessons to Get You Started on Your Storytelling

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Matthew Dicks – How to Use Humor in Storytelling
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