
Mario Castelli – The AI Avatar Machine


A Letter From Mario Castelli:

This is the shortest sales letter I’ve ever written

Because there’s only ONE concept I need you to grasp here.

And as long as you master this one thing…

It’s going to grant you a “checkmate” level advantage over your competition…

If you’re a copywriter…

This ONE secret will almost INSTANTLY vault you into that top 5%…

So you can start landing MORE clients…

And charging HIGHER fees…

Because you’ll be able to use this “secret weapon” to OUT CONVERT almost anyone you’d usually compete with…

Even if they have YEARS more experience…

And more polished “copywriting skills” than you.

And if you’re someone who runs OFFERS…

As a marketer, coach, affiliate, agency, or business owner…

Grasping this concept is the FASTEST way I know to gain massive traction…

And rapidly SCALE your business…

By FUNNELING clients and customers away from the “big dogs” in your market…

Even if they have other advantages…

Like a whole team of employees behind them…

Millions of social media followers…

And a massive advertising budget that DWARFS yours.

Because NONE of those things…

Are even CLOSE to as important…

As TRULY understanding your customer… on a deep, primal level.

When It Comes To Marketing, Whoever Knows Their Customer Best… WINS!

It SOUNDS pretty simple…

In fact, most copywriters and online business owners get OFFENDED when I bring that up.

“Of course we know our customers!”

And being that naive… is kinda cute.

But The Rabbit Hole Goes SO Much Deeper Than 99% Of Marketers Realize.

Because we’re NOT just talking about the basics…

The pain points, benefits, and other watered-down surface-level bullshit covered in some Marketing 101 course.

That’s NOT enough.

When I mention KNOWING your customer…

I’m talking about the kind of insights you’d USUALLY only uncover by…

  • Lurking in the bushes outside their home…
  • Spying on the frustrated car monologues they launch after a stressful day at work…
  • Listening in on the 1AM blowups they have with their spouse…
  • Sneaking in and STEALING the notes from their last 10 sessions with their therapist…
  • And a whole bunch of other unethical and frankly, ILLEGAL tactics… that reveal what’s REALLY going on beneath the surface.

(Keep reading. We’ll show how to leverage AI to do this WITHOUT breaking any laws… or bending any morals.)

Because if you want to consistently turn STRANGERS into customers and clients…

And effortlessly crank out high-converting copy that makes the sales register RING…

So you can generate a fuckton of money that finally funds YOUR ideal lifestyle…

You Can’t Sell To Your Prospects’ Carefully-Constructed “Public Personas…”

You Need To Appeal To The REAL Human Lurking Underneath!

You need to speak DIRECTLY to the person they ACTUALLY are…

And who they ASPIRE to be…

Beyond the layers upon layers of social conditioning we accumulate while trying to navigate LIFE.

You need to know your prospects’ most PRIMAL hopes and dreams…

What keeps them up at night… tossing and turning with anxiety…

And all the pains, frustrations, and REGRETS they would LOVE to leave buried in a ditch.

I mean, when you think about it… it makes perfect sense.

Because if creating customers is about INSTALLING the beliefs your prospects’ need to buy…

(Which it is)

How can you possibly shift someone’s beliefs…

If you don’t understand what your prospects CURRENTLY believe?

How Can You Possibly Get People Excited About Working With YOU… If You Don’t Even Understand

How THEY View The World?

That’s like throwing darts in a crowded bar…


You’d be more likely to put someone’s eye out than hit the bullseye.

And NO amount of fancy, copywriter wordsmithing is going to change that.

In fact… here’s a secret that I probably shouldn’t even reveal.

When You Understand The CORE Drivers Of What Makes Your Prospects Tick… You Can OUT CONVERT Even

The Most “Technically Skilled” Copywriters On The Planet…

I know… it sounds hard to believe.

But unlocking this DEEP understanding of your customers truly IS the ultimate shortcut.

And when you HAVE this unfair advantage…

You don’t NEED to be a world-class copywriter…
In order to start driving world-class conversions.

Because with THIS systemized shortcut…

You don’t really even NEED to “write copy” anymore.

All YOU Have To Do Is Follow This Proven Process, And Your Prospects Will Write High-Converting Sales Messages FOR You!

Because not only will you know EXACTLY what your prospects NEED to hear…

You’ll be able to deliver that message TO them… in the way they WANT to hear it…

As if they were writing a sales letter to THEMSELVES!

You’ll be able to systematically “tick” ALL the boxes of your prospects’ Buying Criteria…

Trigger the kind of visceral, HORMONAL responses that are ONLY possible when you speak to their TRUE desires…

And gracefully MURDER their limiting beliefs and objections like a femme fatale…

To create the kind of resistance-free buying EXPERIENCE… they’re EXCITED to take part in.

Imagine that…

THAT’S What The AI Avatar Machine Is All About…

It’s about giving you a SHORTCUT…

An unfair advantage… for cranking out marketing messages that ACTUALLY work…

Because those messages are SPECIFICALLY crafted FOR your prospects…

In the EXACT way your prospects WANT to be sold to…

Letting your prospects FINALLY feel truly understood…

As if you’ve been secretly stalking them for YEARS.

(Except we’re doing it in a non-creepy, ethical way that actually HELPS your prospects.)

This is your chance to let your most IDEAL prospects write your sales messages FOR you…

So you can start OUT CONVERTING some of the best copywriters on the planet…

And unlock the respect… the recognition… and the financial REWARDS…

That comes from being able to smoothly turn strangers into BUYERS.

Because there’s NO skill in marketing MORE valuable…

Than TRULY understanding your prospects…

At a DEEPER level than they understand themselves.

And this is YOUR chance…

Perhaps your ONLY chance…

To unlock that skill.

A skill that can save you HUNDREDS of hours…

Vault you into that top 5% of ELITE marketers with the “Midas touch” of cranking out high-converting messages…

And pay you over and over again… for years to come.

If you want that power…

You know what to do.

Don’t waste this chance.

Click the button below…

Sign up for The AI Avatar Machine BEFORE the deadline expires…

And join us… for the most important training we’ve ever hosted.


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Mario Castelli – The AI Avatar Machine
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