[GroupBuy] Marie Forleo – The Copy Cure 2023


By the end of the The Copy Cure program, you’ll be able to…

Write 2-3X Faster

Stop spending all day agonizing over a single email. With an arsenal of online tools, brainstorming techniques, and one-of-a-kind exercises, you’ll be churning out blog posts in half the time, with none of the pressure.

Write Joyfully & Prolifically

No more putting off this month’s newsletter until the dishes are done and the dog is walked. You’ll be able to write the moment you sit down at your computer — without that mean inner critic hovering over your shoulder.

Write with Clarity & Precision

Put an end to rambling, boring copy that misses the mark. You’ll learn how to get to the point, leap off the page, and stand out so you never sound like anyone else.

Sell without Sleaze

There’s a hungry audience out there who needs exactly what you sell. We’ll show you how to reach them through compelling, effective copy that gets results.


The core course materials, including countless real-life examples, workbooks, and before and afters, are immediately available within our online student portal.





Watch student copy makeovers happen in real-time, plus live coaching calls with Marie and Laura

While The Copy Cure is not a one-on-one coaching program, the value of feedback is undeniable, which is why we offer two types of feedback workshops to help you learn and improve:
  • We’ll hold live Q&A group coaching calls to help clarify any lingering questions and ensure that your most important projects move ahead.
  • You’ll have the option to submit your copy for a chance to be live-edited by Laura. You’ll learn a ton from watching Laura work her magic on real student copy in these mind-blowing over-the-shoulder editing workshops.
The group calls alone will profoundly improve your skills and confidence as a writer. Even if your copy isn’t selected for a makeover, watching real-time critiques is one of the fastest and most effective ways to improve your writing.


Marie Forleo is one of leading voices in personal development and the award-winning host of MarieTV and The Marie Forleo Podcast, with tens of millions of listeners across the globe. She’s been a featured expert everywhere from The Today Show to Harpers Bazaar, and her most recent book, Everything is Figureoutable, was an instant #1 New York Times Best Seller.

Marie’s been named one of the top 100 Websites for Entrepreneurs by Forbes.com, “a thought leader for the next generation” by Oprah, and has mentored young business owners alongside Richard Branson in South Africa.


“Our sales are 50% higher than last year — even though we closed one of our stores due to COVID.”

With our struggling two retail brick-and-mortar stores, I took the plunge to enroll in The Copy Cure. I printed the worksheets into a spiral binder, watched the first three Modules and the first Masterclass, and learned how to change our landing page for the first time ever to actually speak to our customers.

Then I wrote a paid ad and ensured I had a call to action, which you taught in your webinar. My ad was to encourage people to buy a skateboard. Within an hour of posting it, I received this comment: “Ummm, can you say MISSION ACCOMPLISHED?!”

There is so much more, but in a nutshell, our phones are ringing off the hook. Our sales are 50% higher month-to-date than they were last year, even though we closed one of our stores due to COVID. We moved everything online and still haven’t opened the other store to the public.


I have so many emails I can share of what people have said about the words I’m writing.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for finally showing me the missing pieces to make my content convert. Nothing can stop me now.
Retail Store Owner

“I was about to drop $700 on a copywriter. I signed up for The Copy Cure instead. So far I’ve generated $3,395 in revenue.”

I’m totally obsessed with copy now. I was about to drop $700 on a copywriter to help me write one sales page (max six pages). With the Canadian dollar being so weak, I had to say NO before I signed the contract. So, I signed up for The Copy Cure instead. It actually feels very liberating to do this myself.

So far I’ve sold 35 units at $97 USD, which equals $3,395 in revenue. More importantly, I finally have a finished product that can teach anyone about their nervous system and give them the starter tools and tips to tap into deep healing that sticks. Thanks, Marie and Laura. I love what you’ve put together here… I’m smitten with all of it. You are both remarkable models for me as I pave my own way in the world of online programs.

She increased sales 300% —selling pet portraits!

In The Copy Cure, I have learnt how to be myself and get that across in my copy. I have increased sales by 300%! I strongly believe that my copy now matches the quality of my images. My newsletters have a much improved engagement level and sign-up rate.

This course paid for itself within three months of implementing new copy on my website and sending out my new newsletters. It’s not like those other courses where you have to sit through hours of someone else’s story. The Copy Cure jumps straight into the juicy stuff. Did I say thank you? Thank you!

“My first client ($1,000 project) reached out to me based on my website alone after I rewrote the copy.”

Since I took The Copy Cure this summer, I’ve become a unicorn. Because so few web developers learn how to write copy (why, I don’t know. It seems obvious), just having this new skill has made me stand out. I can position myself as a web developer who can write copy for websites. One-stop shop.

I took The Copy Cure and rewrote a lot of the copy on my website. Now, the people that reach out to me after reading my website are exactly my ideal client. My first client ($1,000 project) reached out to me based on my website alone.

This class has really taken my freelancing career up a notch.

“I have a suuuuper small list — 66 to be precise. And I converted 15 of them into paying clients.”

I have a suuuuper small list — 66 to be precise. And I converted 15 of them into paying clients.

I had heard how beta testers must get stuff for free, but I confidently asked my audience to pay up right off the bat. So, my first 10 beta testers willingly paid and got massive results. These people went on to bring me my next five clients.

I receive emails and handwritten notes all the time about how I must have written a piece “just for them”. And soo many of them say it!

Pleeeease take the plunge! The Copy Cure is gonna help you believe in your own voice and see it for the asset that it truly is.

“My readers have become fans — literally. People email me and sign off as ‘Your fan.’”

Before The Copy Cure, I was self-conscious about my writing and didn’t think that it was any good. My articles weren’t in my voice and didn’t reflect my corky, fun-loving personality.

After taking The Copy Cure, I wrote a book titled Your Magic Number. Honestly, it was designed to be a simple opt-in that I didn’t think people would read. To my surprise, people read it cover to cover, loved it, and it took off. So far, it’s been featured on Inc.com, The Globe and Mail, MoneySense Magazine, Toronto Star, and HuffPost. In just a few months, thousands of people downloaded my ebook, and my subscriber list quadrupled.

The Copy Cure was the best online program I’ve ever taken. It taught me how to find my voice and write in a way that resonates with people. My readers have become fans — literally. A lot of people email me and sign off as ‘Your fan.’ Knowing that my words have an impact on people’s lives makes me feel awesome deep down inside.

“I write twice as much, twice as fast. (Yes, 200% speed growth!)”

Writing is now as much fun as the practice that we promote. (Well, almost. AcroYoga is crazy fun.) I can write twice as much communication, twice as fast. (Yes, 200% speed growth!)

The cost of it will be covered within one month of executing the tactics and practices in The Copy Cure, because you will work faster, with more ease, and oodles more creativity.


The Copy Cure consists of four Modules that make up your core copywriting foundation. Each training component is designed to help you write words that connect from the heart and sell like hotcakes.


How to Find the Exact Words Your Customers Need to Hear Before They Buy

In order to drive up sales and conversions, you need a few key elements to set your copywriting foundation.

  • In This Module You’ll Learn:
    The #1 reason even the most well-written copy fails when it comes to sales and engagement — and how to fix it, fast.
  • ​How to leverage the power of empathy to create raving fans for life.
  • The cure for writing if you have more than one ideal customer or a very diverse audience.
  • ​How to write as if you’re having a heart-to-heart with your ideal customers — without leaving anyone out.
  • ​The answer to: “What if my business doesn’t solve a problem or pain point?” We’ll show you how to spark sales using emotional triggers — no matter what you sell.
  • ​A game-changing exercise that guarantees you can sit down and immediately write the most powerful, effective copy.
  • ​22 questions to help you find the exact words your customers need to hear before they buy.
  • ​​Plus so much more!


How to Fix Your Sales-Stopping Writing Mistakes — Fast

If you’ve ever started writing and thought, “I’m boring myself. Why would anyone want to read this?” listen up.

In This Module You’ll Learn:

  • A simple test that’ll make your reader wonder whether you’ve been reading her journal or tapping her phone.
  • ​A huge list of words you should cut from your newsletters, blog posts, and sales promos so they’re instantly crisper and more articulate.
  • ​What it means when people say “Write like you talk,” plus four worksheets that walk you through exactly how to do it.
  • ​​​The surprising words 99% of entrepreneurs use to sound smarter, that will actually turn off your readers.
  • ​​​3 rules you learned in English class that stop sales — and how to break them.
  • ​The Real Estate Secret that shows you where to physically position words so they have the most impact.
  • ​How to brainstorm phrases that sound like you and ensure you never sound stiff and robotic again.
  • ​The single keystroke that’ll miraculously loosen up your writing.
  • ​Must-use writing prompts that make you a better writer every time you use them.
  • ​A simple mindset fix that will help you knock out writer’s block for good (REALLY!).
  • ​Plus: Tons of before and after copywriting examples so you can see how these techniques work in the real world.
  • ​​Plus so much more!


How to Instantly & Dramatically Increase Your Sales

Yes, you can write from your heart and sell like gangbusters. We’ll show you how to find the balance between writing beautiful copy AND inspiring people to buy.

In This Module You’ll Learn:

  • 5 old-school sales techniques you must AVOID — these make even the most sincere copy sound sleazy.
  • ​Exactly what a sales page is, how long it should really be, and two step-by-step formulas to get you writing yours, fast.
  • ​How to get people genuinely excited to buy using three powerful persuasion techniques.
  • ​​How to re-write your button copy so more people click. (If you have a link that says “click here,” you’re likely leaving $1,000s on the table.)
  • ​​3 About page templates that transform this crucial page into a sales-generating machine.
  • ​How to write headlines, blog post titles, video titles, and social media updates that beg to be clicked on, plus…
  • ​12 of our favorite and most compelling headline formulas — easy to tweak and customize.
  • ​​The Ultimate Sales Page Checklist that breaks the whole process into small, doable steps. Use this to beat overwhelm and get those pages done!
  • ​Plus so much more!


How to Write Faster, Better Content & Never Get Writer’s Block Again

Replace stress, exhaustion, and self-sabotage with ease, achievement, and passion.

In This Module You’ll Learn:

  • 4 powerful exercises that’ll bust through your writer’s block.
  • ​How to use inspiration from outside your industry to find a voice that’s genuine and totally unique to you.
  • ​Why most newbies use “personality” in a way that backfires. (This not only kills sales but destroys your credibility.)
  • ​6 dos and don’ts for writing in your true voice.
  • A definitive and transformative answer to the question: “But what if I don’t have a voice?”
  • ​The secret trick to editing a piece of copy without losing your brilliance or hours of your time.
  • ​How to get the confidence to let your ideas flow freely and develop an eye that can identify the gems worth keeping.
  • Quick brainstorming methods that help you think outside the box with a worksheet you can refer back to again and again.
  • ​​PLUS: Access to our private stash of online tools to quickly write copy that’s clear and clever, and converts like you’d never believe. (We use these every day!)
  • ​Plus so much more!

Sales Page:_https://thecopycure.com/joinwaitlist-a

Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid


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Marie Forleo - The Copy Cure 2023
[GroupBuy] Marie Forleo – The Copy Cure 2023

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