
[GroupBuy] Mad Story Scientist Research Course – Parker Worth


How to know your customer (better than they know themselves):

If you want to verify your business, product, niche or content in one hour or less …

Then this page will show you how… But first do these problems sound familiar?

  • Growing your audience is a constant challenge.
  • You want to know if you can profit from your niche.
  • You don’t know where you should focus your efforts.
  • You struggle to find what to sell or what content to create.
  • You have a hard time standing out in such a crowded market.
  • You don’t know how to differentiate yourself from competitors.
  • You’re not sure which marketing strategies are worth investing in.
  • You feel overwhelmed by all the different platforms and channels.
  • You don’t know how to confirm an offer, product, or service before you’ve built it.
  • You’re tired of copying others, chasing trends, or guessing what will work.
  • You’re tired of building a business that feels like you’re pushing a rock uphill.
  • You’re not sure if your business idea is actually solving a real problem for your market.
  • You don’t want to spend a lot of money on marketing agencies.
  • You don’t have a clear plan with results.
  • You struggle to find and connect with your target audience. It feels like you’re shouting into the void.
  • You want to create better content that not only engages but also builds a loyal audience of die-hard fans.
  • There’s never enough time to do everything. You’re juggling content creation, marketing, and product development.
  • You don’t know how to gather meaningful feedback from your target market. How do you know if you’re on the right track?
  • You have no idea how to monetize your content or skills. It’s frustrating to put in so much work without seeing financial returns…
  • You struggle to confirm your pricing strategy. And you wonder if you’re charging too much or too little for your products or services…

Do you worry if you’re building a business that no one wants?

What to never do when launching a new product:

Skipping market research.

If you get this wrong…

You’re risking not just financial loss…

But also your reputation and future business prospects.

Imagine spending years building an audience or a product…

Only to launch and get zero sales?

You put in years of work and sleepless nights only to build something nobody wants.

Well you’re not alone…

This is reality for millions of people trying to make a buck on the internet…

But why does this happen?

Because too many people skip the most important step.

Look, if you dive headfirst into creation without validating demand…

…You risk everything.

So here’s the truth about launching without market validation:

It’s not just risky it’s a direct path to failure.

Professional entrepreneurs understand the value of data over gut feelings.

You wouldn’t set sail without checking the weather forecast right?

Yet many entrepreneurs go into business without understanding the market.

Why does this matter so much?

Market research isn’t just a buzzword.

It’s your business’s lifeline.

According to CB Insights, 42% of startups fail because there’s no market need for their product. That’s nearly half of all businesses.

But what if I told you…

…That you can shrink the chance of failure to nearly zero?


The Mad Scientist Research Course helps you validate your business, niche, market, and ideas in less than 60 minutes…

Let me explain…

By validating your idea upfront, you ensure there’s a hungry market ready to pay for what you offer.

Think of it as a GPS for your business…

That GPS guides you to safe and profitable waters.

While trends and gut feelings have their place… Nothing beats solid data.

The internet is full of stories about overnight successes.

But dig deeper…

And you’ll find those ‘overnight’ successes spent significant time understanding their market first.

Enter Netflix.

Netflix didn’t start by streaming content.

They began by sending DVDs by mail…

Then Netflix learned what people wanted based on research…

And then dove into streaming which helped Netflix dominate the market.

But have you heard of Quibi?

Didn’t think so…

Even though Quibi had top-tier talent and massive funding…

Quibi collapsed because it misunderstood what viewers wanted.

So why is market research more important now than ever?

In 2024, we are in a trust recession.


Consumers are attacked with options.

The average person sees +500 ads per day.

So people more selective and informed than ever before.

Launching a product without understanding this new landscape is like playing Russian roulette with your business.

By tapping into real-time data and consumer insights in their own voice…

You not only meet current demands but predict future needs.

Picture your business thriving because you offered what people wanted.

You don’t have to lie awake at night because you’re worried if people want to buy what you’ve built.

Imagine avoiding the heartache of a failed launch and instead…

You take a vacation to celebrate…

Here’s the deal…

Market research bridges the gap between your vision and your customers needs and desires.

It ensures you’re not just building a business but creating something people actually want and need.

It’s not just about surviving the market.

It’s about having your finger on the pulse of the market.

By investing time in understanding your audience…

You set the stage for a profitable launch.

And you steer clear of the heartbreak of creating something no one wants.

Before you pour another hour or dollar into your venture ask yourself:

Do you know what my target wants?

If not, it’s time to find out…

Here’s what makes the Mad Scientist Research Method So Unique…

  • A step by step guide to verify if your niche is profitable – before you create one piece of content.
  • A course on how to identify the big players in your market and separate yourself from the competition.
  • How to search and find the exact pain points your audience or customer have in their voice.
  • A fill in the blank “Mad Scientist Research Lab” sheet to track what problems reoccur and to never run out of ideas again.
  • How to use Meta as the ultimate goldmine for customer research
  • Learn how to use Facebook groups to not only find problems but post valuable content that attracts customers and clients.
  • How to scrape the internet with Perplexity.AI and find problems and outline a course with those problems.
  • The exact tools to use to find your audiences pain points at hyper speed
  • How to use Reddit to find horror stories that make customers jump off the fence and buy
  • The exact templates I use to verify if people will buy my product before I build it.
  • The one question to ask your audience to find dozens of problems in their voice.
  • How to turn these problems into content and products.
  • Bonus course on how to sell the story of your product.
  • + A LOT MORE

Here’s what’s inside the Mad Scientist Research Course:

  • The Profitable Niche Verification Course – $197 value
  • Positioning course – $97 value
  • Followers to die hard fans course – $147 value
  • The Youtuber Leverager course – $147
  • The Mad Scientist Research Lab – $47
  • How to find endless problems course – $197
  • Perplexity masterclass – $197
  • Facebook research course – $147
  • Reddit deep dive course – $97
  • Verify your business idea course – $197
  • Turn problems into stories course – $297
  • Horror stories bonus course – $197
  • Use AI to turn problems into stories – $147
  • Problem lead magnets course – $97
  • Turn Problems into hooks course – $247

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Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid


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[GroupBuy] Mad Story Scientist Research Course – Parker Worth
$147.00 $99.00 Add to Cart

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