Luisa Zhou – How to Sell More Through Stories


But first, if you want to stand out more and make more, here are 4 key marketing stats you need to know:

It’s harder than ever to stand out —

Your dream clients are exposed to 5,000+ brand messages every day, but are aware of less than 100 of them and remember only about 12.1

But storytelling can give you a huge advantage —

Making your message 22x more memorable than your competitors who don’t use storytelling (or use it well).2

Which directly translates into more sales —

In fact, storytelling could boost your conversion rates by 30%.3

AND being able to charge the prices you actually want to charge. —

Because good stories can increase the perceived value of your product by up to 20x.4

In short?

Well-told stories can quickly and dramatically explode your business growth.

But honestly, I didn’t believe it until I started seeing these kind of results in my own business:

One story – shared via a less than 60-second video – directly grew my Instagram account by over 3,700 new followers in less than a month.

A different story of mine – created such a connection with my ideal clients that it made an additional $10 to $20 for every $1 I spent sharing it. That’s a 1,000%+ ROI.

And yet another story of mine – has made such a big impact on sales that one out of every six to seven clients mentions it as part of the reason why they purchased from me. Over the years, this has added up to a multi-million dollar sales boost.

Everyone talks about the importance of “telling stories,” but no one talks about HOW to actually do it effectively…

The good news is:

Storytelling is a SKILL.

Which means you can learn it.

And I’m about to take the stress out of learning it by laying out everything you need to know. Via a step-by-step approach — backed by 10+ years and $10 million+ of story-telling experience.


This concise and practical course provides a complete framework — with detailed steps and examples — for using storytelling to build trust, stand out, and boost your sales.

No fluff, BS, or useless theory.

Just what’s proven and what works. Based on my personal experience making 8-figures in sales, in large part through the power of my storytelling skills.

Even better, you can finish the course in just a morning or afternoon, and start using it immediately, to see a noticeable improvement in your skills – and results.

In this course, you’ll learn:


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Luisa Zhou – How to Sell More Through Stories

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