
Lisa Sasevich – How to Sell to Women


So why did we do a 3-Day Virtual Training devoted exclusively to selling to women?

Because 85% of ALL buying decisions are made by WOMEN!

Actually it’s even bigger than that. Women also:

Open 70% of ALL new businesses

Spend 80% of BOTH combined household incomes

. Spend $5 trillion annually (and that’s only in the U.S.)
Buy more online products and services than men

No question about it — this is NOT your father’s business market.

However, deciding to sell to women AND actually doing a good job at attracting and inspiring women are two COMPLETELY different things.

And that’s where this virtual event comes in.
I’ve brought together 18 of the world’s master teachers on honoring and serving women in ONE powerful virtual training course to teach you their secrets on attracting and inspiring women!

I specifically chose these teachers (you’ll notice they’re both men AND women) because they’ve made MILLIONS serving women at the highest level. They know what it’s like to have women as their core market and they’re going to teach you their strategies so you can duplicate their success.

You see, this is NOT an event that’s just going to teach you a collection of techniques designed to manipulate and twist women’s arms to get them to buy from you. (In fact, that’s the WORST thing you can do if you want women as your customers — you’ll learn other big “no-no’s” during this amazing training.) No, this is an event that’s going to teach you how to honor, serve and inspire women to step up and say “YES” to themselves.

In fact, here are a few juicy tidbits you’ll discover from this
ground-breaking training:

  • SPECIFIC techniques on attracting women into your business (you won’t believe
    how many there are. . . and how many you may be missing)
    • The EXACT steps you need to take to inspire and influence women to say “YES!”
    to investing in themselves.
    • What you should avoid at ALL costs if you want to have women as clients and
    customers (you may even be shocked when you hear some of the items on this list).
    • EXACTLY how to structure your offers so they are irresistible to your ideal woman
    client, and inspire her to say YES on-the-spot, without having to be pushy or salesy.
    • And MUCH more

For all the men reading this, you’re going to LOVE getting this peek behind the curtain on how women think (and who knows, it could help you with your personal relationships as well.)

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Lisa Sasevich – How to Sell to Women
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