
LinkedIn Hook Templates: Start Your Posts like a Pro – Authority Marketing


LinkedIn Hook Templates: Start Your Posts like a Pro

Get the exact 67 LinkedIn Hooks with examples that got us from 0 to 1,500,000 Post Views and 5 Business Inquiries PER DAY on LinkedIn in just 9 months.

If you want to surpass your Engagement Goals on LinkedIn in record time, create seriously SCROLL-STOPPING content, and NEVER AGAIN think about how to start your next post

…then the LinkedIn Hook Templates is a NO-BRAINER for you.

I started with ZERO Engagement.

It was October 2020.

I had 700 followers, no business network, no brand, no content, zero engagement, and zero clients.

As a freelance copywriter, I needed to land at least one high-ticket client to survive the month.

Quite a challenge, especially when you’re competing with thousands of big players in the industry. Players that know how to play the LinkedIn game, and were already well established on the platform.

I was just starting out.

So I knew that my content had to be super valuable if I wanted to get any clients at all.

Challenge accepted. I was able to share solid advice, and could talk about copywriting for hours…

…But there was a catch.

See, regardless of how good your advice is, if no one reads it – it’s like it doesn’t exist.

With that said, creating a good Hook is 70% of the work. That first sentence on your post will either make people stop, and keep on reading – or scroll away.

Hence you need to spend most of your time here.

So I did.

I spent hundreds of hours studying what works, why it works, and how to successfully replicate it.

After all, I am a copywriter.

That’s Why I Created Hooks.

Fast forward one year, I’d grown my account to:

  • almost 2M post views
  • 16K+ profile views/month
  • 5 inbound leads per DAY
  • and speaking opportunities everywhere…

…all on the back of these same Templates.

“Dina, that’s cool, but what does it have to do with me?”

For everyone, including yourself, it all starts with the ability to grab your Ideal Client’s attention, and ends with converting that attention into sales.

That’s why they say attention is the currency of today.

But grabbing attention has never been more challenging.

With almost 17M of active LinkedIn users, and tens of thousands of posts competing for a place in your clients’ daily newsfeed – how likely is your post to perform well?

Getting it right takes months of writing, testing, and reverse-engineering what makes people stop scrolling.

If you’re a business owner, solopreneur, or a freelancer, there’s a high chance you don’t have time for any of this.

And there’s a fair chance you’re not a talented copywriter either.

One day, I said to Stevan: “Let’s make templates with various industry examples so people can just fill in the blanks.”

Good news is, Stevan thought it was a great idea.

So we rolled up our sleeves, and created 67 Templates with examples from our best-performing Hooks.

Now you can piggyback off our hard work & hours invested, and start your posts in confidence, before ever thinking of giving up.

To stay on top of people’s newsfeeds, you don’t have to:

  • waste time with trial & error
  • start with a blank page, or
  • hire a pro copywriter

You can just apply what already works.

Anyone in any niche can profit from these templates.

They’re soaked in persuasion, sales psychology, and modern conversation strategies.

But that’s not all.

We want you to win. And we’ll do everything in our power to help you attract your Ideal Clients on LinkedIn.

That’s why we’ve set aside three insane Bonuses for you, with a combined worth of $447.

You’ll get them completely FREE.

We’re taking ALL THE RISK.

Your investment is protected by our 90-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

You’re either completely thrilled, or we’ll refund ALL your money – AND you get to keep the Templates!

Just shoot us an email at [email protected], and we’ll give you a full refund – no hassle, no hard feelings (we’ll still be friends).

This is what you’ll get:

  • 67 COPY-PASTE LinkedIn Hook Templates with Examples that OUTPERFORMED ALL the content you can possibly find on LinkedIn.
  • The “Pick The Hook for Your Next Post” chapter where you can cherry-pick the Hook that brings your post to life.
  • 20 Authority-Building Content Ideas so you can write your posts with ease.
  • Plug-N-Play Ending Templates to write strong, persuasive endings.
  • LinkedIn Swipe File to swipe through our successful posts & use them to generate your own

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LinkedIn Hook Templates: Start Your Posts like a Pro – Authority Marketing
$57.00 $9.00 Add to Cart

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