
[GroupBuy] Learn To Write Website Copy That Converts


Learn To Write Website Copy That Converts

Whether you’re creating copy for your first website, upleveling existing website copy to align with your big vision, or rewriting your website copy for a rebrand or redesign, you’re in the right place.

If you are building a brand or business of any kind, you need a website. And if you need a website, you need website copy — the words and text that fill each page and persuade a visitor to hire you, buy from you, learn from you, or subscribe to your email list.

Yes, you could hire a copywriter to write your website copy but maybe…

  • You tried hiring a copywriter and it didn’t work out so well. The draft copy you received sounded nothing like you!
  • You reached out to a few copywriters but their intake forms were intense and you didn’t have answers to all of their questions.
  • You don’t have unlimited funds and copywriters are EXPENSIVE! You’d rather spend your hard-earned money on design and marketing.

So you decided to do it yourself. You are the expert on your business after all. And, you’re one smart cookie. So planning, outlining, and writing your own website copy couldn’t be that hard, right?

Wrong. OMG. So unbelievably wrong.

I-started-this-six-months-ago-and-I’m-still-not-done wrong…

I get it. Writing website copy seems simple, and dare I say easy… until you actually sit down and start doing it!

It’s freaking hard to write about yourself and your own business!

Since you’re here, I’m guessing you can relate and one of these examples describes you perfectly:

  • I’m overwhelmed and struggling to get my website copy done. It’s holding me back and negatively affecting my business.
  • I’ve started writing my website copy and even have a draft done but it doesn’t feel quite right and I don’t know why.
  • I avoid working on my website copy because it feels really complicated and I’m not sure what to say or where to start.
  • I want to write my own website copy and I’m confident I could do a great job — but I need some help and guidance.
  • My web designer said I had to provide the final website copy before they start my website and WTF? How do I do that?!

I feel your pain and so do A LOT of other business owners just like you. I write copy for a living and writing copy for my own website is one million times harder than writing copy for my clients.

But I learned a secret that changed everything.

Professional copywriters never start with a blank screen and zero direction and magically produce brilliant, conversion-focused copy.

Experienced copywriters know that the secret to writing head-turning copy that converts is working with proven frameworks, templates, and prompts — and over the years, I’ve collected, tweaked, created, and refined my own collection of copywriting tools, frameworks, and resources that make writing website copy easier and faster.

That’s exactly what I’m sharing at Content Camp: Website Copy!

Get Your Website Copy Done At Content Camp

From your Home and About pages to your Services and Contact pages to your testimonials and calls to action, we’ll cover it step-by-step one page at a time.

When you snag a ticket to Content Camp: Website Copy (or the bundle of all three Content Camp events) and join me for three days of workshops, you’ll get the what, the why, the who, the where, the when, and the how.

You’ll also get:

  • Frameworks, templates, wireframes, and instructions so you know what to say on each page, how best to say it, and in what order to say it.
  • Direct, specific, actionable feedback from experts on your website copy drafts so you can feel confident in your direction and message.
  • A comprehensive workbook that covers every aspect of Content Camp: Website Copy that you can reference again and again.

What’s even better is that because the event is workshop-style, you’ll be working on your website copy and making meaningful progress in every session — and you’ll have guidance, help, and support every step of the way!

  • TRUTH: Most attendees leave with their copy done and ready for a final proofread, others with solid drafts of their top-level pages completed. It is possible!

It’s pretty incredible to see someone who has been agonizing over their website copy for months, show up, focus, and not only get it done in three days but also feel excited and proud of the quality of copy they produced!

I want you to feel that relief and joy too.

Make The Website Copywriting Process Easier By Preparing For Success

Five mini prep exercises help you get ready to participate fully in Content Camp: Website Copy and set you up for success without overwhelm.

To get your website copy done in three days, we’ll hit the ground running on the first day of Content Camp: Website Copy and dive right into writing copy for your services and offer pages.

It’s serious work because the success of your business is serious stuff.

  • I won’t lie, tell you it’s going to be easy, and sugarcoat things to trick you into signing up. If writing your website copy was easy, you’d already have it done.
  • I will help you prepare for Content Camp so you’re ready to go on day one, with five mini pre-event prep exercises — each with a step-by-step workbook.

Five Mini Prep Exercises To Set You Up For Success:

  1. Understand Your Audience:
    You can’t write copy that captures attention and helps people identify as a perfect fit if you don’t know who you’re speaking to or what they care about. This exercise shows you how to gather audience insights that help you write copy that converts.
  2. Assess Your Testimonials:
    This exercise shows you how to get testimonials that sell your offers, what to do if you don’t have clients or customers yet, and how to use customer feedback to create sales statements ideal clients and customers can relate to.
  3. Review Your Brand Assets:
    You likely already have marketing materials, profiles, and copy written for your brand. This exercise walks you through the process of assessing the copy you already have so you don’t have to start from scratch if you don’t need to.
  4. Define Your Website Strategy:
    Every website has three core sections, each with a different purpose. This exercise will walk you through the process of not only defining your website goals and desired outcomes but also planning your website strategy and the pages you need.
  5. Get In The Right Frame Of Mind:
    Mindset is everything when it comes to writing effective website copy. This brainstorming exercise will help you rev up your creativity and start thinking about the pages you’ll write at Content Camp and the details you want to communicate.

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Learn To Write Website Copy That Converts
[GroupBuy] Learn To Write Website Copy That Converts
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