
[Group Buy] Lead Generation Workshop Recordings by Adskill


The Ground Breaking Lead Gen Masterplan: The State-Of-The-Art Techniques to Scale your Business Across Multiple Channels

Here’s what you’ll receive: Instant access to brand new solutions revealed at the ‘Lead Generation Workshop’, held on 21 January 2021.

The workshop showcases 6 ‘top gun’ Lead Gen marketers. They share remarkable new insights discovered through spending millions of dollars on ad testing. In the process, they’ve earned tens of millions in sales for their clients.

Get your hands on these breakthroughs to gain an instant competitive advantage…while virtually no one else is using them. All without the expense and time of trying to figure it out for yourself.

Master These 6 Critical Skills Converting Clicks Into Leads

How to get quality 50 cent BUYER leads on Facebook…which lead to 6-Figure launches

The ‘slap-forehead’ simple technique for writing ad copy which stops clients dead in their tracks – it’s shocking how few people are doing this.

Sack your designer! The 2 simple tools you need to create professional quality ad graphics TODAY… no more waiting 2 weeks and paying big $$$ to your graphic designer.

The shortcut to creating a lead magnet that converts like crazy – beginners (and some pros!) in lead gen get this totally wrong.

Client doesn’t want their face on video ads? Discover how to quickly crank out ‘faceless ads’ that still get high opt-in rates.

Should you go for quality or quantity in your ad creatives? Get the definitive answer – most people will be surprised.

The secrets to securing 50 cent leads that BUY, without cheating and getting traffic from India or the Philippines.

Discover the format pulling in great CPA’s on Instagram over the last couple of months and is working great now. You’ll want to jump on this before the algo changes.

The latest tactics for using Instagram and Tik Tok. Don’t put all your eggs in the Facebook basket – Zuck could come along and stamp his foot on them at any time.

How to plan a multi-channel lead-gen strategy across FB, Instagram and Tik Tok. This is how you make the big bucks.

Presented by: Liana Ling –

Owner of her own successful Lead Gen agency after turning her back on a career as a litigation lawyer. Helps entrepreneurs and business owners get booked solid with leads through advertising on Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Google.

Liana is a Course Instructor and prominent member in the AdSkills community over the past 2 years. You’ll be found GULITY – if you don’t take advantage of these strategies. Did I mention Liana is a lawyer and Law Professor…I’ll show myself out…

The ‘Psychological’ Approach to YouTube Advertising which Spits out Leads on Demand…and is Set to Explode Later this Year

The crucial mindset shift you need when taking a campaign from Facebook to YouTube – ignore this and your campaign will bomb.

How the top pro’s use targeting by placement, custom audiences, affinity audiences and in market audiences.

Legally ‘steal’ Tom’s internal process documents for creating killer lead gen ad campaigns – it’s all laid out for you to easily copy.

The 3 funnels which work like gangbusters for Lead Gen on YouTube. If you’re new to advertising on YT, start here for best results.

Recommended software tools to help you scale your winning campaigns.

How to get great video production quality on a shoestring budget – never let cost stop your campaigns again.

The simple trick you can copy from Gordan Ramsey which increases engagement and video watch time (don’t worry, it doesn’t contain any 4-letter words).

How understanding buyer psychology will increase your conversions. Tom has had the benefit of 5 years studying psychology at University – you’ll discover the most important parts in 15 mins.

Why your video should be a “3 Act Piece” and what’s crucial to place in each piece – this is ‘sneaky’ psychology that your clients won’t be able to resist.

How to create a storyboard and script that will connect with your customers and make them eager to sign up (you don’t have to be Steven Spielberg; these tips will get people excited to buy).

A simple adjustment to the end of your video that can increase opt-ins by up to 32% – this tip blew the minds of live attendees.

Presented by: Tom Breeze – Viewability

Tom Breeze is founder of both Viewability, a YouTube ad agency & Ad Buyers Club, where marketers are transformed into YouTube ad buying heroes. Both brands adopt a “Pay for Results” financial model which has allowed Tom to work with an impressive international list of personal & corporate brands.

Tom has a master’s in psychology, is an author and is regularly invited to speak at conferences all over the world, showing businesses how to unlock the true power of YouTube ads for profit & scale.

The Simple Formula to Generating Leads at Scale…Without Sacrificing Quality

Why you should create a ‘microbrand’ if you work in an agency or own an agency – In 3 mins you’ll go from “WTF is that?” to “Why didn’t I think of that?”.

Be amazed as Jeremy ‘opens the books’ on the financials for his successful Lead Gen business.

Which lead magnet is currently beating ‘reports’ in the ultra-competitive financial lead gen space? – You’ll be shocked at the simplicity of this.

Co-registration is back! The right way to run a profitable co-reg campaign in 2021.

The critical KPI that could spell disaster for your lead gen campaign – and no, it’s not conversion rate or cost per lead (this was learnt the hard way and resulted in losing a client. Don’t let it happen to you).

Had problems scaling? Get a sneak peek inside a campaign that generated a whopping 145,000 leads, but still maintained a 27% opt-in rate.

How to train the Facebook and YouTube algorithms to send you high quality, profitable leads… not cheap dross that clog up your email list but never buy.

Why thank you pages are dead and what you should use instead.

Presented by: Jeremy Blossom – Strikepoint Media

Jeremy Blossom is the Co-Founder and CEO of Strikepoint Media, a leading direct response advertising agency and ad network specializing in driving sales and revenue for businesses with aggressive growth initiatives.

Google Display Network: How to Finally Harness the Power of this Monster and Build Campaigns that Scale to 10,000 Leads a Day

How to scale campaigns to 10,000 leads a day or more, using Google Display Network.

Step-by-step guide to getting set for success on the GDN. See how an expert structures campaigns, bids, automations and targeting.

The quick way to create an irresistible offer… hint: swipe these examples of high performing offers to generate ideas.

How to design ads that will run everywhere and avoid getting banned by the Internet’s ‘rent a cop’ rules.

How to easily create seductive ads that reach into your customer’s subconscious – don’t let your graphic designer go creating ‘pretty’ ads, copy these proven money-makers.

See actual examples of ads that TANKED – understand the reasons why, so you can keep more cash in your pocket.

What to test if you want to keep scaling your campaigns – this is the playbook for going from $10 a day budget to $10,000 a day.

The 3 methods to monetize your leads, and why you should be doing all 3 to maximise your earnings.

The simplest way to slash your cost per lead in HALF. This how ‘big dogs’ are able to scale their campaigns.

Presented by: Justin Brooke –

Founder of, Justin started 11yrs ago with just $60 in an AdWords account and turned it into 6 figures. Then opened a digital ad agency and grew it to 7 figures.

He’s spent over $10 million dollars on ads and his client list includes Dan Kennedy, Ryan Deiss, Russell Brunson, Ed O’Keefe, Jon Assaraf and more.

Why ‘Individualized’ Leadgen is the Future… and How it Can Catapult your Campaigns from ‘Meh’ to ‘Amazing’

Discover how ‘individualised customer experiences’ can give you the upper hand in producing leads at scale – we’re talking 1,000 leads per day or more.

An inside look at the workings of a campaign currently churning out 160 leads per MINUTE – have your pen and paper ready for this one.

How to produce PERSONALIZED lead magnets which not only boost conversion rates… they increase the customer’s perceived value.

When in the customer journey should you target your leads? – Get this right and watch your opt-ins jump.

The SaaS ‘secret weapon’ that does all the heavy lifting of setting up a personalized led gen campaign.

Never hear “It won’t work in my market” again. See examples of campaigns from finance, health, info-products and local businesses.

Uncover the secret to producing high quality leads – Google understood this and dominated the competition. You can do the same in your markets.

How to get a ‘100% opt in rate’ – No, it’s not impossible if you structure your campaigns this way.

Hate upfront research? – Why doing research ‘on the fly’ could actually make more sense.

Revealed: The biggest opportunity in lead gen today – and why most advertisers are missing out.

Presented by: Mr X – The Individualized Marketing Expert
Mr X heads a personalized marketing SaaS solution that powers some of the biggest lead gen campaigns running today.

He’s personally been involved in over 25 product and brand launches covering everything from concept, strategy and launch. He also has experience in operations (including design and management supply chain systems), acquisitions and exits.

The Expert Mastermind: How to Grow and Prosper in 2021…Despite Privacy Issues, Apple’s Anti-tracking Features and Regulatory Concerns

How to combat Apple’s new ‘anti-tracking’ features in iOS 14. Don’t let your business be a casualty of the war between Apple and Facebook.

The platform you should think of first when diversifying from Facebook – many media buyers don’t even know this exists (in fact, it didn’t exist 18 months ago).

Newsflash! – now you can target PURCHASERS of products. Discover where, why and how to get hold of this data.

Why combining offline advertising with digital could be your secret weapon in 2021. Here’s how to start taking baby steps in offline advertising.

How to get high quality leads for just $10 each on LinkedIn. Get a walk-through of the strategy behind an award-winning campaign and see inside their ad account. With most advertisers paying 4 or 5 times this CPL, this insight alone could pay for the course.

Why top agencies have sacked all their clients and gone Pay per Lead (PPL). Find out if it’s right for you.

Tracking WILL get harder in 2021. A panel of experts reveal what you can do to prevent carnage in your accounts.

An unusual way to use SEMRush to get laser targeted leads.

Once you understand this concept, your competitors will be dumbfounded where all your leads are coming from.

Presented by Ed Dale,
Currently Director of Marketing at AdSkills, Ed has spent years at the forefront of digital marketing. After working directly with numerous marketing legends such as Gary Halbert and Frank Kern, he’s generated millions of dollars through online direct marketing.

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[Group Buy] Lead Generation Workshop Recordings by Adskill
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