
Lana Sova – Launch Sequence Secrets


How to Double or Even Triple Your Monthly Revenue In Just 1 Day’s Worth of Work…

Without Taking on MORE Clients or Writing Dozens of Broadcast Emails

From: Lana Sova

The Big Apple
May, 2023
Dear friend,
If you’re anything like most copywriters, you’re constantly looking for ways to fatten up your wallet without adding extra work.

If that’s the case, then today’s your lucky day.

Because as you keep reading, you’ll see how easy it is to double your monthly income without doubling your work hours.
In fact, I’ve been doing this for the past three years as a non-native email copywriter, working 4-5 hrs a day and making six healthy figures a year.
So I can travel the world whenever I’d like and spend my time doing things I enjoy…vs always working on client projects.
What you’re about to discover is perhaps one of the easiest ways to add extra monthly revenue without taking on more clients…in just one day’s worth of work.

This Ultimately Gives You More Opportunities to Double Your Revenue While Freeing Up Your Time So You Can Do Things You Enjoy Doing

See, most email copywriters focus on offering services like:

Writing welcome automation

Optimizing abandoned cart automation

Handling monthly broadcast emails/newsletters

Creating post-purchase automation

If this is what you provide for your clients, there is nothing wrong with that.

However, I think we can both agree…
The only way to increase the monthly revenue is to take on MORE CLIENTS to offer the same services.
This means spending more time:

Nailing down the client’s voice

Figuring out what ticks the audience

Coming up with ideas to write about

Planning the entire email calendar

Fighting ever-lurking writer’s block

In other words, even though taking on a new client means a slightly happier bank account…
Unfortunately, this also means a MASSIVE loss of your time.
And I don’t know about you…
But I got into this industry to stay away from the 9-5 modern-day slavery…
And enjoy the finest things this life has to offer.
My bet is…. you got here for similar reasons.
If that’s the case

Let Me Show You a Simple Way to Add More Zeros To Your Bank Account…

Without Adding More Work Hours to Your Day

Now, what I’m about to share with you is not new.

In fact, I bet you’ve even done this service for a client before.
However, it’s the HOW you approach this old-as-the-hills lucrative service offer…
That can transform your life.
Because if you’re anything like 99% of copywriters….
Chances are, you haven’t seen success with this one service offer for your clients.
Simply because it failed to convert.
Which ultimately led to losing a client.
Because we both know that in the client’s eyes,

The Only Copy That Matters is the One That Converts

You see, businesses worldwide always come up with new products.

That’s how they increase their bottom lines.
When they do, they need to let potential buyers on their email list know how excellent this new product is.
This is where a product launch sequence comes in.
And even those that don’t come up with new products or offers..
Still have “evergreen” offers.
These are often “undersold” because clients don’t know how to market them in a way that makes their audience salivate at the mere mention of the product.
This is where a killer launch sequence comes to a rescue. And that’s where you, as an email copywriter, come in.
Because when you know how to write a killer launch sequence
The one that converts…
Not only will your client love you forever…
They will keep you on a team for as long as humanly possible.
And give you more work than you’d know what to do with.
For you, this means you can forget about hunting for clients.
And transform your life as an email copywriter from a struggling to thriving because:

Customer Retention = Referrals = Double or Even Triple Your Current Bottom Line

Yet that’s not even the best part…

See, when you know how to create product launch sequences the right way…
You’ll write 10-14 email sequences in just one day.
This means when you set up this offer in a way that’s a win-win situation for both you and your client…
You can make 4-5 figure paychecks in just one day’s worth of work.
Regardless of the niche, the list size, and the temperature of the list (cold or warm).

In fact, I’ve written launch sequences that converted on large and small lists throughout my career.
What’s more, during my first ever year as a copywriter, I wrote a mini-launch sequence for an agency I worked for.
That sequence made over $80,000 for a client in just five days… all on a $497 product.
This means 170 people pulled their credit cards and said a “hell yes” to the offer…
When previously, they have been just passive readers.
Moreover, the client had an offer in one of the most brutal niches out there – fitness niches.
And they had a pretty dying list.
As I kept honing my skill, I created a simple method that I use over and over again…

This method allows me to write an entire launch sequence in just one day.
I’ve written launches for clients that crushed it on small lists.
Like I did for my 2+ year-long client…
That launch made over $49,000 on a list of 876 people…on a $997 product.

The launch went so well that they had to hire MORE closers and coaches to keep up with the demand.
I still work with this client to this day.

They pay whatever I command, so I can travel the world as often as possible while working 3-4hrs days.
I even wrote a new product launch sequence while traveling with friends in Greece in one day…
That sequence is for a new supplement product.
The sequence completely sold out the product in less than 3 days…

So I woke to a voice message from a client that basically said:
Then, I wrote a few launches for my list…

One of which generated a healthy $4484 in one week from a sub-list of 200 people.
All for a day’s worth of work.
And I want to show you how to do that too.

So you can bang out the entire launch sequence in one day.
And then reap the benefits for weeks and months to come because
Same Number Of Clients =
More 1f4b0 = Less 1f469 200d 1f4bb = More Time To Play

Now, this may be nothing new to you.

You certainly heard about launch sequences. Yet here’s

Why 99% Of Email Copywriters Struggle To Write Launch Sequences That Convert:

Most email copywriters use templates to write launches.

And it makes sense.
Templates save you a lot of time.
Yet they also give you subpar results.
The results that put you into the category of a mediocre copywriter… 
One of many….
And seeing the ever-growing amount of competition in the field…
Delivering just meh results is not going to cut it.
Yet, when you know the structure of a perfect launch sequence.
When you know the reasons behind why this structure works…
You can squeeze every penny out of the list, no matter how small or big or how cold or lukewarm the list is…
In almost any niche, on any low to medium-price product…every time.
Giving you more status and authority points in the eyes of your clients and peers.
What’s more….
Having this understanding also means you don’t have to spend HOURS researching and figuring out the audience.
All You Need Is A Profitable Launch Structure And About A Day’s Worth Of Work

Now if you are a fast writer like myself, that could take you even less time.

These days I bang out a launch in about 3 hrs, followed by an hour of editing.

Are you intrigued? Curious to try it for yourself?
Well, if that’s the case, then allow me to invite you to my


Launch Sequence Secrets

LSS is a 2-Part Training Where:

Part #1: The Method
During this training I’ll take you by the hand and will show you:

The structure of a profitable launch sequence in ANY niche on ANY low to medium-price offers or products (from $0.99 to $999)

Step-by-step formula to writing email launch sequence that converts

The Bottom-Up Approach to writing the entire sequence in just one day

The difference between a product launch and welcome automation: how to get maximum profits

The #1 thing most copywriter neglect after the launch that burns the list and sets up the next launch for failure

Avoid these 3 common launch sequence strategies that cause the launch to bomb!

7 tricks that squeeze the most juice out of the list without burning it out

When to sell hard and when to “value sell” for maximum profits

The Profitability Frequency: how often should you email

Does length matter? How long should the launch sequence be for maximum profits

How to make your client say hell yes to your launch sequence service offer without batting an eye

The sure-fire launch success questionnaire list: ask your clients these questions to secure a profitable launch

Bonus: 5 SMS-marketing strategies to boost launch conversions

Part #2: The Application
During this part of the training,  I’ll take you by the hand and will show you:

A step-by-step breakdown of some of my best-performing launch sequences in various niches

A demo of how I use the structure to write a sequence in a one day

A personalized live critique of your launch structure and copy of some of the copywriters in the niches

A step-by-step breakdown of each type of email so you can use the templates for any niche, any market, and deploy the launch sequence even faster

Right now,

You Have Only Three Options:

1) You can do nothing, close this page and go about your day

So you keep writing broadcast emails, making a-ok money, and hunting for clients to increase your bottom line…

All while stressing out about current clients dropping you at any point…
Worrying about the competition that knows much more than you do, gives the client better results and provides your client more value.
So you become easily replaceable.
You may think about getting your hands on this training.
You might weigh in all the pros and cons.
Yet when you come back, the access to the training might be already closed.
Meaning you’ll be left behind everybody else.

2) You can close this page and try to figure this out on your own

Now if you’re anything like I was seven years ago, you like to try things out on your own.

From personal experience, this is costly.
It takes A LOT of time and effort to figure out what works and what doesn’t.
And when it comes to launching a product…
MORE things break the launch than the things that make it convert like crazy.
This means if you decide to figure out how to write a launch that converts on your own…
You’ll waste time and lose your clients’ money.
You’ll also lose an opportunity to double or even triple your bottom line as soon as possible.
Plus, those joining the training will be two-three steps ahead of you by the time you figure everything out.

3) Let me grab you by the hand and walk you step by step

Allow me to be your tour guide and walk you through every crucial aspect of a launch that converts.

I’ll show you what you must do to avoid the launch bombing…
And instead, bang out launches that sell in just one day’s worth of work… without spending hours on research and writing.
Over the course of three years, I’ve constantly been pulling $15K-20K a month while working with the same clients…
And having 3-4hrs “work” days.
The reason I’ve been able to do this is simple:
I’ve been writing launches for clients that convert.
Eventually, I’ve developed a simple step-by-step process that lets me write a launch in one day…
So I can work less and make more. That’s how I’ve been able to travel to 5 new countries, 7 new states, and 16 new cities in 2022 alone.

During This Training, You’ll Get:

Part #1: The Method
During this training I’ll take you by the hand and will show you:

The structure of a profitable launch sequence in ANY niche on ANY low to medium-price offers or products (from $0.99 to $999)

Step-by-step formula to writing email launch sequence that converts

The Bottom-Up Approach to writing the entire sequence in just one day

The difference between a product launch and welcome automation: how to get maximum profits

The #1 thing most copywriter neglect after the launch that burns the list and sets up the next launch for failure

Avoid these 3 common launch sequence strategies that cause the launch to bomb!

7 tricks that squeeze the most juice out of the list without burning it out

When to sell hard and when to “value sell” for maximum profits

The Profitability Frequency: how often should you email

Does length matter? How long should the launch sequence be for maximum profits

How to make your client say hell yes to your launch sequence service offer without batting an eye

The sure-fire launch success questionnaire list: ask your clients these questions to secure a profitable launch

Bonus: 5 SMS-marketing strategies to boost launch conversions

Part #2: The Application
During this part of the training,  I’ll take you by the hand and will show you:

This is the day when we put the theory into practice. So, you’ll see:

A step-by-step breakdown of some of my best-performing launch sequences in various niches

A demo of how I use the structure to write a sequence in a one day

A personalized live critique of your launch structure and copy of some of the copywriters in the niches

A step-by-step breakdown of each type of email so you can use the templates for any niche, any market, and deploy the launch sequence even faster

In Fact, I Want You To Get a Chance To Access This Training At The Lowest Price It Will Ever Be Offered

I’ll show you how you can write an entire launch in just one day…
For just a tiny investment of $397.

However, before I give you the link to get your access…
Here’s something else you need to know…
Let’s talk about what NOT accessing this training will cost you.
The cost of you missing out on this training is going to cost you weeks and months on finding new clients to increase your monthly revenue.
And the build up stress of worrying about current clients firing you at any moment.
It’ll cost you an opportunity to reach your goal of making healthy low to mid-six figures as an email copywriter…
While working 3-4 hrs a day.
Because with your current model, the only way you can add more zeros to your bank account is by adding MORE clients.
Meaning more work, and less free time.
This leads to a burn you out and increases the desire to quit.
Which can force you to go back to the soul-sucking 9-5.
So while you keep writing with 6-7 clients at a time…
You never get to enjoy the fruits of your labor…
Or the lifestyle that savvy copywriters that did get access will get to enjoy
And the investment?
It really doesnt matter because what you’ll discover with this training works.
This means the investment is practically nothing because it’s going to pay for itself many times over…
So the real question is, how much are you willing to invest to be able to double or even triple your monthly rev without adding extra clients and extra work…
While freeing up more of your time to do the things you enjoy doing.

And by the way, I’m not asking you to say “yes” or “no” right now.

All I’m saying is… give it a try.

In fact, I want you to get access to the training, go through the steps, and then see IF you think you got the value out of it…

And then see if the investment was worth is.

This basically means your investment today is protected by my

“Try-it-out-first-then-pay guarantee.”

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Lana Sova – Launch Sequence Secrets
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