Kyle Milligan – The Beginner Bundle


Kickstart Your Copywriting Career With The Proven – NO B.S. – Insights Of A Multi-Million Dollar Copywriter

  • Decode the Language of Copy
  • Discover How To Enter the Psyche of Your Reader
  • Find Top Performing Sales Pages To Model
  • ​Create Compelling Headlines That Capture Attention
  • ​Craft Amazing Emails That Make Money
  • And More!
“Without your teachings, I wouldn’t have the confidence to turn out so much copy so fast…
And be able to cash checks as much as $35,000 for a month’s worth of work.

Crazy how much things can change in just over a year. Thanks, man!”
– Rodney Gravitter, Former Truck Driving Manager Turned Copywriter

What It Takes To Make It BIG in Copywriting

Since Joe Schriefer gave it to me. Along with all the other copywriters he trained.
Those that executed it with ferocity, went on to make a name for themselves…
Take total control of their time…
And started buying their friends dinner at super fancy restaurants with all the extra money they were making.
Those that didn’t follow his formula faded into obscurity. And were never heard from again.
So lean in…
Because the process is deceptively simple.
All you have to do is…

1. Read a piece of copy a day

2. Write a piece of copy a day

3. Come up with an idea a day

That’s it.
That’s what it takes.
If you do those three things everyday, you’ll succeed.
You’ll realize your dreams of becoming an A-list copywriter and experience a level of freedom few ever reach.
But that leaves us with one gaping question…
HOW do I do those things everyday?
Where do I start?
How do I write “copy”?
How do I research a topic so I can come up with an idea everyday?
How do I find killer sales pages to read?

Introducing the… Beginner Bundle

Inside The Beginner’s Bundle is every “know-how” you need to kickstart your copywriting career and take control of your life.

It answers every question you have about getting started.
And makes breaking into the copywriting game easier than ever!
Because when you join today, you’ll immediately unlock access to…

Automatic Copy

Automatic Copy is the premiere deep research program that reveals the exact research process I used to tap into the psyche of the guru’s readers. And create one of my most successful sales letters for Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
Inside, you’ll find industry secrets from deep within the walls of Agora Financial during its $300 Million heyday.
Secrets that are yours when you fill out the form on the next page.
Which means in just minutes, you can discover…
  • How to get plugged into your industry so you know who the players are (and can see what they’re doing)…
  • Where the successful promos live online and how to get them delivered straight to your inbox so you can study them (the right way)
  • ​The difference between the information you need to research and what you just need to ask your clients for…
  • How to get the copy to write itself…
And because the program shows you how to build your own swipe file…
You’ll also finally be able to see…
  • Which ideas are unique vs. which ones need more development…
  • What leads are working (and why)…
  • ​And much more!
But it doesn’t end there.
Because when you secure your Beginner’s Bundle today…
You’ll also get a copy of my groundbreaking book…

Take Their Money

With it, you will not only be able to use the secrets of copy to speak directly to any human’s emotional brain…
And bring in more customers, more sales, and more money…
Virtually on demand.

But you’ll be able to decipher all the copy you now know how to find.
Because copywriting isn’t written in English… or German… or Spanish…
It may look that way…
But the truth is, copywriting is its own, professional language…
Much like attorneys learn the language of law…
And accountants learn the language of business…
Copywriters must learn the language of sales.
And in the language of sales, what you say doesn’t matter.
Only what you communicate matters.
So I bundled Take Their Money into the Beginner’s Bundle to ensure you easily understand what is happening in the copy you read…
That way, you can get better with each and every sales letter that hits your inbox.
Plus! Take Their Money not only gives you the decoder to translate the secret language of copy in the winning promos in your niche…
It also reveals every lesson I learned from all my amazing mentors, including…
  • How to get your customers to HAPPILY hand you over thousands and thousands of dollars by destroying their price objections once and for all (page 130)
  • ​The one “magic” number you can insert into your copy to boost conversions by a whopping 332%! (page 132)
  • ​The 3 simple sentences that can 3X your sales without aggressively pitching your stuff! (page 135)
  • ​The EASIEST one-step trick to grabbing your prospects STRICT attention from the very first line… (page 14)
  • The four steps to effectively leveraging “urgency” so you don’t burn it out (page 12)
  • And so much more…
In short, this book alone pulls the curtain back on the magic of copywriting. And even gives you your very own magic wand to wield.
It is the only book you need to become an unstoppable sales machine in no time flat.
And when you pair Take Their Money with Automatic Copy…
You get every tool, tactic and secret I used to sell over $7 million my first year in the biz.
In other words, you get my hard earned wisdom that I can now pass onto you.
But it doesn’t stop there.
In addition to every secret I leveraged to skyrocket my LIFE…
When you sign up for the Beginner’s Bundle today, you’re also going to get three FREE bonuses.

Amazing Headlines On Command

The first is a 48 minute video guide with me and Justin Blackman from Pretty Fly Copywriting (AKA The 10,000 Headlines Guy) showing you exactly how to generate countless amazing headlines on command.

You get to watch over our shoulders as we start crafting compelling headlines from scratch.
After watching this video, you’ll never wonder what to put at the top of your promo ever again!

Pro Email Training

The second is an in-depth Email Training series with John Rhodes.
He’s been in the marketing game for over 15 years, generated millions of dollars with email, and probably forgotten more about email than most folks will ever KNOW.

This multi-part training reveals…
  • The 3 ways to make money with email
  • How to create a “buying frenzy”
  • His secret email set-ups and openers
  • ​How to pocket hundreds of dollars per hour writing emails
  • FOUR email swipe formulas
  • ​And much more!

NESB Keywords

And for your third BONUS you’re going to get a cheat sheet that will sling shot your copy chops to A+ status and help you produce sales immediately.
Discovering NESB was the insight that let me see through The Matrix and transform my life. It is one of my two giant contributions to the world of copywriting.
But there are thousands of words that can convey the now famous New, Easy, Safe, and Big.
That’s why I’m including a NESB cheat sheet you can use to effortlessly plug words in to your copy.
And watch as your sentences burst open the flood gates of dollar signs and transform your writing into undeniable sales.
It’s all yours – for FREE – when you unlock access to the Beginner’s Bundle today!
Now I know we just covered a lot.


So let’s take a second to recap.
When You Complete the Form on the next page today…
You Get…
Sales Page:_


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Kyle Milligan – The Beginner Bundle
Kyle Milligan – The Beginner Bundle

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