
Kim Krause Schwalm – Supplement Copy Boot Camp


5 LIVE workshops with your boot camp host, Kim Krause Schwalm

 All workshops include: Zoom access to LIVE workshops with Q&A at end of each workshop and chance to get feedback + call recordings (video/audio) + slide decks + transcripts + PDFs of any samples used

Workshop #1 — State of the Supplement Market and Why It’s Different: Tuesday, April 18th – 1pm Eastern

·  Supplement market overview: top-selling products, how to spot a “hot” nutrient, who the target market is, top sales channels/formats to use (online AND direct mail), biggest players
·  Supplement copy compliance: FDA/FTC—overall guidelines and tricks for getting around them
·  Research overview: best studies and where to find them, competitor research, collecting swipes, using AI tools
… And more!
Workshop #2 — Giving your Supplement Promo the Huge Edge it Needs: Tuesday, April 25th – 1pm Eastern
·  Stage of market sophistication and why unique mechanism/proof are essential for supplements
·  Differentiating your supplement in a sea of competitors
·  How to maximize your doctor/”guru” and boost sales even without one
·  How to structure your promo to keep your prospect reading or watching—and avoid common mistakes that lose supplement buyers
… And more!
Workshop #3 — How to Beat Supplement Controls and Launch New Products: Tuesday, May 2nd – 1pm Eastern

·  Secrets to beating an existing control: how to analyze and find its weaknesses, where to look to gain an edge, leaving no stone unturned
·  Deciding on the “big idea”: best angles to use/test, how to weave it throughout your promo
·  Crafting compelling headlines and leads for promos (sales pages, VSL, direct mail)
·  Driving traffic to your supplement sales page or VSL with the right email or “lift”
… And more!

Workshop #4 — Making It Impossible for Your Prospect NOT to Buy: Tuesday, May 9th – 1pm Eastern

·  Closing the sale with copy – what you MUST do with supplement copy closes

·  Structuring your offer – best types that work and how to choose
·  Creating upsells and cross-sells – online, phone, email follow-up, in the box
·  Getting reorders: the crucial lever that makes all your promos more profitable
… And more!
Workshop #5 — Supplement Client Secrets – Best Tactics for Freelancers Now: Tuesday, May 16th – 1pm Eastern

·  Finding clients

·  What to charge
·  Negotiating royalties
·  Steering clear of bad clients
·  The all-important, cover-your-butt contract must-haves
·  What supplement clients are looking for
… And more!


Workshop #1: State of the Supplement Market and Why It’s Different

My Supplement Copy Boot Camp kicks off with this in-depth session where I’ll give you an overview of the current supplement market.

I’ll talk to you about how to find out about the top-selling nutrients… who the target market is for supplements… the top sales channels and formats to use (online AND direct mail)…

You’ll get up to speed on supplement copy compliance, including tricks for getting around FDA/FTC hurdles and staying out of trouble…

Plus I’ll give you a quick research overview of where to find the best supplement studies, how to do competitor research, using AI tools, and much more!

Workshop #2: Giving Your Supplement Promo the Huge Edge it Needs

As much opportunity as there is in today’s booming supplement market, it’s more challenging to write a successful control promo these days than in the past.

The target prospect, who is constantly bombarded by competing supplement promos, is more skeptical than ever.

Meanwhile, the typical consumer is hit from all directions by a constant stream of ads everywhere they look: on their phone, in their email inbox, their computer, social media, in their mailbox, and TV, radio, and newspapers.

In this nonstop battle for your prospect’s attention, you MUST give your supplement promo the huge edge it needs to stand out, get read, and most important of all: get them to order.

That’s why you need to know all of the best supplement copy tactics that are working right now that I cover in this can’t-miss workshop, along with plenty of real-life examples.

Workshop #3: How to Beat Supplement Controls and Launch New Products

The biggest challenge my supplement company clients tell me they’re dealing with these days is finding copywriters who can craft a successful control promo.

For online and direct mail marketers, this is the “holy grail”. It’s what allows them to keep new customers coming in the door to offset their acquisition costs… and stay in business!

That’s why in this workshop I’m going to help you really zero in on the specific, unique steps to writing successful supplement promos…

…Whether it’s knocking any control you’re up against off its pedestal and attracting more high-quality clients your way effortlessly…

…Or creating a brand new launch promo that can run as the control for years and create an ongoing stream of royalty income for you.

Yes, this is where you can become LEGEND, my friend… so get ready!

Here’s just a sampling of the control-beating, success-launching secrets I’m going to reveal in this tell-all workshop that you’d be hard-pressed to hear anywhere else:

  • Best way to analyze a promo you’re going up against. Here’s how I leave no stone unturned when finding hidden weaknesses and opportunities to gain an unstoppable edge.

  • Secret to choosing the best “big idea” to run with. Simply put it through this simple test. Plus how to weave it throughout your promo to maximize results.

  • How to use your research AND the latest AI tools to craft compelling new angles and headlines. This “hybrid” approach to idea generation could land you your next huge winner!

  • The 7-word copy technique I learned from the great Gene Schwartz. Works especially well for supplement copy. Creates urgency for your prospect so they feel they MUST buy right away.

  • How to use “gut words” and other editing magic to make your supplement copy sing. This makes the difference between copy that gets read and acted on… and copy that falls flat!

  • What to put in your lift… and what to leave out. Crucial for getting prospects to click through to the sales page or VSL. Plus where to find the best subject line and email copy ideas.

  • How to keep your control alive and kicking for as long as possible. Here’s where to get the best testing ROI and keep those royalty checks rolling in for years!

  • And much more!

These proven, control-beating and promo-launching secrets and techniques can make the difference between that next make-or-break opportunity being a breakthrough success… or a heart-wrenching failure.

That’s why you’ll want likely go back and review the recordings of this one workshop alone multiple times to give yourself a huge edge before you write your next supplement promo.

Workshop #4: Making It Impossible for Your Prospect NOT to Buy

This is where the rubber meets the road: the close section of your promo.

All the success “ingredients” must be there: the right copy… the right offer… the right proof… the right call to action… the right guarantee… the right future pacing… and much more.

But putting them all together in the right “recipe” for your supplement promo is crucial in order to convince your prospect to buy.

That’s why in the 4th workshop of my Supplement Copy Boot Camp, I’ll be doing a deep dive into structuring your close copy section… crafting the right pricing, bonuses, and other incentives… creating the most profitable upsells and cross-sells… maximizing often-missed revenue-boosting opportunities after the initial sale is made… and much more!

You’ll discover stealthy ways to make your prospect an offer they can’t refuse, while increasing average order and lifetime value, including…

  • The crucial lever that makes all your promos far more profitable. Most supplement companies pay little attention to it. But it can allow your offers to scale to new heights!

  • What you must do when writing close copy for an autoship offer. Use these well-honed copy tactics to overcome resistance, increase retention, and keep your client out of trouble.

  • How to create a “steel trap” close for supplement copy that locks the reader on the page and has them yanking out their wallet to buy (this is one of my most closely-guarded secrets!)

  • The essential but often-skipped close copy section EVERY supplement promo needs. This is what confirms in your prospect’s mind that they need your product and to accept no substitutes. (No, it’s NOT “future pacing” or testimonials!)

  • Best upsell to include in your supplement promo… and how to weave it throughout your offer. Works like gangbusters for direct mail, online sales pages and VSLs, and inbound calls.

  • Simple trick to getting new and repeat supplement buyers to buy MORE. This often under-utilized tactic could generate a flood of new revenue… yet it’s so easy and low-cost to do!

  • How to work your way in the door if you’re new to supplement copy… and become a hero to your client in the process. Suggest these “starter” projects that can be big money-makers.

  • And much more!

As you can see, these sales-closing and revenue-boosting secrets can give your promos a much greater chance of becoming successful multi-year controls.

Plus they can open up new opportunities for you to become a strategic partner with your clients… increase your profits and generate “found money” if you’re an offer owner… and swing open doors to working with your dream client if you’re just starting out!

Workshop #5: Supplement Client Secrets — Best Tactics for Freelancers Now

Many of us have gone through the “school of hard knocks” when it comes to learning about working with clients as a freelancer.

Things can get even trickier when it comes to writing supplement copy, especially if you’re new to this niche.

That’s because you not only want to ensure you work with reputable clients who won’t screw you over, you want to be smart about covering your butt whoever you work with.

Not only that, you need to know when and how to negotiate lucrative royalty-paying deals like a seasoned pro… instead of looking like a “newbie” and having the client lose confidence in you.

That’s why in this fifth and final workshop, I’m going to let the genie out of the bottle and divulge all of my best-kept, hard-won, supplement client tactics so YOU can benefit!

Here’s just a glimpse of what you’ll discover in this no-holds-barred workshop…

  • Best way to prove yourself to a potential client… without giving away the farm! The least time-intensive and most-productive options for demonstrating your talent… and getting paid in the process!

  • The fatal flaw I find in 80% of copywriter’s contracts that can leave you broke… liable… or worse… and what to do instead to protect yourself every time. (Plus it makes you look more professional to boot!)

  • Six client “red flags” you should NEVER ignore. These red flags are even more painful when dealing with supplement companies, so watch out!

  • Two big mistakes freelancers make when pitching their services to supplement clients. (These common missteps scare away good clients and attract bad ones like the plague!)

  • How to add more earning potential to every supplement copy project you take on. Try these crafty ways, in addition to your copywriting fee, to make every deal a “win/win” when royalties aren’t an option.

  • What supplement clients are REALLY looking for in copywriters. Plus the one thing that drives them absolutely bonkers! (Do this and they’ll never hire you again.)

  • Must-haves for royalty agreements even seasoned A-Listers don’t know about. One top copywriter I know missed out on hundreds of thousands of royalties due to this one contract omission.

  • And much more!

Once you have these supplement client secrets and tactics in your back pocket, the world is your oyster. You’ll be able to land higher-quality clients and better-paying deals and royalties if you’re an experienced copywriters… and smooth your way in the door if you’re just breaking in.

I’ll be sharing everything I’ve learned along the way and that I coach my mentees on… including things supplement clients don’t want you to know to give you every edge possible!

Bonus Module #1: The “Rules” About Supplement Copy Compliance

Here is where you’ll find resources and training to help guide you through the fuzzy and often-confusing maze of what makes supplement copy “compliant”… or not. While the “rules” often depend on your client’s level of risk tolerance, it’s important for you to know as a copywriter whether or not what you’re writing can get you (and possibly yourself) in trouble. In most cases, there are ways to say things compliantly… and actually make them MORE believable to your ever-skeptical prospect… instead of making a bold, illegal claim. So know what the “rules” are, before you decide to break them!

Bonus Module #2: Making Moo-lah From Writing Supplement Copy

In this module, you’ll find training and resources for working with clients in the supplement niche… and increasing your earning potential accordingly. Many top copywriters keep these closely-guarded secrets to themselves… and many clients don’t want you to know them, either. But you’ll find the “inside information” you need to flourish as a supplement copywriter right here.

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Kim Krause Schwalm – Supplement Copy Boot Camp
Kim Krause Schwalm – Supplement Copy Boot Camp
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