Kevin Zhang – Ecommerce Millionaire Mastery


Module 1: Introduction to eCommerce and the Entrepreneurial Mindset

Lesson 1: Introduction (1:26)
​​Lesson 2: Understanding the Entrepreneurial Mindset (15:40)
​Lesson 3: The Excitement of eCommerce (5:27)
​Lesson 4: Drop Shipping as an Entry Into eCommerce (6:57)
​Lesson 5: The eCommerce Skillset (9:41)
​Lesson 6: Opportunities Beyond Drop Shipping (5:34)

Module 2: Branded Niche Dropshipping

​Lesson 7: A Unique Approach to Drop Shipping (7:07)
​Lesson 8: The Current Drop Shipping Environment (7:35)
​Lesson 9: Discussing Other Approaches: The General Store (9:38)
​​Lesson 10: Discussing Other Approaches: The Single Product Store (9:05)
​​Lesson 11: My Approach: Branded Niche Drop Shipping (7:02)
​Lesson 12: Setting Up Shopify and Oberlo (7:31)
​Lesson 13: Alternatives to AliExpress Sourcing (7:01)
​Lesson 14: How to Determine Your Niche (Triple Segmentation) (11:13)
​Lesson 15: Creating Categories for Purposeful Sourcing (23:21)
​Lesson 16: The Efficient Way of Importing Products Into Oberlo (20:44)
​Lesson 17: How to Earn Extra Cash with Every Oberlo Order (Using Admitad) (7:14)
​Lesson 18: Path from Dropshipping to Brand (22:00)

Module 3: eCommerce Consumer Psychology and the Buying Experience

​Lesson 19: The Importance of Understanding Consumer Psychology (1:20)
​Lesson 20: The Four Pillars of Consumer Psychology (4:56)
​Lesson 21: How to Master Target-Conscious Acquisition (Understanding the Three Types of Buyers) (5:08)
​​Lesson 22: The Five Golden Steps to Generating Sales (4:22)

Module 4: Introduction Shopify Web Design

Lesson 23: Introduction Shopify Web Design (1:06)
​Lesson 24: Start The Importance of Adobe Photoshop (2:43)
Lesson 25: Start Paying For Apps and Other Programs (2:23)
​Lesson 26: Start Stock Image Sites as a Great Source for Creatives (PDF Download Included) (1:25)
​Lesson 27: Start Mastering The Fabulous Five Framework (21:52)
​Lesson 28: Start How to Name your website and Pick Domains (8:57)
​Lesson 29: Start Key Characteristics of an Effective Product Page (15:54)
​Lesson 30:​ Start Turning Aliexpress Images into Engaging Product Photos (15:44)
​Lesson 31: Start How to Write Incredible Product Descriptions (Circle of Value Framework) (47:37)
​Lesson 32: Start Additional Product Page Elements (What to Include and Avoid) (3:50)
​Lesson 33: Start How to Add in Trust Badges (5:31)
​Lesson 34: Start How to Set Up Multiple Tabs with Easy Tabs (5:58)
​Lesson 35: Start How to Add Videos to Product Pages (5:19)
​Lesson 36: Start How to Add Photo Reviews (7:53)
​Lesson 37: Start Navigating Shopify platform (33:13)
​Lesson 38: Start Navigating the Shopify Theme and App Store (7:44)
​Lesson 39: Start Shopify Plans (4:06)
​Lesson 40: Start Setting Up One Click Upsell (13:36)
​Lesson 41: Start Boosting Cart Value with Cross Sells and Upsells (17:34)

Module 5: Shopify Web Design Mastery

Lesson 42: Overview of District Theme (8:48)
​Lesson 43: Start Step-by-Step Logo Creation (Full Website Build Example 1) (6:09)
​Lesson 44: Start Step-by-Step Banner Creation (Full Website Build Example 1) (17:56)
​Lesson 45: Start Step-by-Step Category Pictures Creation (Full Website Build Example 1) (14:54)
​Lesson 46: Start Final Touches (Full Website Build Example 1) (4:57)
​Lesson 47: Start Creating a Homepage Collection in District Theme (Full Website Build Example 1) (19:56)
​Lesson 48: Start Organizing Products within Collections (Full Website Build Example 1) (6:35)
​Lesson 49: Start Step-by-Step Logo Creation (Full Website Build Example 2) (5:57)
​Lesson 50: Start Step-by-Step Banner Creation (Full Website Build Example 2) (11:43)
​Lesson 51: Start Step-by-Step Category Picture Creation (Full Website Build Example 2) (9:13)
​Lesson 52: Start BONUS LESSON: Step-by-Step Full Website Build (Express Edition) (29:26)
​Lesson 53: Start Overview of Prestige Theme (5:47)
​Lesson 54: Start Step-by-Step Logo Creation (Full Website Build Example 3) (5:52)
​Lesson 55: Start Step-by-Step Banner Banner Creation (Full Website Build Example 3) (1st Banner) (31:34)
​Lesson 56: Start Step-by-Step Banner Creation (Full Website Build Example 3) (2nd Banner) (14:21)
​Lesson 57: Start Step-by-Step Category Picture Creation (Full Website Build Example 3) (11:28)
​Lesson 58: Start Final Touches (Full Website Build Example 3) (11:25)
​Lesson 59: Start Step-by-Step Logo Creation (Full Website Build Example 4) (6:08)
​Lesson 60: Start Step-by-Step Banner Creation (Full Website Build Example 4) (25:02)
​Lesson 61: Start Step-by-Step Set up of Shop the Look (Full Website Build Example 4) (8:39)
​Lesson 62: Start Step-by-Step Category Picture Creation (Full Website Build Example 4) (7:46)
​Lesson 63: Start How to Add a Tracking Page to Your Website (8:55)
​Lesson 64: Start Essential Website Pages to Include (PDF Download Included) (2:51)
​Lesson 65: Start How to Configure Your Website Footer (7:52)
​Lesson 66: Start Using Wheelio to Increase Conversion Rate and Capture Valuable Data (12:13)
​Lesson 67: Start How to Make Faster Edits with Bulk Product Editor (4:57)
​Lesson 68: Start How to Optimize Load Time on Your Website (4:16)

Module 6: Setting up your Facebook Account for Advertising

Lesson 69: Introduction to Setting Up Your Facebook Account (0:41)
​Lesson 70: Start How to Set Up Your Business Manager (8:40)
​Lesson 71: Start How to Set Up a Facebook Page for Your Business (20:10)
​Lesson 72: Start How to Set Up an Ad Account and Create a Pixel (6:07)
​Lesson 73: Start How to use Trackify for Easy Catalogs and Back up Pixel (11:38)

Module 7: How to make Engaging and Highly Profitable Advertisements

Lesson 74: Introduction to Making engaging and Highly Profitable ads (2:52)
​Lesson 75: Start The Components of a Facebook Advertisement (18:35)
​Lesson 76: Start The Key Characteristics of effective Facebook Creative (6:29)
​Lesson 77: Start Sneak Peak into Making Effective Facebook Creatives (2:27)
​Lesson 78: Start How to Make Still Image Advertisements (0:42)
​Lesson 79: Start Step-by-Step Still Image Advertisement Creation (Example 1) (19:06)
​Lesson 80: Start Step-by-Step Still Image Advertisement Creation (Example 2) (10:51)
​Lesson 81: Start How to Make Slideshow Advertisements (0:53)
​Lesson 82: Start Step-by-Step Slideshow Advertisement Creation (Example 1) (25:54)
​Lesson 83: Start Step-by-Step Slideshow Advertisement Creation (Example 2) (16:08)
​Lesson 84: Start How to Make Video Advertisements (0:52)
​Lesson 85: Start Step-by-Step Video Advertisement Creation (Example 1) (15:37)
​Lesson 86: Start Step-by-Step Video Advertisement Creation (Example 2) (15:39)
​Lesson 87: Start How to Make Killer Carousel Advertisements (0:57)
​Lesson 88: Start Step-by-Step Carousel Advertisement Creation (Best Seller Carousel) (7:49)
​Lesson 89: Start Step-by-Step Carousel Advertisement Creation (Product Angles) (3:59)
​Lesson 90: Start Step-by-Step Carousel Advertisement Creation (Video Carousel) (8:12)
​Lesson 91: Start BONUS LESSON: Step-by-Step Advertisement Creation (Express Edition) (28:47)
​Lesson 92: Start The Equation for Writing Effective Copy (8:08)
​Lesson 93: Start Let’s Talk about Emojis (2:31)
​Lesson 94: Start Putting it all Together (Step-by-Step Copy Examples) (23:52)
​Lesson 95: Start One Important Thing to Do With Every Creative (1:43)

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Kevin Zhang – Ecommerce Millionaire Mastery

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Less stress, more sweat.