
Kenneth Yu – The Blockbuster Formula



The Blockbuster Formula:

The Ultimate Framework for Creating, Expressing and Scaling Mega-Successful Offers – Changing Your Life, Transforming Your Business, and Thrusting You Into a Brand New Playing Field

The Blockbuster Formula is a mammoth 12 hour, 43 minute secret weapon for massive wealth creation…  

…PACKED to the brim with one-of-a-kind tips, tricks, and strategies… Easy-yet-explosive step-by-step tools to thrive in a noisy, hyper-competitive world.

This 31-video program contains the revelatory secrets of the Internet elite, the kind of frameworks used by the 8 and 9-figure big boys to generate monstrous paydays.

And here’s what 3 of them have to say about me:

Now, I’m Willing To Meet An Even HIGHER Standard.

As someone who has trained governments, Board-of-Directors, and multinationals like BMW, Carlsberg and Bursa (the Malaysian Stock Exchange), I have access to the incredible Blended Learning Methodology.

Here’s the list of clients I’ve used it on.

This is the potent format used by massive consulting firms like Accenture, KPMG and Boston Consulting to distill complex principles and break them down into easy, actionable chunks for info-overloaded executives to immediately execute on.

What this means for you is that Blockbuster Formula is SPECIFICALLY tailored to download powerful profit-boosting principles into your brain quickly and easily… So you emerge a bona-fide money magnet in record time.


The Blockbuster Formula

An Overview of the Most Powerful Wealth Creation System on Earth

As a business owner who often needs to make crucial decisions in the face of limited time and money, you need to focus on the highest leverage use of resources. To cut to the chase, creating and launching Blockbuster Offers is the best way to create a massive switch in destiny for your business. It can mean the world in terms of exploding your wealth and income…


Psychic Mapping

​The 3 Stages of Pinpointing Your Customer’s Buying Triggers

Thanks to the crowded hyper-noisy Level 5 Marketplace, your customers make buying decisions based on emotions, intuition and the subconscious. Therefore, the more you tap into that sphere of the marketplace, the more accurately attractive your Blockbuster Offers will be. In this illuminating module, you’ll learn:

  • 3 Psychic Mapping tools to help you create a blueprint of your customer’s inner world
  • TADA Template: This strategic template has made a lot of money for me and my clients, and the simple excel sheet is now public for the rest first time
  • Are you struggling to keep churning out marketing angles as your ads start fatiguing faster and faster? Leverage the Prism Process to keep generating creatives that maintain high ROAS.
  • And much, much more


Aliens In Manhattan

​The UFO Framework for Creating Blockbuster Offers

The book Purple Cow by Seth Godin was a seminal classic. In it, he talked how when you go to the countryside and see a brown cow, you’ll ignore it. But if you see a Purple Cow, you’ll take notice. In other words, he said your marketing needs to be like a “Purple Cow” to stand out. However, what happens when every other marketer is pumping out Purple Cows? When every other company is trying to stand out? Here’s what you need to do:

  • The genius Adam Robinson, founder of the Princeton Review says “People want inspired answers to age-old questions”. Solve that and you’ll win the market. Here’s the simple 3 step UFO Framework to get you that – each and every time
  • 8 inspired marketing hooks to instantly command the attention of a frazzled marketplace
  • Once you generate a ton of marketing ideas, Use the D.U.G. checklist to accurately filter which one will actually resonate with your target audience. This tool has been proven to shave testing time by 78%.
  • And much, much more

We interrupt your programming for yet another glowing testimonial:

“Let me tell you about Kenneth Yu! 10 years ago I bought a product of his, I leveraged the tools and skills he shared and it landed me some pretty big clients.

Now 10 years later, he flies down to Melbourne and asks to meet up. We do and within 10 mins we realise that this is going to be a lifelong friendship.

He spends two days with me and we discuss all the marketing greats across the decades and how their works have inspired us. Kenneth not only knows their minds intimately, he can use his skills to channel their greatest strategies into your product.

His command of the skill involved in copywriting to craft an emotional and logical response from your ideal client to take immediate action is quite simply amazing.

If you have experienced his work, you know what i’m talking about. For those of you who are about to experience it, prepare yourself…. it will change your life and that of your business. Good luck, you wont need it, just buy what he is selling you and use it to make 100 times more.

With that said, my name is Johann Nogueira and I fully support and endorse anything that Sir Kenneth Yu does. He is a weapon you want in your corner, not your opposition.”




Expressions of Interest

​3 Essential Frameworks to Sell the Heck Out of Your Blockbuster Offers

We live in a world where we need to keep maintaining interest because of the ADHD inclinations of the modern mind. These key phrases and sentences don’t just effectively sell the product, it does so in a way that obliterates your prospect’s thick defenses and make them vulnerable to your suggestions to buy. These frameworks function as the “puzzle pieces” necessary to create your Blockbuster Offer promos. You’ll discover:

  • APS Bullets: These dynamic fascination structures reconstruct any boring feature into an object of wanton desire
  • Here’s a vital secret – credibility is built on layers. 3 “Sales Sandwiches” to create bulletproof trust in your prospect’s mind
  • Did you know that while stories do sell, there’s only 6 such Lucrative Narratives to attract the bulk of the eyeballs and dollars? Here’s what they are.
  • And much, much more


The Prosperity Puzzle

​How to Structure the Most Compelling Pitch to Create “Customer Salivation”

Where customer satisfaction is key, there’s no point focusing on that when there is no customer SALIVATION — the process of creating an intense desire for your customer to buy your product. With the Prosperity Puzzle, you’ll get a legit revenue generation asset where you can reap the rewards over and over again. This essential module reveals:

  • Your prospect mindlessly scrolls through their wall, then they see your ad and BAM! They’re instantly transfixed… hypnotised by every single word of your sales message. Here’s the Breach of Mind strategy to create that effect.
  • The EPIICS Framework is my secret sauce for generating cashflow-increasing promos on the fly. How to use the easy 6-step structure for both warm and cold markets
  • 3 “Deal Seals” that obliterates all objections – paving the way for an easy sale.
  • And much, much more


Diamond Cutting

​How to Polish Your Blockbuster Offer and Make It Shine!

When it comes to the hypercompetitive marketplace, you should put your best foot forward at every turn. These “Diamond Cutting” principles helps with both the prospect accepting the full flow of information as well as making your offer look aesthetically pleasing, further increasing your conversion rate. Presenting:

  • 7 Key Strategies to Make Your Offer Incredibly Attractive. These include persuasive secrets like Nod Flows, HGZ Words and the Bucket Brigade.
  • JIBIT: The quickest, easiest way to create credibility for any promo.
  • The HALO Branding System to position your offer the way the Big Brands do… time to leave your amatuer competitors in the dust.
  • And much, much more



​How to Drive So Much Freakin’ Traffic to Your Blockbuster Offer that Success is Inevitable

This is where the magic happens. Your sales promo can only be carried so far by a warm audience. However, it’s in the cold market where your Blockbuster Offer takes on a life of its own. It’s when you get take the stories told in your promotion and spread it to the rest of the world in a way that forces the various algorithms of the various tech giants to reward you with eyeballs and subsequent purchases. In this holy grail of a module, uncover:

  • HOLY SMOKES! Is split testing really dead? News flash. The algorithm is now so smart that you don’t need to painstakingly test the way you use to. Here’s what you need to do instead.
  • If the algos are the vehicle, creatives are the fuel. Here’s the PPTSD Canvas to quickly and easily generate ads on command.
  • Email Marketing 2.0. In the midst of whiz-bang fancy bright shiny object media, the inbox is still as essential as ever. However, you need to follow these 3 steps to get breakthrough CTR
  • And much, much more

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Kenneth Yu – The Blockbuster Formula
Kenneth Yu – The Blockbuster Formula
$997.00 $36.00 Add to Cart

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