
Justin Saunders – The 6 Figure Boss


Justin Saunders – The 6 Figure Boss

How To Start & Automate Your Online Advertising To $10,000/mo
Justin Saunders, Founder of New Age Media. Justin is a digital marketing expert and consultant that focuses on generating leads for chiropractors and doctors, among others. 3 to 4 years ago Justin saw an opportunity to enter the digital marketing space and now he has mentored over 100 entrepreneurs and built a six figure agency.
This is a 8 week program designed to teach you to build a 6 figure SMAA with systems and processes so you never become a slave to your business.

Here’s What’s Included:      

  • Week 1: The Foundation
  • Week 2: Mindset
  • Week 3: Prospecting – Includes Facebook Prospecting, Instagram Prospecting, cold email prospecting, Linkedin etc
  • Week 4: Sales – Sales Script, objections etc
  • Week 5: How to Perform – FB ads, Split testing etc
  • Week 6: Retention
  • Week 7: Systems and Processes
  • Week 8:Bonus

6 Figure Boss Justin Saunders

Module 1: The Foundation

  • Welcome to the 6 Figure Boss (17:33)
  • Determining Your Niche (9:15)
  • The Foundation & Understanding The Business Model (10:26)
  • Your Service Offering (13:56)
  • Important Links

Module 2: Mindset

  • Reprogram Your Mind (14:59)
  • Organize Your Life & Day to a Routine (11:30)
  • Level Up, It’s Blitz Mode Resources (8:45)
  • How to Think Like a 6 Figure Boss (20:16)

Module 3: Prospecting

  • The Foundation of Your Pipeline (15:05)
  • The Prospecting Law (8:53)
  • How to Scrape Leads (16:22)
  • How to Prospect on Facebook (81:50)
  • How to Prospect on Instagram(7:51)
  • LinkedIn: The Holy Grail Of Automation(15:33)
  • The Cold Email Prospecting(42:39)
  • How to Have 100+ Clients Calling You!(6:25)
  • How to Get Your Current Clients to Send You New Clients Everyday(3:11)

Module 4: Sales

  • Understanding The Sales Cycle (16:11)
  • The Qualification Process(19:02)
  • The Scales Script// Presentation(14:52)
  • How to Handle Objections(11:14)
  • Do This To Improve Your Sales
  • Closing 3 Month Deals Today (3:02)

Module 5: How to Perform

  • Learning Facebook Ads As A Beginner(1:47)
  • Set Yourself Up For Success By Creating A Business Manager The Right Way(2:48)
  • How To Master FB Ads For Lead Generation 101(5:01)
  • 5 Step Formula For Creating Successful Ad Copy(3:58)
  • The Two Types of Campaigns You Should Be Running(9:54)
  • An Overview Of All The Types Of FB Campaigns(9:23)
  • How To Create A Winning Campaign And Cut Cost Per Results By 50%(13:01)
  • A/B Split Testing 101(5:38)
  • Creating Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences(10:14)
  • How To Find Out Which Ads Work In Your Industry (Spy On “Competitors”))(2:50)
  • How To Ensure Any Type Of Ad Works & Spy On Your Competition(14:47)
  • How To Set Up Any Campaign(15:02)
  • Dental Campaign Walkthrough(58:38)
  • Real Estate Campaign Walkthrough(16:22)

Module 6: Retention

  • How To Set Everything Up After You Sign Your Client(6:35)
  • “How To Get My Client Results” Masterclass(77:21)
  • Secret Hack To Getting Your Client FAST Results(9:43)
  • How To Keep Clients Forever(38:25)

Module 7: Automations

  • How To Hire A Virtual Assistant for $2 per Hour(5:15)
  • Zapier(24:39)
  • HighLevel Automations(12:28)
  • Onboarding(3:46)
  • The Carpet Cleaner → Make Your Prospect Know You!(8:22)
  • Cash Flow(5:08)
  • How To Keep Track of Clients Success(4:46)
  • Asana: Building SOP’s(11:22)

Module 8: Bonus

  • Website Template
  • How To Go Viral on IG(46:54)
  • The Future Of Chatbots(39:45)
  • Sales Books Recommended
  • Prospecting Like A Pro Course
  • Bots4 Profits Course

Coaching Call Replays

  • Coaching Call Replay 1–>(64:37)
  • Coaching Call Replay 2 –>(35:48)
  • Coaching Call Replay 3 –>(64:01)
  • Coaching Call Replay 4–>(39:53)
  • Coaching Call Replay 5–>(38:43)
  • Coaching Call Replay 6 –>(134:12)


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Justin Saunders – The 6 Figure Boss
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