
Justin Goff – List Building Accelerator


World’s Laziest Marketer Reveals the “Piggybacking” Hack That Quickly and Easily Builds A Money-Making Email List…

Without creating offers. Without running paid ads. And even if nobody knows who you are.

Dear friend,

My buddy Mike Geary is a certified evil genius when it comes to list-building.

The man hardly lifts a finger, yet he adds more names to his email list every day than I add in a year (which he uses to rake in over $18,179 each DAY).

That’s because instead of hustling and busting his balls to create dozens of offers and products and sales pages and video sales letters…

Mike has engineered a clever way to piggyback off people who already have successful offers…

And he gets them to build his list for him!

It sounds crazy, I know…

But Mike has been killing it with this strategy.

And I’ve been begging him to share it — along with his many other secrets that enable him to bring in nearly $20,000 a day from his list.

The only problem is that Mike pretty much says “no” to everything.

Not because he’s not a nice guy (he is!)…

But because Mike doesn’t like doing anything other than enjoying his little slice of paradise in Utah.

And who can blame him?

He’s got a baller, multi-million dollar mansion on top of Powder Mountain, just seconds away from the trails.

He’s got a day spa on the first floor, an in-ground plunge pool, a massive hot tub, and a crap ton of “toys”.

Believe me when I say it took all my best persuasion skills…

To finally convince Mike to leave his mountain retreat and share this “piggybacking” technique — and a boatload of his other wicked-smart list-building techniques.

I couldn’t believe he said “yes.”

We holed up together for two days and the result was an unprecedented download of proven tactics you can start deploying immediately.

The Best Ways to Start, Grow and Cash in On Money-Making Lists

If you follow our radical new approach to list-building..

You could quickly grow a list with 100, 500 or even 1000 people and beyond on it.

And you could do that without having your own offer…

Without spending money on Facebook or YouTube ads…

And without having to be well-known in the industry.

These methods work not just for Mike and myself, but for so many people who have never built an email list before.

I’ve seen them work for copywriters — as well as people who couldn’t write their way out of a paper bag.

I’ve seen them work for tech wizards — as well as people who couldn’t build a sales page if their life depended on it.

The key is to just get started.

Because once you have your own email list…

You have endless money-making opportunities.

That’s why Mike focuses all his energy on one thing and one thing only: building his email list.

Because he knows that his list is his greatest money-making asset…

One that pays him an average of $18,579 every single day like clockwork.

The list is what allows Mike to live life on his own terms…

NOT glued to a computer, NOT spending hours on Zoom calls, and definitely NOT posting endless updates on social media.

Instead, Mike usually works like two hours a day and spends the rest of his time skiing, or golfing (that’s Mike in blue), or hanging out at 5-star resorts in Europe and Cabo with his wife, Nayri (I guess you can tell which one is Mike in that one!).

It’s a life most people would kill for.

And that’s why I worked with Mike to create List Building Accelerator…

Because we believe that the greatest asset you can own as a freelancer or entrepreneur is your list.

And so…

If you’re fed up with demanding clients, long hours and “feast or famine” income and want an easy, dependable and steady source of income that doesn’t depend on client whims…

If you already have your own email list but you want to grow it and increase your profits…

If you’re worried about AI and want a business where you can leverage it — not be replaced by it…

If you’re stuck in a dead-end job and looking for a proven way out so you can be your own boss…

Then my best advice to you is to do what so many others have done:

Build. Yourself. A. List.

Because whatever your situation, starting and growing your own email list could be a game-changer.

The problem is that so many so-called experts make list-building way more complicated than it needs to be.

These dudes try to convince you that you must develop a breakthrough new product, set up a merchant account, spend thousands on ads, write pages of copy, film hours of video, and on and on and on.

But now you can get started building your own list without worrying about any of that crap.

Not only that, but I’ll be by your side in List Building Accelerator walking you through our process every step of the way.

You’ll be part of a small private coaching group of freelancers and entrepreneurs dedicated to building their money-making lists.
This is the first time I’ve ever offered this kind of intensive coaching. I’m doing it because so many freelancers and copywriters have been reaching out to me asking me to show them how to grow their own lists.

They’re sick and tired of letting someone else call the shots, and want the same kind of freedom and lifestyle that Mike and I have found.

I’m not a self-made man… I’m a LIST-made man

My name is Justin Goff, and I’ve built and profited from email lists in numerous niches.

  • First I built a list of 38,000 names in the fitness space
  • Then I built another list of 290,000 names for the anti-aging market
  • ​Most recently I built a list of 13,000 names in the freelancer/copywriter space.

Over the past 14 years, I’ve used my list-building skills to make as much as $6,879 in a day sending simple emails to my list.

Look, I’m proud of what I’ve done. But I sure wish I had known even a fraction of Mike Geary’s secrets (and what I’ve learned the hard way) when I began building my own list.

But even Mike didn’t know all these secrets at first.

And while today Mike’s list-building system runs like a well-oiled machine, he didn’t start out with a big list.

He started just like everyone else, with 0 people on his email list.

In fact, the first name on Mike’s email list was a friend of his mom’s.

At the time, Mike was working 9 to 5 as an environmental engineer in cubicle land. And moonlighting as a personal trainer at night for extra cash.

He was fed up with cubicle land and he wanted out. (Maybe you can relate?)

So he decided to build a fitness list. But it was very slow going.

Until Mike finally started using his mad engineering skills to invent new and faster ways to build his list.

Ways that didn’t leave him frustrated, burned out, or broke.

Before long he had 200 people on his list…

And then a few thousand…

Eventually, Mike grew his email list to over 2.1 million people!

Now I’m not saying you’re going to add millions of names to your list with our List Building Accelerator. Clearly, Mike is one of the best in the world at building an email list.

But imagine how much faster and easier you could add names to your list if you implemented just a few of Mike’s ninja tactics — like his clever “piggybacking” trick.

No offer? No problem! Grow your list by piggybacking off other people’s offers

Unlike most people who build their email list by creating an offer…
Mike uses a much “lazier” way.

Instead of writing his own 45-minute VSL, shooting ads, creating products, and setting up merchant accounts…

Mike simply piggybacks off other people’s hard work.

Here’s how he does it…

Let’s say someone else launches a diabetes offer that’s absolutely killing it in the market.

Mike does NOT try to compete with that offer. Why would he? That’s an exercise in futility!

Instead, Mike builds a simple down-and-dirty opt-in page. (I’m talking 50 words or less.)
(Don’t worry, I’ll show you exactly how to do it using Mike’s template.)

And he puts his opt-in page in front of the already great-performing diabetes offer…

Then Mike directs traffic to his simple opt-in page. (Again, so easy to do once you know how!)

When people hit the opt-in page, Mike captures their email addresses for his list.

And THEN he sends them over to the great performing diabetes offer.

When people buy from the great performing offer… Mike gets paid. A lot.

I’m talking anywhere from around 40% to 100% of the profits from that first sale as an affiliate (yes, 100% in some cases — because a new customer is so valuable!)

Plus Mike gets to keep the email address he captured (as will you!).

Which means, Mike essentially gets a new subscriber for his list for FREE — or, with “organic” traffic, he even gets PAID for it.

Imagine getting hundreds of new subscribers for your list every single day.

That’s every list owner’s dream.

And this is just a small part of what Mike and I teach you in List Building Accelerator.

Building and growing a profitable email list is like having a get-out-of-jail-free card (or F-You card) that you carry around in your back pocket.

This card gives you the freedom to walk away… to say NO… to no longer be a victim of someone else’s agenda.

To live life on your own terms like Mike and I do.

And that’s why I want YOU to build your own money-making email list

Best of all, you don’t need a list anywhere near 2.1 million names like Mike has today if you want to make good money…

Take my friend Joe Ducard for example. His list is small — only 437 people. And yet Joe routinely makes between $4,000 and $6,000 each month from his tiny list.

And what’s more… he only sends his list two emails a week!

So with just two emails a week, he’s able to make a little over $4,000 each month…

And Joe is just one of the many people I have personally helped to build their own, money-making list…

People like…

  • Paul Clingan, who made $13,000 in one week from a list of 2,000 people
  • Matthias Dörtzbach, who made $2,100 in seven days from a tiny 600 person list
  • Tom Heideman, who consistently rakes in over $10,000 per month from a list of less than 2,000 people

When you build an email list like these guys did…

It’s an ASSET.

And in my opinion, it’s the most valuable asset you can own.

This is why I’m so passionate about helping you to build an email list…

Look, I can’t give you a specific dollar figure of what you can make, because every list is different.

But there’s one thing I can guarantee you: you can’t earn money from your list if you never build it!

That’s why I created List Building Accelerator.

I want you to get started today. Not tomorrow, not next week, or next year, but NOW.

List Building Accelerator is the most comprehensive list-building program I’ve ever built (or seen!). And it’s the ONLY one that includes personal group coaching from me.

I’m going to walk you step-by-step through the process of setting up your list… adding your very first name… implementing my and Mike’s best strategies… and accelerating your list growth like a house afire.

Plus, you get lifetime access to every lesson, every slide, every swipe file, PDF, email template, opt-in page template, lead magnet example, notes, summary pages, and more!

Let me briefly take you through everything that’s included in this groundbreaking training…

Part 1: Basics and Beyond

Part 1 is basic training for list builders (and a great reminder for more experienced)

If you don’t yet have a list (or you’re hoping to grow an existing list quickly), then let me walk you through it.

First, we’ll start with how to pick a highly profitable niche.

The good news is, you can start building a money-making email list in almost any niche including…

  • Health
  • Golf
  • Poker
  • ​Biz Opp
  • ​Self Help
  • Investing
  • Guitar
  • Collectibles
  • ​Religion
  • ​Supplements
  • Dating
  • Survival
  • ​Precious metals
  • ​Politics
  • ​Cooking
  • Astrology
  • Guns
  • Fitness
  • ​Credit Repair
  • ​Weight Loss

Once you’ve picked your niche, I’ll walk you through exactly what you need to set up your own email list. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be Bill Gates to do this. Most folks I mentor find it easy to do. And I’m here if you’ve got any questions.

After you’ve got your list set up, we’ll move on to creating a super simple opt-in page to attract new subscribers like bees to honey.

Then, I’ll share 3 FREE traffic sources you can tap into to build your list without spending money on paid ads.

And finally, I’ll show you how to start making money from a list almost immediately.

But that’s not all you get in Part 1, I’ll also reveal some of my favorite list-building secrets such as…

Part 2: List-Building Secrets of the Pros

In Part 2, Mike and I reveal our best techniques for sending a list growth into overdrive.

We’ll start with a deep dive into Mike’s piggybacking hack. Not only will you see first-hand how to set this up, I’ll take you behind-the-scenes and break down Mike’s cookie-cutter-simple opt-in page template for you.

Then, I’ll walk you through exactly how Mike drives traffic to his opt-in page to sign up without Facebook Ads or YouTube videos. And without being any kind of known guru.

Finally, I’ll personally share my own six favorite ways to build a list. These are the proven tactics I go back to again and again.

Part 3: Private Group Coaching

The List Building Accelerator coaching calls kick off this coming Friday, March 1st with our first group session. (Don’t worry if you can’t be there. Obviously, you’ll get access to the replay.) 
Then we’ll keep the momentum going with a bonus call on Sunday , March 3rd to check in and answer any questions or address any issues that might come up.
Then every week for the following six weeks, I’ll jump on a call with you to support you, motivate you, and cheer you on, as well as review your progress and make sure you’re getting the best value for your investment.

What It Really Means…

Whether you’re brand new to building a list or already have your own email list…

Implementing just a few of the secrets Mike and I cover in the List Building Accelerator could potentially add some serious “F-you” money to your back pocket.

For example, with my list, I’m personally able to make around $1900 every time I send an email…

And it takes me less than 35 minutes to write that email…

Obviously I can’t promise your list will make the same amount of money. Every list is different.

But here’s why I’m telling you this…

Nearly all of the money I make in my business comes from my email list.

NOT my Instagram account. Not my YouTube channel.
But my email list…

Seriously, why waste your time spending hours and hours posting, liking, sharing, scrolling, following…

When so many people like me (and many others) – make almost ALL our money from email.

I’ll let you in on a little secret: the biggest reason I’m on social media is NOT to make money…

It’s to get new names for my email list.

Look, in the last five years, I’ve made about $6,138 from Instagram…

Pocketed around $27,300 from YouTube…

But I was able to make a little over $740,000 last year from my email list.

Again, not every email list will make that kind of money…

Some lists earn far less…while others earn far more.

But if you don’t have a list, you can’t earn bupkis.

That’s why I’m going to make it even easier to build a profitable email list with 3 very special free bonus gifts — all included as part of your List Builders Accelerator.

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