
Jon Sinn – First Date Formula


My “Secret Formula” for…First Date Sex Every Single Time

After going on over 750+ dates in the past 12 years, I’ve discovered a formula that almost always leads to first date sex…. In these videos you’ll discover my step-by-step “playbook” for turning her on, getting her into your bedroom, getting her pants off, and getting inside of her…

Its a short, but very powerful program, but when you follow the formula you’ll feel one step ahead of her, so you make your move at the right moment, every single date you go on.

First Date Formula retails for $47.00, but because I know how much this will benefit you’ll you can pay whatever you feel its worth. (I just ask its at least $1 to cover the transaction fee)

Here’s what I found…

There is a predictable, repeatable formula for having a date that ends with you and the girl having sex or entering into a relationship together…

This is a formula I’ve used myself and taught my private clients for the past 13 years…

She’ll feel like you’re reading her mind every step of the way, and she’ll let you lead her back to the bedroom with zero resistance, because she’ll be having the best date of her life…

This means you can prepare in advance for every step of the date…

From the text you send the day of the date…

To the hug you give her when you say “hello”…

To the ‘get to know you’ conversation…

To the physical touch and flirtatious vibe that needs to be there…

All the way to the end of the night where you hit that inevitable crossroad…

Do I end the date with an awkward hug and a handshake?

Or do I invite her back to my place….

Well, I want to hand you my step-by-step formula so that you’re in control every step of the way…

And when you follow it, you’ll never hear the dreaded words…

What else you’ll discover…

My 3 steps for setting up and building interest for the date, so she doesn’t flake, or worse, show up “cooled off” with her guard up, making it impossible to spark any chemistry…

How to get her imagining the exact date with you in her mind (before you ever even invite her out) This makes the date feel like her idea, and makes her way more invested in having a good time.

The ONLY text you should send the day of the date

If a girl won’t meet you at your place for the date, you’ll discover the 2nd best place to have her meet you

Multiple Venue Loops: This allows you to progressively lead her back to your place in a way that feels natural (so you avoid the awkward ‘parking lot’ conversation)

My favorite game to play with a girl on date: I’ll teach you word-for-word how to introduce the game, and then use it to increase the sexual tension between you and her

A technique I call “Time Distortion” that gives her the feeling that she’s known you for a lot longer than she has, so she’s instantly comfortable around you

My 3 favorite ways to invite her back to my place without triggering her automatic “rejection defense”- In fact if you do this right, she’ll be the one to suggest coming back to your place…

The 10 things a girl must feel like she knows about you before she’ll sleep with you (and how to effortlessly weave them into the conversation)

How and where you should be touching a girl throughout the date (and how to avoid coming across as creepy)

The one question you must NEVER ask a woman (unless you want to kill her attraction for you INSTANTLY). This is a question that almost every guy asks almost every woman he goes out with

The best way to flirt with a woman… Do this and she’ll instantly recognize on an UNCONSCIOUS LEVEL that you are a sexually aware, potential mate

What to say when a woman asks you about your past relationships… so that she becomes more interested in you, not less

A subtle technique that makes you seem exciting and adventurous to a girl

The simple thing you can do at the end of a date with a woman that leaves her eagerly waiting for more… and get HER to make the next text

My 6 favorite ways to tease a woman into bringing out her “wild side”

The deadly mistake too many men make when trying to sleep with a woman that all but guarantees they end up in the ‘friend zone’

The thing most men talk about on a dates thinking it will make her interested that actually repels her twice as fast…

How to respond when she asks you “what are you looking for”

My 4 favorite techniques to let her know I’m interested in her “sexually” as a man is interested in a woman (this avoids any friend zone objections later)

How introduce “sexuality” into the conversation in a humorous way (and make it feel like she was the one to bring it up)…

How to create the ‘it just happened’ feeling, while handling the logistics of bringing her home with you the entire time.

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Jon Sinn – First Date Formula
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