
Jim Wolfe – Attract & Keep Her System


Revealed: The Scientific, Step-By-Step Process That Makes a Woman Fall and Stay Deeply in Love With You…

Without using manipulative tricks, pretending to be someone you’re not, or wasting any more of your time and money…So you can CHOOSE the woman you really want and make 100% sure you NEVER get broken up with or divorced by a woman ever again..

Hey Man,

Did you know that the female mind is designed to filter you out?

Whether she never gives you a chance at all, stops responding to your texts after one or two dates, or divorces you after 50 years of marriage, that’s her default setting: LEAVE…

And sometimes it can feel like a miracle just to get a first date with a woman you really like.

Then, if she doesn’t respond to your texts, stops seeing you after your first or second date, breaks up with you, or divorces you, you have to start all over again with the next one.

And then the next one…

And, you have to pay for the privilege of all this pain and confusion.

According to, a woman goes out on an average of 24 first dates before she meets a guy she wants to see again…

…so if you’ve ever thought you had an awesome connection with a woman and then had her disappear on you, you’re not alone.

And, even if you do manage to keep dating her long enough to make her your girlfriend or wife, the number of women who are on the verge of cheating on or leaving their unsuspecting boyfriends and husbands is just as concerning:

See, the woman almost always leaves the man; not the other way around, and he usually doesn’t even see it coming.

In fact, according to The Huffington Post, a recent Stanford University study found that the woman initiates divorce 69% of the time.

…Like when Angelina Jolie divorced BRAD PITT.

So no man is immune to the female filter…

…unless you know the 8 things her filter is looking for and give them to her.

And that means that if you’ve ever been rejected, broken up with, divorced, or otherwise had your heart smashed into a million pieces by a woman and you’ve been confused about why it happened, you’re in excellent company.

Now, you might be able to “trick” the female filter for a night or maybe even a few weeks, but it’s impossible to fool it forever.

And, the 4 things that cause a woman to fall in love with you are NOT the same 4 things that keep her in love with you.

Sounds complicated and maybe even a little scary, right?

Well, it is until you understand what the female mind is REALLY looking for and know exactly what to do at all times.

Then, it’s actually fairly SIMPLE (although not always EASY…).

How I Uncovered the Secrets of the Female Mind…

If we haven’t met yet, my name is Jim Wolfe.

And back when I was a younger man, I had no problem ATTRACTING women.

Girls would generally give me a chance.

But now I’m about to share a painful secret with you:

As soon as I actually LIKED one of these girls, I would never be able to keep them around.

They would RUN away as fast as possible.

And I had no idea why.

I didn’t even have my first real, official girlfriend until I was 22 years old.

It got so painful that I couldn’t keep these girls interested in me that I bought my first dating book 13 years ago.

That’s when my life completely changed.

I had my first long-term girlfriend within 2 months and we dated for 5 years.

And once I realized that you can LEARN to succeed with women, I was HOOKED.

Since then I’ve read hundreds of books and I’ve seen just about all the training available when it comes to dating and relationships.

I’ve made almost every mistake and experienced almost every “victory.”

I’ve conducted original research and pored over hundreds of academic journal articles about dating and relationships for my master’s degree.

And the best part?

I haven’t been broken up with since.

And, once word got out that I learned what the female filter is ACTUALLY looking for, guys started coming to me for advice. 

Eventually, people with Ph.D.s started referring men to me and even women started asking me to coach them.

That’s when I realized I was onto something and decided to put everything I know into an easy-to-use format that would allow me to help as many men as possible.

Now, I’m on a mission to help you permanently solve your dating and relationship problems on the way to helping 100,000 men live their ideal life with their ideal women.

I have truly awesome, high-level clients from over 37 countries and counting…

…And, I’m excited to share what I’ve learned over the last 13 years of intense study and real-world experience with YOU now.

Because I don’t want you to attract awesome women into your life only to lose them.

I know EXACTLY how painful that is.

What I Discovered About the Female Filter:

Year after year, day after day for the past 13 years I dove deep into figuring out why a woman falls and stays in love with a man.

Through that long, focused, intense process of making painful mistakes, testing assumptions and techniques, reading, studying, investigating, interviewing, observing, busting dating and relationship myths, breaking through the B.S. that society feeds us, and coaching real men in the real world and looking at their RESULTS, I FINALLY peeled back the curtain of the female mind and discovered the following:

  • The factors that make a woman interested in you when she first sees you. You can control many of them…
  • How to tell if a woman is interested in YOU or something else (your money, etc.)…
  • The 4 things that make her fall in love with you and exactly how to apply them…
  • The 4 things that KEEP her in love with you and exactly how to apply them (they are NOT the same things that make her FALL in love)…
  • How to build a deeply satisfying, strong, lasting relationship…
  • EXACTLY what to look for in a woman if you want to be satisfied long-term instead of regretting your relationship later…

Here’s what I learned: if a woman’s interested in you even a little bit and she’s single, there are exactly 4 things that make her more interested in you over time.

And they have NOTHING to do with:

  • Your looks…
  • Your bank account…
  • Taking her on expensive dates…
  • Doing favors for her…
  • Having shared interests with her…
  • Giving her flowers and gifts…
  • Writing her poems…
  • Pretending you don’t want her…
  • “Tricking” her or pretending to be someone you’re not…
  • Acting like a jerk…

I also learned that there are exactly 4 things that keep her in love with you.

And they are NOT the same 4 things that cause her to fall in love with you.

If you apply all 8 of these principles correctly, she will fall in love with you and stay in love with you as long as you want.

And that’s EXACTLY what I show you how to do inside the Attract and Keep Her System:

Inside this one-of-a-kind, step-by-step dating and relationship system that any guy can use, you discover EXACTLY what to do from the first moment you meet a woman until you DECIDE she’s not right for you or stay with her forever.

If you follow the process outlined in the system, you will never get broken up with or divorced by a woman again GUARANTEED.

And that gives you choice, which means you’ll never SETTLE, which is best for you AND the women you date.

You’ll also discover exactly what to look for in a woman if you want to be with her long-term and exactly which women to avoid at all costs.

The best part?

It works for real men with real women from small towns and big cities all over the world.

How do I know?

My clients from 37 countries and counting have been telling me…

…and I want to hear your success story next.

The alternative is to lose her at some point and suffer the consequences:

  • Pain…
  • Confusion…
  • Loss of self-confidence…
  • Depression…
  • Social embarassment…
  • Maybe a nasty divorce…
  • Losing half your stuff or more…
  • The possibility of SOME OTHER GUY raising YOUR kids…

Now, this is NOT just another “PUA Manual” or “Relationship Book.”

Relationship experts tend to ignore what works in real life and what women ACTUALLY respond to when it comes to males seeking females.

I don’t.

Because I want you to know what really matters and what REALLY works no matter how politically incorrect it might be.

The Men’s Dating Industry tends to ignore long-term relationship maintenance because teaching the attraction phase is easier to market.

I don’t.

Because eventually you’ll probably meet a woman that you want to KEEP dating if you haven’t already…

You simply won’t find this intel all in one place anywhere else.

Attract and Keep Her is WRONG For You IF:

  • You NEVER meet a woman you want to keep dating more than once.
  • You can’t handle the truth. This system deals with REALITY, because we care about your RESULTS. So, we don’t sugar-coat anything for you. Make sure you’re ready for that before you invest.
  • You prefer lukewarm hugs and disapproving looks from women you barely like to the women you REALLY want chasing you and happy to be with you.
  • You think “simple” means that you don’t have to TAKE ACTION and implement the steps in your real life. Dating and relationship success requires work. We’ve just made it as simple as possible.
  • Or, you are just one of those guys who will buy the book and then just let it sit there on your desktop or in iBooks and never read it. Please, don’t waste your money if that’s the case. However, if that IS the case, just realize you’re only going to get the same results you’ve always gotten and the BEST CASE scenario is that you settle for a woman you don’t even like that much, and EVEN THEN she will probably leave you at some point (the stats don’t lie)…unless you do something DIFFERENT, something that WORKS, STARTING TODAY.

However, if you’re at the point where you want a girlfriend or wife, OR…

…you recently got broken up with or divorced by a woman and want to know EXACTLY what happened so it never happens again, OR…

…you want to be able to keep dating a woman if you choose, OR…

…you just never want to worry about a good woman leaving you ever again and want to end your pain and confusion about women forever,


There’s no reason to lose the next awesome woman you meet just because you don’t know this intel.

Claim your copy of Attract and Keep Her now and learn the secrets of attracting and keeping the “good ones” around as long as you want:

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Jim Wolfe - Attract & Keep Her System
Jim Wolfe – Attract & Keep Her System
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