
Jason BTO – DApp Mastermind (Crypto DApps)


Jason BTO – DApp Mastermind (Crypto DApps) – Passive Income with DApps and SMART Contracts


Decentralized Applications, DApps as they are referred to are the becoming more popular each day as various teams are finding new ways to decentralize almost everything. DAPP’s are applications that run on a P2P network of computers rather than a single computer.

What You Will Learn From This Presentation: We will teach you what DApp’s are and how to profit from them, How to automate your DApps business and how to MAKE DAILY DIVIDENDS off your DApp.

Why Now Is the Time To Learn About DAPPS

This new way of building applications had come a long way from when it all started which was just to make financial transactions possible between two parties without the need for a mediator. Now, there’s been more application of the new technology in almost every sector of the economy. Most importantly, DApps developers are finding means to reward their users, using the platform’s native tokens which are easily trade-able into real money. This way, they bring their tokens to the limelight.

Secret You’ll Learn #1

Why most people are neglecting decentralized apps and how you can capitalise on this oversight and dominate this multi Billion dollar industry.

Secret You’ll Learn #3

How to Leverage Smart Contracts To Grow Your Portfolio Faster & Automate Everything.

Secret You’ll Learn #2

How to make PASSIVE Income with DApp just by Freezing Tokens and Earning a Dividend off Their Revenue.

Secret You’ll Learn #4

How to Join the Most Exclusive DApp Mastermind on the Planet & Level Up Your Biz Forever.

Here is what you’ll get:

4 Week Training Bootcamp

We go over in detail everything you need to know to profitable make passive income with Smart Contracts & DApp’s

The Dapp Mastermind Members Only Area with TONs of step by step guides and Videos to make sure you have success with DApp’s
Instant Access To Private Mastermind Group

Join our community of like minded people from all over the world. PLUS instant access to the Private Members Only Facebook Group

Unlimited Access To Me

This is exactly what it sounds like and that what you will get an expert to guide you through every aspect of the DApps

*BONUS* One On One Coaching Call

I will jump on zoom LIVE & help you any way I can via screen share so you are guaranteed success with DApp’s

And Much Much More..

Sales Page: _


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Jason BTO – DApp Mastermind (Crypto DApps)
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