
Infinity Engine – Content Creation Workshop – Kenneth Yu


“Do You Feel Invisible in the Marketplace?”

As a coach, consultant, agency or business owner – do you think you’re IGNORED?

Even though you hustle hard and are skilled at what you do – the marketplace flocks to your competitors instead. And increased brighter, shinier competitors at that – especially over the last few years.

Well, I have the antidote for you.
Hi, my name is Kenneth Yu. and I’m the founder of Write Your Own Damn Cheque.

I’m a founder of an accidental movement, award-winning A-List copywriter and now cross-discipline thought leader with effective frameworks used by gurus around the world.

Let me tell you a story…

Many years ago… I chanced upon a Dan Kennedy audio online.

When I played it, Dan mentioned something in passing that stuck with me until today:

People don’t buy from you because of brand loyalty, they buy from you because when they needed your product or service – you were there at the right place and time.”
I mean, that makes sense, right?

If you have a headache, you’ll walk to the nearest pharmacist and grab whatever is on the shelf. Unless you have a life-threatening allergy, you won’t insist on Tylenol or Panadol – even a generic brand can provide immediate pain relief.

You see, that nearby pharmacy was a happy recipient of your need AT THAT POINT IN TIME.

Therefore, If you want to make legit income online…

You Need to be Omnipresent Without Being Obnoxious…
You need to be a lingering presence, but not wear out your welcome by constantly shoving offers to your prospect’s faces.

In other words…

The ultimate way to combat invisibility is to be MORE VISIBLE – in a way where people WELCOME you rather than reject you.

And How Would You Accomplish That?

You need to generate valuable content hyper-relevant to your prospect.

Posted anywhere and EVERYWHERE.

Because subconsciously – familiarity leads to likeability.

Studies show the more someone is exposed to someone, the more credible that person will be.

So the more you’re out there, the better you’re perceived in the marketplace.

And when the market happens to have a need, guess who they turn to? 😉

However, Here’s the Major Problem…

Generating content (especially non-boring ones that impress your audience) is HARD. Even BRUTAL.If you’re not following a proper framework, it can take you AGES to come up with even a single piece of content…

It is a tiring process.

However, what if I told you there’s a quick and easy way to come up with content that can position you as an authority… a structure and framework that can revolutionize the way you create blog posts, videos, and social posts on the fly?

Does that sound good? .

You see… I faced the exact same problem.

Coming up with content consistently was such a chore.

However… The good thing about the WYODC movement is that it attracts the best and brightest.

That Was When Felix Tay Entered the Room…

There was this random Malaysian coach doing pretty spectacular things in the content space.

As one of my buyers, Felix propelled himself to the top from relative obscurity by mastering the art of AI-driven content marketing and automation.

He has a robust international following in that space.

I actually attended his content generation workshop, and I was FLOORED.

And I don’t say that lightly… If you know me… I speak around the world in the highest net-worth rooms… and his concepts could hold its own.

You see… With his unique framework…

We were able to generate 120 pieces of content in A DAY.
WYODC’s editorial calendar was filled up the next quarter.

And while I was impressed… I wasn’t the only one who found the strategy useful… Here’s what workshop participants have to say…

It was then I decided that his content generation method was the quickest, easiest way to becoming omnipresent online… I needed to bring its power to the rest of the world.

That’s why WYODC is partnering with Felix to bring you…

Yup, there’s a Thanos reference – because with this virtual event…

You can reduce your competitors to dust with a snap of a finger — generating authority-positioning content on the fly.

You not only learn the HOW, but also APPLY it in real time, with Felix as your personal guide…so you get things DONE.

The aim of it is to ensure you sit in the room and output 100 pieces of content during the 2 short days.

It comprises…

  • The Structure: How to create engaging posts that positions YOU as the go-to person in your circles.
  • The System: Build a content calendar for the next 3-4 months that helps you easily & consistently post contents for your socials.
  • The Support: Get the support, guidance and accountability to ensure you get the Structure & the System DONE and applied in a weekend!

In this 2-Day Workshop, You Learn…

  • 3P Expert Positioning Framework: Clarify & Craft the ‘Big Idea’ you will be using/testing in your socials over the next few months to get people into your offers.
  • The Content Matrix: Use the framework that multiplies your Big Idea into over 100+ different contents that positions you as the EXPERT in your field.
  • Content Validation Formula: Discover how to systematically verify what your market wants from you through social media content postings.
  • Guided Implementation: Do ALL the above supervised by me personally in a small group so that you have the highest chance of success.
  • (And for COMPLETE newbies only) Extra coaching to clarify exactly what it is that you ‘do’ so that you can articulate yourself to the market.
  • Group 1-to-1 Feedback On Your Work: Get personal feedback from me on the work that you do. If there are time constraints we will even schedule extra time to do this after the event. No-one gets left behind!
  • Algorithm Secrets: Why other people’s contents don’t work, and why yours will by leveraging on the right kind of factors when you use social media.
  • How To ‘Sow & Till The Land’ For Business Growth: How to ‘hang out’ in your favorite social platforms in a way that leads your ideal prospects into serious enrolment conversations with you.
  • Day-To-Day Performance Checklist: Turn your new, potent, content generation framework into ACTIONABLE daily checklist so that your work here continues to be an asset well into the future.

And Here’s $1,194 Worth of Bonuses:

– “Fuel to the Fire” ChatGPT Integration ($499):

The Infinity Engine is already powerful.

That’s right. You want to know something crazy?

When Felix was teaching the workshop, there wasn’t even ChatGPT. It was just clever strategic frameworks to speed the process up.

However, when you use AI, it makes an already simple process SIGNIFICANTLY faster.

It’s as if Nitro meets Glycerine.

With the right prompts, invisibility is a thing of the past.

– Lifetime Recordings ($298 Value):

The thing with events is that not everyone can make it. So we got you.

You’ll get Lifetime Recordings to the event – so you can self-study at your own time..

Does that sound good?

The more you read this, the more convinced you are that the Infinity Engine holds the key to a crushing personal brand online.

– Campaign Planner Notion Template ($397 Value):  

Notion has taken the world by storm. It’s a mind-mapping software that functions as a 2nd brain for the most performance-orientated entrepreneurs in the world.

Felix is a Notion ninja. He’s developed a template that makes planning campaigns a cinch.

Here’s the Notion template in all its glory. Yours free for the taking if you attend the program.

This is one of those watershed moments in your life. Three paths lie before you:

1) You Can Bury Your Head in the Sand

Look, let me level with you.

Without the ability to create content, you’re going to remain invisible.

This will cost you sales… And more importantly, the people you’re meant to impact may be cheated of that transformation.

So if you were intent on starting to gain a following online so that you can be at the right place, right time? Why not plunge in now?

With our 60-Day Guarantee, what do you have to lose?


2) You Can Try to Figure All This Out On Your Own

Yes… You can check Youtube. But if that free content is so effective, shouldn’t you be a content generation ninja already?

That’s because you have bits and pieces. You’re missing the system… And more importantly…

You’re missing the discipline to not just optimize what works but to sit down to actually do the dang thing.

So why not block off the time to do so?


3) You Can FINALLY Take Control of Your Bank Account (And Your Content Calendar!)

Seriously, this system is good enough for me and WYODC. We’re actually using it within the business.

Why not just allocate the time and overcome obscurity once and for all?

Why remain unseen in the industry?

After all, as social influencer John Lee said…

“Best-known beats the best.”

Frankly, only one of these choices makes any sense at all.

I encourage you—for your own sake — join the Infinity Engine workshop today.

To Writing Your Own Dang Cheque,
Kenneth Yu and Felix Tay
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Infinity Engine - Content Creation Workshop - Kenneth Yu
Infinity Engine – Content Creation Workshop – Kenneth Yu
$199.00 $29.00 Add to Cart

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