[HOT] MindValley – Love or Above


The Love or Above Spiritual Toolkit is a set of 12 profound energetic experiences designed to instantly raise your vibrations – and in turn your magnetism for the outcomes, people, and synchronicities you desire.

From tools that open your heart space, to exercises that reconnect you with Higher Guidance, to meditations that shield you from negative energies – you get a fun, easy-to-use, and deeply transformational solution to living your life from a space of unshakeable high vibrations. All presented through Christie Marie Sheldon’s world-renowned energy clearing method.

The Love Or Above Spiritual Toolkit Helps You…

  • Clear invisible blocks and self-destructive patterns from your energetic blueprint, so you can experience life from a high-vibration state.
  • Dramatically amplify your manifesting power so you can attract what you want with greater ease and joy.
  • Uncouple from unnecessary stress, anxiety, and negativity caused by low-vibrational holding patterns.
  • Enjoy better results and outcomes with all your other personal growth practices.

A Powerful Set Of Energetic Tools And Techniques To Raise Your Vibration To Love Or Above

To accelerate your connection to higher vibrations, Christie has specially hand picked a selection of energetic or spiritual tools, which are some of the most powerful and transformative tools you can ever get your hands upon. Some of the tools are exercises, some are guided meditations and some are visualization techniques.

But what each share in common is the fact that, when applied into your life, they provide you with a quick and sometimes instantaneous way to shift your energetic vibrations to higher levels.

01. Muscle Testing: Make The Right Decisions At All Times

Imagine having a reliable tool that answers all your important questions like, “Should I take this job?”, and “Is this a good investment?” Muscle testing is based on the fact that our bodies are tapped into a higher intelligence. High energy causes a different response in our muscles than lower energies. By learning to distinguish these responses you can ask yourself a question any question, and get an intuitive pulse on the best answer for you.

02. How To Ask Life-Changing Questions: Learn The Simple Questions That Can Open Up A World of Possibility

You know what’s so amazing about children? They’re always asking questions and growing! But as we get older society boxes us into levels of thinking that range from the absurd to the harmful – and that limit our true potential. So how do you regain that childlike sense of curiosity and limitlessness? This essential guide shows you exactly how to ask the right questions that lead to the right answers and amazing new opportunities.

03. The Wisdom Meditation: Connecting To Your Infinite Self

Are you feeling lost or stuck? Is there a problem at work that you don’t know how to solve? Or maybe you just need a little inspiration or a pick-me-up? This 30-minute guided meditation connects you to your Infinite Self, and empowers you to realize that all the answers and inspiration you seek are already inside you. Use it often to harness the superpowers you never knew you had.

04. Connecting To Your Guides Meditation: Getting Support From A Higher Power

This tool is a favorite for many! When you open your awareness and connect to your Guides, you’ll get access to answers and guidance previously closed to you. You also start to find elegant synchronicities appearing in your life : unexpected phone calls, chance encounters, and opportunities falling into your lap. Your guides will know exactly what unique spiritual gift you need at any point in your life.

05. The Energy Detox: Cleaning Up Negative Residual Energy From Your Being

Whether it’s in the subway or at home – we constantly absorb energy from the people and environments around us. That’s why, just like taking a shower, it’s important you routinely clear energy. This exercise clears your energy field of emotional scars and negative energy that you picked up along the way, clearing low vibrations and maintaining your energy levels in positive fields. You’ll feel so much more positive energy and clarity as you go about your day.

06. Energy Radar: Becoming Immune To The Negative Energies Of Those Around You

Clearing yourself of negative energy is good – but with this technique you can also deflect negative energy from certain people or environments from ever coming to you. And instead release and return it with blessings and love. The Energy Radar is particularly useful for becoming immune to recurring sources of negativity, like in the workplace or from a specific friend or family member.

07. The Cord Cutting Meditation: Removing Old, Unresolved Energy Patterns That No Longer Serve You

Energy cords are old energy patterns that can come from your family, long-term friends, and ex lovers. We form these “energy cords” with anyone we’ve had an intense encounter with, whether sexual or anger. Some cord are good, but many are negative and keep you tied energetically to people you may want to let go. This 30-minute meditation cuts the old, unresolved energy that your body is begging you to release.

08. Vision Board Energizer: The Next Level In The Vision Board Exercise

Vision boards are incredibly powerful tools – but in some cases an unresolved energetic or emotional block could be preventing you from manifesting everything on yours. For instance, you might desire a perfect relationship – but self-esteem issues are holding you back. This power-boosting exercise will quickly align higher vibrational frequencies with your vision board, so you can create your greatest reality.

09. Key To Self-Mastery: How To Manifest Your Desires, Faster And More Often

Sometimes, the ‘movies’ playing on loop in your head stop you from manifesting what you really want. This simple exercise helps you uncouple from the stories, memories, and scenarios holding you back from creating the ones you truly want. At the end of it, you’ll develop an instinct for the goals you really desire in life – and enter a state of allowing that empowers you to achieve anything you can perceive.

10. Getting Into Your Heart Space: Creating A Calm, Cool Confidence To Stride Toward Your Dreams

When things get stressful, when people are relying on you to make quick decisions, or perhaps when you’re simply feeling overwhelmed, it’s time to connect to your heart space. The heart center is the point of awareness where feelings and energy are. This tool helps you tap into your heart space, re-center yourself, and connect to the source of your awareness in its purest form.

11. Blessing Ball Of Light: Learning The Art Of Giving “Blessings”

Imagine if you could hold in your hands a ball of light, containing the purest essence of all the goodness around you. From happiness to joy, forgiveness to productivity and anything else your heart can imagine, this glowing ball of light will grow bigger with each blessing. And then —whoosh!— you can project this radiant energy vibration into your heart, or even into the hearts of your loved ones. This powerful tool helps you do just that.

12. Spiritual First-Aid For Families: Creating More Loving Bonds Within Your Family

Energy cords between family members are the strongest, and the level of your family consciousness will have a great affect over you, and vice versa. This tool helps you heal relationship wounds, create stronger bonds, and raise not only your own – but your family’s vibrations to a level of Love or Above.


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MindValley - Love or Above
[HOT] MindValley – Love or Above

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