
Hale Dwoskin – The Sedona Method – 365 Releases


365 Releases

A release for any day of the year

Imagine having 365 unique releases at your fingertips.

You could do a different one every day of the year.

Or, you could focus on releasing with your favorites.

With just a few, easy minutes of releasing you could feel lighter, happier, clearer, and more capable.

No remembering the steps or thinking up how to phrase something… just following along to effortlessly stay on track with your life goals and your path to greater freedom.

“The Sedona method has become a daily practice for me. As a result, I have found life to have a new ease, to experience peace in a flash, and to know I can always let go. This has made life simpler, easier, and a constant blessing.” – Debora M., Portola, California

With this program, you get two great ways to release, any day, any time!

Download your set of 365 releases and choose any one you wish.


Any day you would like to release, go into your online Digital Library on

A specially selected release will be there waiting for you!

“This program has been the most powerful and succinct application I have experienced so far. It has been an amazing experience to learn to respond to life after releasing, rather reacting to life after holding on to thoughts and emotions. The simplicity of this program has transformed my day to day life, one release at a time. Life is a wonderful experience of letting go and trusting the current that knows the way!” – CG. Dallas, Texas

I cannot imagine anything easier or more convenient, short of putting a Release Me button on your forehead


Now every day you can do a powerful releasing meditation designed to give you an immediate boost and long lasting results. Or you can do two or three or more releases. It’s all up to you!

Most will be about 10 minutes, and a few will be longer — up to a half hour.

Each release will be a powerful invitation for you to dive more deeply into the core of your own being and bask in your most radiant inner light.

Imagine how this can make each day better for you. Imagine how it will become easier to achieve your goals, accomplish what you want, and celebrate every moment.

“Being a regular releaser for 2 years now, this program really put me in fifth gear. I now start seeing through my body-mind catch and how it continuously sabotaged my life and business. By understanding how to handle my daily problems and challenges in business with releasing all is going way easier and effortlessly. I am calm and peaceful and am above being a slave of my business. I am doing more in less time.” – Filip Naessens, Belgium

When you choose to use my selected streaming releases, you’ll often wonder whether I have a crystal ball working just for you

Some will be spot on.

Other times you will feel that, even though the release was not one you identify with, it was still a gentle nudge in the right direction.

The advantage of working with the streaming releases in your Digital Library is that a release is a release. No matter the topic… no matter how it relates to your life (or doesn’t)… it releases stress and patterns, and often times in way that will surprise you.

Here is a comment from Tabitha in Spain. I think she sums up the benefit really well… “Listening to the streaming releases helps me to release on topics that I didn’t even think of! Sometimes I read the subject and the description of a release and think “well, this isn’t really for me” and then I listen anyway and in the end I realize that it really was very useful to me! The mind is a master disguiser, and this program is a wonderful tool to shine a light on every dark corner the mind has found to hide.”

“It is so nice to have guided releases that have easy access and are short and sweet. I love being able to do a short release daily. It helps with adding peace, lightness, motivation, and inspiration to my day. I love the length of these releases because by the time we meditate, tap, release, work out, or whatever one does for their care, the entire day could be gone, so having this in small bite-size pieces is really helpful and more motivating to keep up a practice of releasing without it feeling life a chore.” – S.O, Canyon Country, California

Your 365 Releases come from several sources

I have written and recorded over one hundred brand new releases exclusively for this series!

Some releases are from our most powerful programs that cost hundreds of dollars, others from potent individual releases that are available for a dollar a minute on, and still others are from retreats that would have cost you thousands of dollars to attend.

And, rest assured, this program is advanced enough for seasoned releasers and inviting enough for novices and others new to releasing.

I carefully chose each and every one of them to help you to stay on target and motivated in having, being and doing all that you hold dear.

“Just having the tools to release the feelings that come up on a daily basis is fantastic. I have given away all the other self help programmes that I have spent $1000s on. None of them helped me as they were all about ‘self-improvement.’ Hale and Lester teach that we are already whole and complete. The method simply helps you realise this truth by giving simple tools to use. I will be forever grateful to them both.” – Lee Welford, Queensland, Australia

When you can release nothing can stop you, everything is possible

I’ve been saying this for years, and now this new program is the best way to put it into action. Try it for yourself. It is ready for you right now.

Every day you will have my selected streaming release available to you. These releases will be in your Digital Library day after day, year after year.

Or, download the files to your computer or device so that you can choose from any of the 365 releases. I’m sure you’ll find some to be your favorites that you will go back to again and again.

“Some of the releases are real WOW moments, as I open more to the heart and the moment which usually calms my doubts and fears, too. It’s great.” – Vanessa Buck, London, United Kingdom

Try it for 30 days. If you are not completely happy send us an email or give us a call, and we’ll cheerfully give you a refund.

Everyone who orders The Sedona Method course has the golden intention to put it into action, but sometimes life gets in the way and you simply do not remember to release or even how to release or just need a little extra support to get you on your way.

Now with 365 releases at your fingertips, you are just a quick moment away from that perfect interspersion, the ideal complement to whatever is going on in your world.

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Hale Dwoskin – The Sedona Method – 365 Releases
Hale Dwoskin – The Sedona Method – 365 Releases
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