
[Group Buy] Pyramid Mirrors Powerful Plus+11x(Extra Strong)


Significantly increase your manifestation power, remove all manifestation blocks, and significantly speed up the materialization of your manifestations permanently every time you listen to this audio. Make desired physical changes to your body / do biokinesis (with other audios or your own process) by affecting the manifestation template underlying the body (use this audio before biokinesis audios). Attract permanent financial abundance without effort, and remove all money and abundance blocks Full lightbody activation (cannot be stolen / hijacked by evil beings) Download the DNA / consciousness unlocks of instant manifestation through deliberate thought alone, and remove all blocks to manifesting instantly (cannot be used to harm self or others, only positive thoughts work).

Create a field of unconditional love and healing around your body and aura that heals every being you come into close proximity with (people, animals, plants, other beings). Project to all of humanity a field that raises their consciousness permanently to divine unconditional love, abundance in all forms, health and healing on all levels of being, joy, happiness, peace, stillness, self-love and self-acceptance, empowerment to manifest their dream life and everything they desire, removal of all twin flames’ blocks to union and make all twin flames meet each other in the physical world, and manifest Heaven on Earth.

Make a connection to the listener’s omnipotent all-knowing God Self, and have it provide guidance, answer questions, clear blocks , healing and manifestation, the universe guide you. Transmutes all negative timelines Cleansing of the akhastic records Cleansing of stagnant negative energy Multidimensional cleansing Cleansing and activations of the moon and the stars Cleansing and activations of the felines Cleansing of the being with the pyramids

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[Group Buy] Pyramid Mirrors Powerful Plus+11x(Extra Strong)
$22.00 $12.00 Add to Cart

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