
GirlsChase – Charisma in a Bottle


Why Do Some Guys Have an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE in This World?

(In Just About EVERYTHING They Do)

Like they were born with a “Special something”…

…That tips the scales in business and in their personal lives (And definitely when it comes to getting more hot dates and lots of sex)…

It’s like these guys don’t even NEED “Game!”

Because this “Special something” blesses everything they touch. And people (Especially women) are DRAWN TO THEM like a magnet!

Other people can’t seem to get ENOUGH of them…

And if they’ve also got a little game and “How to” in their arsenal…

Women seriously THROW themselves at these guys.

What’s this amazing quality? You probably already guessed it…

Everyone Knows CHARISMA Is Like a “Mystical Force” When it Comes to Attraction!

For those lucky enough to have it…

…Charisma is the most powerful, valuable and identifiable aspect of their personality…


And who couldn’t pick up more girls with some of THAT?

Listen there are other ways to get laid with beautiful women…We teach that practical stuff in our

“One Date” program.

But let’s face it.

And even for guys who aren’t so lucky BUT at least “A little” Charismatic…

EVERYTHING we teach in “One Date” becomes that much more effective.

Because charisma is a “Mega-booster” for any social situation – Especially when it comes to winning with sexy chicks! It makes everything you do MORE POWERFUL.

Let’s just state the  obvious charismatic guys

Imagine this for a moment.

Two guys both approach the same head-turning stunner on the same exact day…Maybe both even manage to get her number and a date.

One guy is very charismatic. The other guy, though, just really isn’t.

They both look the same.

They say and do the same basic stuff.

And have the same pitch and routine…BUT

…This can’t be argued (I’d love to see you try)…

The Guy with Charisma Has an ENORMOUS Edge!

With EVERYTHING he does he gets more slack.

If he makes a mistake… She cuts him more slack…

If she loathes his politics and macho attitude… She cuts him more slack…

If he acts too try-hard …Or gets nervous (Happens to the best of us)… She cuts him more slack…

If he forgets to put on his big boy pants when it’s time to kiss her… More slack…

Even if he’s slept with all her friends…Heck even if her family hates him!… She cuts him slack…

He can completely crash and burn and make a fool of himself… She cuts him MORE slack…

Because when a woman “Likes” a guy…SHE WANTS HIM TO WIN!

And when a woman WANTS a guy to win he can completely blow it and STILL stay in the game.

Of Course Guys Without Charisma can Meet and
Date Beautiful Women too…BUT
…It’s an Uphill Battle

So he better do things as perfectly as possible.

The less charisma you have the more your “Game” MUST be on point…

No mistakes. No getting sloppy.

You have to make the right moves and say the perfect thing more often than not…(If you want to make it to home base)

So basically…

…Your everyday vanilla average joe has to work HARDER than is necessary to makedating work.

Meanwhile a charismatic guy with a sound approach to dating could do an “Okay” job of it yet still get a lot more “Happy Endings”

Not to Mention Charismatic Guys Have Instant Allies Every Time They Go Out to Pick Up Chicks

For example if a cool guy is out with a group of girls he’ll pull you into his little party if he likes you. And he knows you won’t cramp his style.

If a girl is out with her friends you don’t have to deal with them cock blocking and pulling her away.…

…Instead they become your ALLIES!

They start to go to bat for you. Because they WANT you to have her!

They might even shove her into your arms at the end of the night and TELL you to take her home and bang her brains out! This probably sounds a little crazy if you’ve never experienced anything like it. Well prepare to have your mind blown!

I mean the most Charismatic guys I know ONLY go out alone…

Because when they go out alone…

Great things happen to them. And their less Charismatic friends aren’t there to get in the way…

They instantly meet new people in any bar or club. They just hang out for a while and BOOM they get sucked right into a new social circle without even trying.

Charismatic guys always have the best stories…

Because Charisma puts total strangers on your team!

But If Charisma Is Such a “Force Multiplier” in Getting Guys Laid Why Don’t More Learn It?

Obviously most guys think Charisma is something you’re born with (Or not)…

…DEFINITELY Not something you can develop…

We hear this from new students all the time. They’re chomping at the bit to learn lines or techniques to pick up more girls…or they hit the gym hard, overhaul their wardrobes, and get a professional haircut.

And that stuff DOES make a difference!

…Yet these same “improvement-oriented” guys see Charisma as an elusive mystery…

It’s total blind spot for them…

It’s why so many aspiringplayboys trade openers and routines online until they’re blue in the face.

Or why they spend years debating high-brow concepts like “Alpha Nature” at length.

Nevertheless, spending tons of time debating “Seduction philosophy” would be a total waste of time for a CHARISMATIC guy…Wouldn’t it?

Instead of doing that he could just be in the field meeting women…reaping the sexual rewards of his “Magnetic Effect” on them already!

The Good News? This “Magnetic Effect” is a Skillset Any Guy Can Practice…

When you learned handwriting it felt awkward at first…Right?

…But then it became a tool you used without thinking.

When you learned to drive a car…

…It felt clumsy and scary and weird and “Above” you somehow…BUT

When you learned to steer properly and apply the break or gears in the right way…Driving became second nature. You even developed your own special style.

When you learn anything – From driving to using a keyboard to making flirty eye contact with gorgeous girls who intimidate most other men – It always feels awkward and uncomfortable at first.

But the more you perform these unnatural tasks the more INTUITIVE they become. Soon the discomfort disappears. It’s human nature to learn unnatural things until they’re “More” natural.

Charisma can become an effortless part of your behavior as well. A lifelong component of your personality and style of interacting with the world.

In Fact “Students of Charisma” Claim Great Power and Influence in Our Society

You probably know many by name. Men who purposely developed more compelling personalities and reaped endless rewards…

The most famous men you see pop up in movies again and again (And the audiences never tire of them)…Like Brad Pitt, Sean Connery, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise…

And the masters of the political stage…

Who can move mountains with their voice and behavior (Even if they don’t write the speeches themselves)…Men of history like Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy

No matter what you think of these men they are super compelling characters who carry an “Aura” about them…And men like this do not end up in these roles of power and influence by chance – They get to the top because of their amazing Charisma!

Look even more closely at their backgrounds…

…You find their charisma is very rarely an inborn trait.

It’s a Skill. They’ve BECOME compelling, accomplished people because they are PRACTICED in Charisma.

Can YOU Develop Charisma on Purpose Like These
Spellbinding Men?

It’s crazy how doors swing wide open for the Charismatic man…

Imagine being such a bright light that nobody ever ignored you again…

And people were compelled to give you dates, job promotions and almost anything else you wanted…Whether you asked for it or not…Just so they could be closer to you…

Charisma creates a subconscious desire in people to include you in whatever they’re doing…

That pretty girl at the coffee shop who always ignores you? Once you’re more Charismatic watch how she perks up every time you walk in the door…The obvious flirting, virtually begging for you to ask her out…

…And how the “Cool people” at bars and parties start dragging you into their circles…Breaking the ice with you out of nowhere…

That promotion at work they’ve passed you over twice for now? As long as you haven’t been a complete dead weight in your job…We’ve got “Charismatic Tricks” you can use during the next promotion cycle…

…To ensure you rank near the top of your boss’s list every time…

Or your magnetic personality can allow you to stop waiting on promotions and change jobs whenever you want…

…So you’ll have to CHOOSE whether to stay where you are or take one of the many other opportunities your personal power constantly makes available for you…

How I Stumbled Upon the Weird Psychology of Charisma (at a Very Young Age)

As you may know I was a nerdy kid. I got teased sometimes sure but mostly other kids just


I was the opposite of Charismatic.

And like most invisible people in this world I just assumed that’s the way things were.

Well one day I performed an accidental experiment that transformed my understanding about likability forever. It was simple really. I just showed up at school with a coat that was unlike anything I’d ever worn before…

And halfway through the day it hit me that the other kids were suddenly including me in their conversations a little more. And just treating me more warmly.

It wasn’t a minor difference – The change was STRIKING.

I could only guess it was the coat…

Even though I was so young it seemed so illogical and strange. After all it was still ME inside the coat. But they thought it was a “cool” coat because it had the logo of a local sports team on it…

I mean I didn’t even like sports!

But other kids DID like sports. And wearing something they vibed with subconsciously inspired them to treat me differently…(Hint: There’s a lesson to be had here but we’ll get into that later…)

Well when this coat thing happened it got me wondering…

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GirlsChase – Charisma in a Bottle
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