
[GroupBuy] Gala Darling – Cash Money Honey



“The more fun I have, the more money I make!” 

That, right there, is my most important belief about money. It sounds magical, right?! Who wouldn’t want that? Imagine what life would look like when that’s the story in the back of your mind! Let me tell you: it feels epic. Delicious. Truly, deeply good.

But I didn’t always feel that way! And I’m sure you can relate to that!

I’m curious… What are your beliefs about money? Some of your greatest hits might be things like…

The harder I work, the more I’ll make. The more I suffer, the better my bank balance will look. If I do the kind of work I don’t enjoy, but seems to be okay for everyone else, then I’ll finally have enough.’

I feel you. That’s what I used to think, all day, every day.

But you know what? Living my life that way didn’t make me wealthy OR happy!

It turns out that working more hours is NOT the answer. Or suffering more. Or taking on the kind of work that everyone told me I “should” do. Instead, those things left me burned out, resentful, and worrying about how to pay my rent.

Sound familiar?!

Years ago, when I discovered Abraham-Hicks, I learned that feeling good was my job. When I made feeling good my number one priority, everything in my life flourished. It totally changed my life. And then I thought, ‘Hmmm. What if I applied that principle to money?’

Instead of slogging away, I changed everything. I decided to only do things that were FUN, that lit me up. I worked less hours, and majorly enjoyed the time I put in.

The result?

I doubled my income.

And then I doubled it again.

Seriously, boo, it’s not that you don’t know HOW to make more money.

And it’s not that you don’t know what to do next, or that you’re unlucky. None of that is true.

The real reason you are not hitting those goals is because of the stories you’re telling yourself. Because of the beliefs that create the stage your life is sitting on.

The reason my financial reality changed is because I transformed my beliefs.

Beliefs are so powerful, and they are largely unconscious! Your beliefs about money are a direct reflection of what you saw growing up, the messages you’ve absorbed from society, and your reactions to painful events from the past.

What you believe influences your thoughts, which then informs your actions, which then creates your results.

You might want to move into believing that you’ll make more money when you have more fun. But until you address your actual beliefs, you’ll just spin your wheels.

Let me break it down for you right now. Contrary to popular belief…

  • You don’t need to be a genius to be wealthy
  • You don’t need to be perfect to feel abundant
  • And you don’t need to have it “all figured out” to live the life of your dreams! Because believe me: NO ONE has it all figured out!

You just need to change your beliefs. And it’s way easier than you think. Let me show you how!

I’m known as the Tapping and Manifestation Queen because I’ve been teaching women how to manifest money for years.

…Over 20,000 people, in fact! The results have been astounding. Over the course of two weeks, these women would manifest anywhere from $1000 to $100,000, and if that’s not impressive enough for you, one of our participants made A MILLION DOLLARS!

It turns out that tapping + manifesting is the secret recipe! When we dismantle our limiting beliefs and choose new ones which empower us, we are unstoppable. It’s so cool!

In case you’re new to this world, tapping is acupuncture without needles. It’s quick, painless, and incredibly effective. I’ve been studying, using, and teaching EFT/tapping for fifteen years now. I started when I was 23 years old, living in New Zealand. I used it to heal myself from depression and an eating disorder, and was instantly hooked. I’ve never found a more effective way to radically shift your inner world.

Teaching people how to use this technique is wonderful. I often tell people I have the best job on the planet, and no wonder! But what fascinated me was the fact that women kept coming back to my money class time and time again, every time they needed a financial boost.

The fact that people kept coming back to it made me think. It became clear to me that, when it comes to money, what we really need is ongoing support.

It makes sense, right? Money is not a one-and-done kind of thing. You are always going to want more: to earn more, to save more, to invest more, to raise your levels of comfort, to make better choices with your money. There will always be more to learn, new levels to claim, new dragons to slay. And that’s not being greedy — it’s just how humans are wired. As we learn more, we desire more. We want to grow and evolve. This is as true of our emotional and mental health as it is of our financial health!

That’s why I created Cash Money Honey.

Cash Money Honey is a money tapping membership. Simple!

As the Law of Attraction teaches, whatever we put our attention on expands. So doesn’t it make sense to focus on your wealth, abundance, and joy?

In Cash Money Honey, you will learn precisely how to pull out those old beliefs — like weeds in a garden — and plant beautiful new seeds. The transformation is swift and powerful. You will learn to feel safe around money, maybe for the first time ever. You will feel good asking for more, raising your prices, and you will enjoy saving and spending your money, too! You will step into the future you have been dreaming of… Because those fears, that nervousness, that self-doubt no longer exists.

I believe we are most abundant when we are in FLOW.

In case you didn’t notice (!!!), the world has changed recently.

For most of our lives, we’ve been force-fed the message that we have to engage with money in a serious, structured, masculine kind of way. But that’s simply not true! That works for some people — and for others, we’re much more abundant when we are in FLOW. When we have fun with it! When we don’t take it so seriously. When we enjoy the process of making it, holding it, and using it to create the life we’ve always dreamed about.

Aren’t you sick of living a small life, one that the last year rendered completely irrelevant? You might feel like you’re somewhere in the middle, in limbo: ready to let go of the old way of being, yet not sure how to step forward. I have been living in this new space for many years, and I’d love to show you how do it.

We are moving into a new realm: a world ruled by pleasure, by having fun, and by feeling good. If there is any gift from the last year, it has shaken us awake to the fact that the old way was not working for us.

We have discovered that there is another way of doing things. You don’t have to sit in an office all day, hating your life under fluorescent lights, if you don’t want to. There are more joyful ways to make money, to provide for yourself, and better ways to LIVE.

That’s something you will discover, and celebrate, within the walls of Cash Money Honey!

It all sounds pretty dreamy, right?!

But you might be thinking, “Pfftttt, Gala, whatever. You have no idea how I’m feeling or what my situation is right now. You could NEVER understand or empathize with me because you have never been where I’ve been.”

That’s true. I am not in your shoes right now. But I have been in the past!

Let me explain…

A few months ago, my best friend and I were driving around Los Angeles in my brand new car. We were drinking iced coffees with the sunroof open, Diplo blasting, cruising under a delicious pink sunset.

She turned to me and said, “I remember coming to see you when you lived in New York,” she said, “And I asked you if you wanted to come out for the night. You said no because you had $1.49 in your PayPal account. And look at your life now!”

It was incredible to contemplate. Sometimes you need your best girlfriend to remind you of how far you’ve come!

I know what it’s like to not want to look at your bank balance. 

Ugh! I’ve been there! And I know what it’s like to lurch from feast to famine and the rollercoaster of anxiety it unleashes. There is no worse feeling. When we are panicked about money, we cannot be creative or feel expansive. We are consumed with worry, and joy feels out of reach, if not impossible.

But when we change our beliefs, the transformation is RADICAL and fast.

It is so important that we learn from people who have been where we have been. People who have not struggled cannot teach! But believe me when I say I have been through the ringer with money so much! It has only served to make me a better teacher. I can’t wait to show you what I’ve discovered!

Okay Gala, what do I get?!

When you join Cash Money Honey, you will instantly receive…

  • My ABSOLUTELY unreal two week money manifesting class. It was once known as Radical Rituals: Abundance. This is the brand spanking new, updated, and improved version! In this class, you will be lead through a series of rituals, exercises, tapping sessions and activities to clean up your money mindset, bust through your blocks, and manifest cold, hard cash! This class is a bestseller for a reason — check out the testimonials all over this page!
  • My manifesting audiobook, Radical Radiance: How To Make Love To The Universe And Manifest Anything 
  • Your Cash Money Honey worksheets to set your goals, keep you focused, and encourage you daily!

No matter how you are feeling about your financial situation right now, the class and the audiobook will completely transform you and remove any trace of stuckness!

But like I said, when it comes to this arena, we need ongoing support.

So as part of your membership we will top you up with exclusive abundance tapping sessions and tools to support you on your journey, increase your abundance, shift your mind, and embolden you to live a bigger and more glorious life.

Together, we will be tapping through blocks like…

  • Letting go of the guilt of wanting more or having “too much”
  • Not being willing to invest in yourself. As long as you are your last priority, you will always suffer and feel resentful. It’s beautiful to put yourself first!
  • Letting yourself know that it is truly safe to receive abundance
  • Believing in your inherent worth. When you don’t feel valuable, you will chronically undercharge! Sound familiar?!
  • Releasing stories of why it won’t happen for you
  • Getting stuck on “how” you’re going to make more. The “how” is inconsequential, because there are a million strategies to get you there!
  • Releasing the belief that you have to work really hard to be wealthy
  • Never feeling safe with money, overspending or wasting it. If you don’t trust yourself with money, you won’t attract it. It’s that simple!
  • Releasing ancestral stories of struggle and scarcity
  • Fear of having too much. You might think that if you have too much, you’ll get taxed, asked for favors, or fear losing it… And we manifest whatever we think about!
  • Releasing the need to work a job you hate for security
  • Feeling stuck in a cycle of feast to famine. This is one of the biggest and best things to work on. If you do, you will be able to work miracles!
  • Worrying that there will never be enough
  • Learning to enjoy making, saving, and spending cash! You deserve to live the life you’ve always wanted. It is possible for you!
  • …And SO MUCH MORE!

Look babe, let me level with you.

It would be easy to bloat this program with a bunch of things you’ll never use. But I know your time is valuable, and I don’t want to waste it! The thing that is really going to shift the needle for you, when it comes to your financial reality, is using tapping to reprogram your subconscious mind. So that’s what Cash Money Honey is all about. I only want to give you things you’re really going to use!

I’m so excited for you to experience this program. If you’re part of High Vibe Honey, you already know how incredibly powerful it is to be part of a group that is devoted to growth and evolution. Cash Money Honey is like taking all of that energy and channeling it directly to your financial consciousness. 

Cash Money Honey is a community. When you enroll, you’ll join a fleet of babes who, just like you, are excited and motivated to transform their relationship to money. For the first time, maybe ever, you will be held and supported by a group who wants you to win because we understand that a rising tide lifts all boats.

Sharing your success with others feels incredible. Instantly connecting with a group of women who want you to win is a phenomenal experience. If you’ve ever felt like you don’t have anyone to discuss your desires and your EPIC dreams with, you have found your crew!

If you have been feeling STUCK, unsure, or like you just don’t know the next move to make, we’ve got you. Think of Cash Money Honey as being inducted into a coven full of powerful babes who want to teach you exactly how to create more wealth in your life. And best of all, the way we do it is really fun!

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[GroupBuy] Gala Darling – Cash Money Honey
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