
[GroupBuy] Fast and Simple Course Creation with the Power of Easy to Create Printables


You Don’t Want to Miss This Unique Training Program Designed to Beat Procrastination and Perfectionism That Has You Stopping Before You Start…

“Fast and Simple Course Creation with the Power of Easy to Create Printables”

Including All the Templates You Need AND a REAL Live Case Study to Show You EXACTLY How You Can Get PAID…Even BEFORE You Create ANY Products…and Even if You Don’t Have a Website

There are NO More Excuses – Your Easy-to-Create, Hot-Selling Course is On the Way!

Dear Fellow Online Publisher,

If you’ve ever procrastinated in putting your products up for sale…this is made this just for you.

If you want to become a more prolific content creator that is changing people’s lives for the better without overworking yourself in the process…this is THE answer for you.

We know you’ve got AMAZING things to share. You just need to get them out there.

And Even if you don’t have a website yet, this will 100% work for you…and we’ll show you how, step-by-step.

We have reverse-engineered and completely SIMPLIFIED the HIGH-VALUE course creation process, so you don’t have to work so hard AND you’ll even get PAID before you create your course!

Let us tell you a bit about it…

Procrastinators and Perfectionists Welcome…It’s NOT Your Fault! 

Our course creation method can help even the biggest procrastinators and perfectionists start taking action and selling their courses….FAST.

People have been teaching you course creation completely BACKWARD. There are too many moving parts and places to get stuck. And not to mention, when they tell you to do things in the wrong order, it’s harder to create a product and offer people REALLY want to buy.

Our method simplifies everything AND shows you EXACTLY where to focus first, so that you can get the ball rolling quickly and have the confidence to know that what you’re putting out there is going to be an offer your customer REALLY want.

You’ll be knee deep in launching your course before you notice and there will be no turning back…haha. But don’t worry, we promise this is going to be one of the most fulfilling things you’ve ever done. So fulfilling, you’ll be ready to do it over and over again. And we’ll be here to help!

But with that said…

Hate Working So Hard? We’ve Got You…

If you don’t know us, we’re Alice Seba and Yusef Kulan, done-for-you content providers at EKitHub. We’ve built our business on the foundation of less work, more results. We’re very protective of our schedules so we have time for what’s most important…which is family and puppies.

But this isn’t about us. It’s about YOU and getting that course out!

Let’s be real.

You’ve got WAY better things to do than sit and record videos or make pretty PDFs all day. People do NOT care how pretty your documents are or what bells and whistles you include in your members’ area. They have a problem and they want RESULTS…it’s as simple as that. And you’re going to deliver them with this Fast and Simple Course Creation process.

We’ll show you how to stop wasting your time, and in turn, you can help your customers stop wasting their time as well. This is a WIN-WIN for everyone.

Get Paid BEFORE You Create Your Class

The best thing about this method is that not only does it get procrastinators and perfectionists taking BIG action, it also allows you to GET PAID, even before you create your course.

Many people spend weeks or even months (EEK!) or years (PLEASE say this isn’t true?) trying to create the perfect course…then they launch it to mediocre results, or worse yet…crickets. Complete silence. Ugh.

This will NOT happen to you, if you follow this method. As long as you follow it step-by-step (and we will show you EVERY step through a REAL live case study and give you support the whole way through), you’re going to experience completely different results.

Techniques to Dramatically Boost the Value of Your Courses

Another unique part of our method is that we’re showing you simple techniques to dramatically boost the value AND selling price of your courses. We’ll show you how to quickly put together HIGH VALUE printables that will get your students better results. Heck, we’ve given you the fill-in-the-blanks ready-to-publish templates to make this even easier.

Because when your students get BETTER results, they’re willing to PAY MORE…and, they’ll come back for more courses and products. Plus, they’ll tell their friends all about you, so you get even more students and customers.

Find Your Hooks and What Sets You Apart from Everyone Else Selling Similar Products

This will be worth the price of admission! Most online sellers know how to sell the benefits of their class, but when customers have so many options, you aren’t going to stand out just because your product is “AWESOME”.

We know it’s awesome, but your customers need to understand why it’s BETTER to sign up for your course than anyone else’s. We’ll show you how to dramatically distinguish yourself from the crowd to get more sales…WITHOUT adding to your workload.

Once you see our method, from start to finish, you’ll be kicking yourself for making things so complicated until now. That’s because….

We’ve Reverse Engineered and Simplified Everything to Make it Easier to Create a Hot Selling Product with BIG Results

Most people put their course up for sale…completely BACKWARD. But they don’t even know it’s backwards because it’s what everyone else is teaching.

We’re going to show the BETTER way to do things, so that you:

  • Have an offer that your audience can’t wait to buy.
  • A course that your affiliates can’t wait to promote.
  • Can create your actual course content in about 2 hours or less.
  • Have a complete course that brings BIG results to your students.

And it’s not just something we’ve made up, read about or saw in a YouTube video. This method is…

Backed by DECADES of Experience, Having Sold Millions of Dollars in Content and Helping Tens of Thousands of Customers to Do the Same

We’ve been at this a LONG TIME. Combined, we have several decades of online marketing experience, have sold MILLIONS of dollars in content and courses…plus, have helped TENS of THOUSANDS of customers get their courses up for sale too.

These are tried and true strategies…and ones we’ve employed over and over. And it still works just as well as it did 20 years ago, so we’ll keep doing it long into the future. Plus, there is so much room for others to join in, in ANY niche or topic…and with any level of expertise.

There is ALWAYS someone who needs to learn what you already know.

And Best of All…No Website Required!

Of course, if you already have a website, you are WAY AHEAD of the game.

But as we said, we’ve simplified the process so much, our “bare bones” step-by-step system will show you how you can do all of this, without creating a website.

We’re going to take you from beginning to end and show you exactly how to implement this strategy.

PROOF IT WORKS: Join Us for REAL LIVE Over-the Shoulder Case Study

Like we said, this isn’t a strategy we read about in a book somewhere. It is based on OUR own experience and results. So for that reason, we conducted a LIVE Case Study, showing you how to create and sell your hot-selling HIGH-VALUE course.

Want to Use PLR to Create Your Course? GREAT NEWS! Our Case Study Shows How to Adapt PLR to Make a Valuable Course Your Customers Will Love!

Whether you want to create your course from scratch or use done-for-you, private label rights (PLR) content, you CAN ABSOLUTELY create a high value course your customers can’t wait to sign up for.

Our case study is an adaptation of PLR and includes in-depth advice on adapting any done-for-you content you may have on hand.

So with all this in mind, we’ve created this special 4 week course to help you learn everything you need to start growing your audience and selling your high value programs by adding value with printables. Plus, you’ll have all the templates you need to make this as fill-in-the-blanks simple as possible.

Here Are 4 In-Depth Lessons We’ve Included

These are all recorded so you can always go back and review if needed but make sure to join us in our Facebook group so we can answer your questions, brainstorm your plan and more.

  • Lesson 1: “Insider Methods for Researching and Developing Your “Get Paid Before You Create It” Product”
  • Lesson 2: “Easy Strategies for Building Your Buyer Audience and Crafting an Offer They Can’t Resist”
  • Lesson 3: “Creating Buzz, Putting Together & Delivering Your Simple, But High Impact Course with Printables”
  • Lesson 4: “Easy Systems to Keep Profiting from Your Course Materials and Printables Long After the Work is Done”Here’s a closer look at each session and everything included…

Lesson 1: Insider Methods for Researching and Developing Your “Get Paid Before You Create It” Product

In this introductory session, you’ll learn about our unique method to reverse engineer  your course creation process for better results for YOU and your clients. We’ll also introduce our case study and dig right into research and development.

During this session, you can expect:

  • How to fix the usual product creation process to eliminate procrastination and make a hotter selling product…and get paid BEFORE you do it.
  • Smart ways to do research, whether you’re more tech-oriented or you like to move by intuition. But more importantly, we’ll keep you from going down the rabbit hole (as one of our customers said often happens) and know EXACTLY when you’re done and ready to start putting things together.
  • What to put in your product to create a high-impact experience for your customers. Here’s where you’ll learn to keep it super simple, but also deliver TREMENDOUS value.
  • Factors to consider in confidently pricing your content for maximum profit.
  • An Introduction to Our Case Study…and why we chose the topic (NOT marketing) we’re going to adapt to make it an in-demand product. And did we mention, we’re making it out of PLR?! That way, you’ll be able to see the PLR adaptation process and can use those same PLR use strategies for your own course.

By the end of this session, you will have plenty of ideas for your own course and the skills to research the viability of your product idea. You’ll also have a full understanding of the steps involved to get your class up for sale.

To help you implement what you learn,  we have included:

  • Checklist to ensure you don’t miss any of the steps in your research and planning.
  • Worksheet to brainstorm your course ideas.
  • Resource list for any tools and websites mentioned during the session.
  • You’ll also be able to download the course journal and planner to help keep you on track.
  • Full recordings and enhanced transcripts will also be provided, in case you miss anything or need a refresher.

Lesson 2: Easy Strategies for Building Your Buyer Audience and Crafting an Offer They Can’t Resist

Now it’s time to really dig in and get to work…but again, we’ll be keeping things as simple as possible. We’ll be discussing and demonstrating audience-building techniques and give you the guidance and templates to start crafting your offer.

During this session, you can expect to learn:

  • Audience and traffic-building techniques to attract your ideal customer audience.
  • How to create a hard-to-resist offer and course sign up page, so you can start promoting your event.
  • The tech set up, if you don’t have a website or email list service. We’ll walk you through this with our case study.

To help you implement what you learn,  we have included:

  • Checklists to ensure you don’t miss any of the steps in making your audience-building plan, crafting your offer and setting your sign page.
  • Worksheet to brainstorm your audience building and hard-to-resist offer.
  • Sign up page and process templates, email templates and other handy goodies.
  • Resource list for any tools and websites mentioned during the session.
  • You also have the supplementary course journal and planner to help keep you on track.
  • Full recordings and enhanced transcripts will also be provided, in case you miss anything or need a refresher.

Lesson 3: Putting Together & Delivering Your Simple, But High Impact Course with Printables

Keeping with our promise to keep it simple, we’ll show you the process of getting ready to deliver your course and create high impact to boost the value of your course and help deliver better results to your customers.

During this session, you can expect to learn:

  • How to create a simple, but effective course outline and presentation.
  • Developing your printables, so they help your customers achieve better results
  • The tech set up to run your class…we’ll walk you through the process with our ongoing case study.

To help you implement what you learn,  we have included:

  • Checklists to ensure you don’t miss any of the steps in creating your course outline, presentation, printables and setting up your course session.
  • Worksheet to brainstorm your course outline, presentation and supplementary printables.
  • Fill-in-the-blanks templates for your outline, presentation and printables.
  • Resource list for any tools and websites mentioned during the session.
  • You also have the supplementary course journal and planner to help keep you on track.
  • Full recordings and enhanced transcripts will also be provided, in case you miss anything or need a refresher.

Lesson 4: Easy Systems to Keep Profiting from Your Course Materials and Printables Long After the Work is Done

The money making doesn’t stop when your first class has been delivered. There are so many opportunities to do a one-time set up to keep growing your audience, selling your class, repurposing your content. Do the work once and keep getting paid for it!

During this session, you can expect to learn:

  • What to do after completing the course to ensure your current customers are happy and you can keep selling your course over and over again.
  • How to repurpose all your content and marketing materials to keep growing your audience and having new products for sale.
  • Planning more courses, adding even more value to your current course to sell it at higher prices.

To help you implement what you learn,  we have included:

  • Checklists to ensure you don’t miss any of the steps in wrapping up your class,  turning it into an evergreen product you can keeping, repurposing your content, turning it into new products and planning your next steps.
  • Worksheet to brainstorm how to repurpose your content, use it to grow your audience and create new products.
  • Resource list for any tools and websites mentioned during the session.
  • You also have the supplementary course journal and planner to help keep you on track.
  • Full recordings and enhanced transcripts will also be provided, in case you miss anything or need a refresher.

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Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid


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[GroupBuy] Fast and Simple Course Creation with the Power of Easy to Create Printables
$197.00 $79.00 Add to Cart

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