
[Group Buy] Elevate The Globe – Rise Up! 3.0: Intuition And Manifestation Certificate


Are you done with your old patterns and ready to break the cycle you’ve been living and ACTUALLY learn the steps & tools in intuitive living and manifestation that are PROVEN to work?

If you’ve found yourself here, it’s because you’ve been yearning for change. No matter how small. You desire WAY more than you’re currently attracting but everything you’ve tried hasn’t stuck. You’re ready to experience complete and utter bliss, and access your HOLY SH*T LIFE!


You are not meant to live with constant stress, anxiety, burnout or depression. Let us know if you can relate.

You’re ready to….

  • Turn your pain into power and step into your purpose and you know you could help others do the same.
  •  Use energy work, chakra and energy healing, somatic practices and mindset training to THRIVE and change the way you earn WAYYY more for less!!
  •  Embody how damn worthy you are while still being a student of life, and staying committed to your growth and evolution!
  •  Go after the BIG THINGS. You’re ready to stop putting yourself on the back burner, fill up your cup first and get clear on what you need to really shift your frequency and life in a new direction.
  •  Get to the ROOT of your physical or emotional imbalances, stresses or anxieties.
  •  Finally commit to living your best life and you know mindfulness tools and energetic teachings are key. There’s an inner knowing urging you to trust yourself, to take the leap.
  •  You KNOW you’re meant to be a light leader or high-vibe entrepreneur, but you’re not sure how to become more visible and get paid for your passion

We’re gonna let you in on a secret: You don’t have to hustle so hard to have a next-level life.

We know, this is the complete opposite of what you’ve been taught. When it comes to making money, getting fit, finding love, being a good parent, and beyond, the message is strong in society….You’ve got to work like crazy to get the payoff, even if it means being stressed out along the way.


Instead of being able to call in whatever they want, they just keep trying harder and harder. They make more to-do lists. They experiment with more productivity techniques. They try another fad diet. But after the initial high wears off, life gets busy and they lose motivation—and nothing. ever. changes.



We’ve carefully chosen each teaching and practice for this course because it is potent, effective, and fast-acting.

PHASE #1: The Subconscious Reorientation™

You can’t build your dream life without first clearing out and releasing all that has kept you stuck. In the foundation pillar of this program, we’ll release subconscious blocks that keep you stuck in a loop and continue attracting the same things. This includes getting in touch with your inner child, practicing the forgiveness release, and learning how to surrender. It will not be just an intellectual approach but also a somatic one where we will bypass your conscious mind and get deep into your subconscious to reorient and repattern your brain chemistry and body’s memory. From here we’ll set a new course by creating your own destiny blueprint and setting a course for the vision you have for your new life.

PHASE #2: Targeted Chakra Biofeedback System™

Chakras are hubs of life-force energy within each of our bodies—everyone has seven of them running from the base of their spine to the top of their head. When we target each energy center to receive biofeedback we’re actually able to get the root of your imbalances on a cellular level by implementing the “Trifecta Activation.” In this core pillar of the program, we’ll master the mind, body, and spirit within yourself by cleansing and rebalancing your chakras through targeted biofeedback self-therapy. We’ll unlearn all you’ve been taught about body-energy connection to release and reprogram at the cellular level so everything works in ALIGNMENT instead of against you.

PHASE #3: Intuitive Awakening

The biggest reason people stop themselves from actually achieving the life they desire is that they hold onto the things that keep them feeling “safe.” In this phase, we’re going to implement the most effective ancient and modern tools to release any generational trauma, past beliefs, and illusions of safety that have kept you from the life you deserve. You’ll be able to start to become a clear channel for divine downloads, while also learning how to protect your energy, mind, and auric field at the same time. This is where you can start to be a CLEAR channel for divine downloads and activate your psychic abilities. Flowing with ease. You’re now like the artist.

PHASE #4: The Gift Frequency Activation

And in this final stage, you’ll learn how to embody the frequency band related to your human genius and open-heartedness. Embodying the gift frequency has a huge impact on your emotional and physical body, communicating and exuding calmness. It’s also the point in time when you will learn how to form discipline and commitment to solidify new habits that support your true alignment. You’ll leave equipped with tools and practices that keep this kind of mental, physical and spiritual work LIFELONG. No more repeating endless cycles or falling off the bandwagon. You know what really works and you’ll take it with you throughout life. You can then complete the RISE UP certification process to use this to help others if you choose.

The RISE UP 10-Week Lesson Plan, Certification + 4 Month Coaching Integration


In this first week, we will give you the essential tools for living a high-vibe life. You’ll introduce yourself in the RISE UP community, learn subconscious clearing practices, and commit to the Subconscious Re-patterning 7-Day Trauma Clearing Ritual. Release subconscious blocks that are keeping you stuck in a loop and continuing to attract the same things. We will help you see your blindspots and get your mind, body and spirit set up for success! You will have your onboarding call and first group coaching call and submit your first weekly accountability check in!


This week you’ll get the exact game plan you need to stay consistent and committed to your RISE UP journey. (Easy-to-follow videos and thought-provoking “soul work” are included in this and all lessons!) You’ll create your Destiny Blueprint, set your WHY for RISE UP and participate in a Manifest Your Vision Practice to put your dreams in motion somatically with this powerful kundalini technology.


This week we’ll create your foundation and begin your chakra balancing journey with the RISE UP Targeted Chakra Biofeedback System ™. This first week in the Grounding Activation is all about setting yourself up to build a super-strong foundation energetically cultivating more presence + focus, self responsibility, safety and security and more. We’ll be focusing on incorporating the Grounding activation, a new 15 minute morning ritual into your schedule, setting up your goals, and balancing out the root chakra with the first Kundalini class of the course.

Week 4: GROUNDING ACTIVATION – Sacral & Solar Plexus

Members have often said this is their favorite lesson in the whole RISE UP course. We aren’t surprised: A limited mindset is one of the biggest obstacles to self-mastery and the energy work this week will tap you into creativity, pleasure, self worth and a readiness to take on any challenge. In this lesson, we will show you the spiritual practices you need to shift and elevate your mindset immediately and have more energy to take action. This week’s Kundalini yoga class, focused on the second and third chakras, will give you an added hit of confidence and motivation!

Week 5: EMOTIONAL ACTIVATION – Heart Chakra, Self-Love & Care and Connection

Do you secretly view self-care as a selfish act? That couldn’t be farther from the truth—after all, you can’t fill up another’s glass if your glass is empty but often we have unconscious programming that limits us from fully showing up for ourselves and causes a breakdown in communication with others. This week, we will show you how you can boost your immune system, and reconnect and recharge your spirit, so you’re ready to receive, give, and live at a completely new level. The technology of this week’s morning ritual and class dedicated to the 4th chakra will help you expand your ability to feel surrounded by love, compassion, and joy and connected to the world around you. You will feel open to all experiences in life, and it will feel like challenges, especially in relationships, flow through you and are resolved with ease.

Week 6: EMOTIONAL ACTIVATION – Throat Chakra & Stress Management

Life happens. You experience big stressors. You lose your job. You get divorced. Your loved one passes away. Or maybe you simply get trapped in the day-to-day hustle of emails, meetings and to-dos and the overwhelm that keeps you from the joy you deserve. Stress isn’t going away anytime soon, but this week we will give you spiritual tools that can help you rise above even the most overwhelming circumstances. We use the technology of the fifth-chakra Kundalini yoga class and morning ritual to help you release miscommunication, lack of transparency, and any difficulty expressing yourself so you can increase your productivity and communicate your gifts and needs clearly and with love. If you are experiencing any pain in the neck, shoulders, or jaw, difficulties within the thyroid, lymph system, or pituitary gland, and problems with the teeth, gums, nose, ears this will balance out the energy and has the power to heal and release the energy rooted with these symptoms.

Week 7: MINDSET ACTIVATION – Third Eye & Mindset

This week we’ll talk about all things Connection – specifically connection to yourself, to others, and to the universe and the 6th chakra the third eye. We’ll dive into all the fun stuff – angel numbers, signs, soulmates, twin flames, and how to strengthen current relationships – plus our yoga class will energetically balance your third eye and activate your intuition. As we continue to move up the chakras into our higher energy centers we will now focus on the Third Eye this week, our seat of intuition to open and activate your intuitive abilities, higher senses and see the unseen. We will be clearing and opening to get to the root of any brain fog, difficulty you have setting goals, lack of clarity with your purpose/career/business or issues making confident decisions so you can trust yourself and have more self awareness and clarity with all areas of your life.

Week 8: INTUITIVE AWAKENING – Crown Chakra & Manifesting

So many people believe manifesting is just goal setting, journaling, creating vision boards and “acting as if.” But manifesting is an art and science and it all comes back to your energy and the crown chakra is an integral piece to have open and balanced to be in alignment with your manifestations. This week, we will teach you why manifesting hasn’t worked for you in the past and how to remove blocks so you can call in anything you want. If you have been feeling a lack of connection with yourself, spirit, relationships or life the work here with the seventh-chakra energy practices will open the gateway to the divine, assisting you on your manifestation path. This is where you can release judgment for yourself or others and fully connect to your spiritual nature, find a mystical connection with source energy and get divine downloads for your purpose and feel happy and content even when life isn’t “perfect.”

Week 9: INTUITIVE AWAKENING – Aura & Protection

As you raise your vibration, open your chakras, and connect to the infinite energy of the universe, it’s important to learn how to protect your energy. This week, we will teach you how to make sure you don’t pick up other people’s energy or give yours away so your energy isn’t being drained. We will show you how you can maintain your high vibes no matter what’s happening around you—including a Kundalini yoga class that will strengthen your aura to expand your protection and projection to magnetize all the right people, places and opportunities to you. This is the key to calling in your most aligned manifestations and being able to handle the expansion you are desiring and clearing any old energy of trauma, addiction and sensitivities in your field that are not serving you.

Week 10: LIGHTWORKER 101 – Expanding & Sustaining

You don’t have to be a doctor or yoga teacher to elevate the globe but this is about tapping into your unique footprint expanding into being more of a teacher/healer in your aligned way. Anyone, in any profession, can make an impact by simply healing their own stuff and sharing it. How? When you vibrate higher, it naturally raises the vibrations of those around you. In this final stage, you’ll learn how to embody the frequency band related to your human genius and open-heartedness. Embodying the gift frequency has a huge impact on your emotional and physical body, communicating and exuding calmness.


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Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid


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[Group Buy] Elevate The Globe – Rise Up! 3.0: Intuition And Manifestation Certificate
$1,000.00 $349.00 Add to Cart

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