
Dennis Demori – 6-Figure Emails + Islam Benfifi Workshops


New Email Marketers Are Commanding $2,000-$5,000 Per Client…

WITHOUT a portfolio, website or years of copywriting experience.

Dear frustrated copywriter,

If you’ve been trying to succeed as a direct response copywriter, but you’re still struggling to:

  • Find your niche
  • Land high-paying clients
  • And enjoy consistent cash flow…

I’m about to reveal the fastest, most straightforward way to start stacking wins in the copywriting industry.

This system helped me land top clients like Agora, Ed Latimore and Chase Dimond… charge THOUSANDS per client and travel the world for two years as a 100% location independent freelancer.

Plus it’s the simplest way to:

  • Write money-making emails in 15-20 minutes even if you’ve always struggled with writer’s block
  • Use these emails to sell trial offers that get your foot in the door with top clients
  • Finally “niche down” into this lucrative, under-the-radar marketing channel so you can start charging $2000, $5000 or more per project

I know you might be skeptical.

Early in my career I was hesitant to go all-in on email marketing.

I didn’t know if I’d be able to make “real” money or if I was limiting my options.

But there’s a MASSIVE need for emails.

Heck, if you look at all the top companies in the direct response space like Agora Financial, BioTrust and Paleohacks… they all have one thing in common:

Email is their #1 marketing channel

Email is SO important to these businesses that they email their subscribers every day… and make MILLIONS in the process.

So if you’re a beginner who’s interested in building a thriving email marketing business…

I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to get started…

But the first thing you need to do is master the fundamentals of email copywriting.

That means getting people to open, read, reply and click on the links in your emails.

But first, let me introduce myself…

Hey — I’m Dennis Demori.

I’ve been an a freelance Email Marketer and Consultant since 2017.

My upfront fee ranges from $2,500-$5,000 and usually includes a performance bonus (ranging from 3% to 50%).

And this is for simple 200-600 emails that take me 15-20 minutes to write.

As an Email Marketer I’ve worked behind the scenes for clients like:

  • Brett Papa
  • Alex Berman
  • Spy & Survival
  • Traffic & Funnels
  • Ryan Booth + Ben Byrne (Church of Clientology)
  • Mike Matthews (Legion Athletics, Muscle for Life)
  • Agora affiliates (Casey Research, Legacy Research, etc.)

I’ve been featured on The Email Marketing Podcast with David Allan, The Zach Homol Show, and Natural Born Coaches with Marc Mawhinney.

And I was interviewed for the “Make Email Great Again Convention” with some of the top direct response marketers in the world, including David Deutsch, Dan Ferrari, Roy Furr, Matt Bacak, Mike Becker, and Chris Orzechowski.

But I used to be just like you

In 2016 I was a struggling copywriter.

My income was up and down…

I changed niches so often that I couldn’t build any momentum…

And I wasted days creating custom proposals only to get ghosted by low budget clients.

I felt stuck because I’d do one small project after another… with long periods of nothing in between.

And a small part of me felt like a failure.

I knew I’d figure things out “one day” but I was burning through savings and it seemed like I was working too hard for too little.

To make matters worse, I kept getting sold on courses that claimed to have the “secret,” but I didn’t know how to put everything together into a clear roadmap I could follow.

So I kept searching for a path that made sense to my unique abilities and my goals.

Over time I realized some copywriters were doing really well by focusing on ONE channel:

Email marketing

They didn’t tackle big projects with long timelines, like 10,000-word sales letters that take 4-8 weeks from start to finish…

And they didn’t work on the entire funnel.

I used to think you had to write sales letters, webinars or VSLs to make the BIG bucks.

I also thought you had to work in-house for one of the big financial publishers like Agora if you wanted to get anywhere in your career.

But I was wrong.

Email marketers can make just as much money as other kinds of copywriters (even more if you understand how to structure deals).

And that’s when everything changed.

By focusing on email I was able to make progress faster.

My income grew…

I stopped worrying about my niche…

And I became a better copywriter.

But there’s a “right” way and a “wrong” way to learn email marketing.

The Problem With The Copywriting Industry

Everyone from fellow copywriters to gurus gives the same advice:

Learn copywriting

But where do you start?

What steps do you follow?

And what’s the fastest way to get good enough to charge clients thousands of dollars WITHOUT feeling like a fraud?

Because let’s be honest:

You’re not going to learn how to write high-converting Facebook ads, sales letters, webinars, VSLs and everything in between at the SAME time.

Instead, We Want To Focus On “Small Bets”

At it’s core, copywriting is about helping clients make money… and charging a fee for the upside.

For example:

If you charge a client $2,000 for a month of emails…

And the client makes $30,000…

That’s a great deal for the client.

The problem is that long-form copy like sales letters, webinars and VSLs are EXTREMELY risky.

They have many moving parts…

Are easy to screw up…

And take a lot of TIME to put together.

That’s a massive risk to any client if you’re unable to deliver.

On the other end of the copywriting spectrum are short emails.

Emails are like small bets…

Where each email has the potential to make LOTS of money.

Plus the the risk is incredibly low.

Here’s what I mean:

If you write an email and it bombs, you can write another one in a few minutes and blast it to your list in seconds.

Contrast that to a video sales letter that fails.

You’d have to rewrite the entire script, create new slides and record a new voiceover.

So there’s a massive amount of risk that comes with failure.

Emails are the complete opposite.

The world isn’t going to end if you write a crappy email.

But a great email — or great series of emails — can make both you and your clients fat stacks of cash.

Plus they’re a fantastic “entry point” service you can use to get your foot in the door with clients.

So emails are my favorite way to work with NEW clients and a recurring service I can offer my EXISTING clients.

Sometimes I’ll focus 100% on email.

But what usually happens is clients will be so pleased with the results that they’ll ask me to help them on bigger projects, like sales letters and launches.

This means I’m always flooded with options to make more money (and never have to chase clients).

Once I understood this concept of “small bets” it was a million times easier to land clients because I understand the value of emails.

But I’m not the only one singing the praises of email copywriting…

Here’s what Justin Goff, one of the top direct response marketers in the world has to say…

“My focus would solely be on email copy. 


Well there’s a few reasons…

First, writing email copy is quite simple.

It’s only 100-200 words.

And you can learn it pretty quick.

Which means, within a few months you can have a client paying you $1000-$2000 a month to write emails for them. 

So you can get real results in a short period of time.

That’s reason one I’d go after email…

And the second reason is that there’s simply a HUGE demand for email copy.

Think about it…

Companies like Legacy Research, VShred and Alt Daily all send out at LEAST one email per day.

Hell, sometimes they send out multiple emails per day!

So they need a bunch of email copy.

Everything from daily emails to sales emails to renewal emails to affiliate emails and more.

And it’s why most of these companies can have as many as 10+ email writers working for them. 

So knowing that…

I would 100% focus on email copy if I had to start over.

I know this would be my best chance to get to 6-figures as soon as possible.

Especially because I’ve seen it done over and over again.”

INTRODUCING: 6-Figure Emails

6-Figure Emails is a straightforward, 10-part email course.

It’ll show you how to write engaging, effective, and higher-converting emails with each lesson.

*** The original, free version of this product called “Simple Email Copy” had over 500 students and a 98% completion rate.

The 6-Figure Emails system will show you how to write email email, land clients and deliver results.

All you need to get started is internet access, a free word processor like Google Docs and a way to collect payments (I use Paypal).

If you follow the steps, you’ll be armed with everything you need to start making thousands per client.


When you invest in 6-Figure Emails, you’ll discover:

  • How to come up with subject lines that increase open rates
  • The “second subject line” I use to get consistent 20%-30% opens
  • How to start your emails so you don’t lose your readers
  • Common beginner mistakes that cost you time and money
  • How to format your emails to make them POP on the screen
  • Half a dozen ways to edit your emails to turn them into razor-sharp copy

Plus… lots lots more, including over a dozen angles you can use so you NEVER run out of email ideas.

Now let me be 100% transparent

The BEST part about courses is getting excited about the results.

Meanwhile, the WORST part is seeing all the content you’ll have to dig through.

That’s why I’ve made this course easy for anyone to follow and implement.

That’s also why 6 Figure Emails is delivered as an EMAIL course.

To increase the likelihood that you’ll consume the content and get results.

“I feel way more confident…”

I was scatter brained but this course helped me systemize my approach without second guessing or skipping steps.

I really liked the straight to point, all meat, no fat approach.

Now I feel way more confident and certain in closing and getting on the phone with purposeful action with a guide to help me. The structure of email helped me a ton.

Do I recommend it? Hell yeah. You’ll have a clear direction and step by step guide on doing the whole process from someone who already has success from this approach.”

—Daniel Herrera

You’re ALSO going to get FOUR special bonuses designed to help you get results — and high-paying clients — even faster.

BONUS #1 — Cold Email Assassins Ebook: Send Simple Emails, Land High-Ticket Clients, And Grow Your Freelance Business WITHOUT Using Complicated, Expensive Software (Value: $3)

A lot of new freelancers like to use cold email to get clients, so I wrote this book to walk you through my process.

FYI — This is a simple, low-tech method.

If you want to scrape emails, pay for cold email software and send thousands of emails a day, Cold Email Assassins is NOT for you.

My process is hyper-personalized and straightforward, but it works (and it’s helped me land 8-figure clients like Legion Athletics and Spy & Survival).

This cold email guide leaves no stone unturned.

I’ve seen mountains of advice around the internet when it comes to the topic of cold emails…

But no blog post, video, or course that I’m aware of has ever gone as deep into the science of cold emailing as Dennis has.

Dennis has even given dozens of “Plug and Play” subject lines, cold templates and follow up templates that are likely to convert.

If you’re a freelancer or agency looking for a reliable way to find and convert your “dream” clients into *paying* clients, this is the guide for you.

-Andrew Foronda, 

Freelance Copywriter

BONUS #2 — The 3-Part “Infinity” Emails Formula

When you get the 6-Figure Emails course you’ll ALSO get a special template and training video.

This template is for the 3-part formula mentioned in the course so you can use it to start writing simple promotional emails INSTANTLY… in endless combinations.

These are the kinds of emails I often charge $300 and up to write for clients.

You’ll ALSO get a 20-minute training video that walks you through the entire template.

By the end, you’ll have a simple fill-in-the-blank template you can use to write promotional emails to your own list (or for clients)…

And so you never have to worry about hitting deadlines because you’re struggling to come up with last-minute ideas.

This formula AL3O works great if you’re writing Daily Emails.

BONUS #3 — Email Inception: Escape Your Job, Start Your Own Online Business, And Close Simple 4-Figure Deals (Value $27)

I wrote this e-book to walk you through the entire process of running your own freelance email copywriting business.

6-Figure Emails will walk you through the steps of writing high-converting emails.

Meanwhile, you can think of Email Inception as a tactical manual to help you turn your email copywriting skills into a thriving one-person email agency.

I didn’t know if this book would be a rehash of other info already out there.

Instead I found a clear breakdown on the business side and mindset of freelancing (focusing on revenue-generating activities, what YOU want to achieve, how YOU want to live, etc.).

The checklists at the end are awesome — concise, easy to follow, and work as a recap of the book. I also liked:

1) Absolute clarity on ACTION, rather than just the “theory.”

2) Written by someone in the trenches, with experience and insight.

3) Provides a solid base to work up from.

Yes it’s an email copywriting guide, but the business/mindset/planning principles covered are suitable for ANY freelance business model and will come in handy as you stack your skills.

I’d definitely recommend it. There’s more value in this e-guide at this price point than anything else out there shy of $500.”

Yusuf McNulty

Direct Response Marketing Consultant & Copywriter

BONUS #4 — Phone Game Secrets: A Bulletproof, Newbie-Friendly, Easy-to-Follow System For Closing High-Ticket Freelance Deals Even If Hate Selling Over The Phone

This is a 71-minute video training hosted by Mike Becker.

Mike is a retired signal intelligence marine turned direct response copywriter…

Has over a decade of experience in direct response…

And over $50M in online sales from simple text letters and emails.

He’s recruited and trained top talent… more than 200 copywriters… and has placed them at top direct response companies like Agora, Jumpcut, VShred and others.

Mike was also a partner and copy chief at two next-generation supplement companies.

Plus he was a Creative Director and Copy Chief at one of the top advertising agencies in the world before leaving the copywriting industry to start another venture in crypto.

Most importantly, he’s an absolute MONSTER on the phone…

And you’re going to discover his top 5 phone selling secrets, plus what to say and who to say it to guarantee increased close rates.

In this exclusive training, Mike’s going to show you EXACTLY what you need to do and say to close high-paying clients on the phone and off.

This is a framework (which includes some scripting) and covers 3 scenarios…

1. You’re cold prospecting someone and you get them on the phone for a “strategy or promo planning or idea brainstorm call”

2. You convert someone on a case study or lead magnet that leads them to sign up for a “strategy call” of some kind (still mostly cold/warm)

3. You get a referral from somewhere and they come on to a “discovery” or “strategy call”

Once inside, you’ll discover:

  • The 5 powerful secrets that create a predictable, repeatable system for closing high-ticket sales with ease
  • The best ways to prepare for your calls so you can kill imposter syndrome and walk in with confidence
  • The 5 phases of every sales call so you can walk in with a plan and move prospects from greeting to collecting payment

You’re going to get:

  • An in-depth 1-hour training video that shows you EXACTLY how to lead the call so you close clients FASTER and EASIER than other methods
  • A 4-page script that goes through the exact wording and psychology to use with phone prospects

Mike’s charged up to $3000 to teach these secrets to his students.

And this training is easily worth $997 to any copywriter who applies the techniques and uses them to close more clients.

(If you want more details, you’ll find the full breakdown of everything in the book on my Gumroad profile).

Why Did I Include These Special Bonuses?

I want you to win as much as you do, so despite the relatively low price point I’m arming you with everything you need to succeed.



1 – A win for you is a win for me

2- I hope if I make it easier for you to get results, you’ll come back to me sharing your success and I can use it in future case studies.

So in a way I’m helping you… help me.

ONE-TIME OFFER: Two workshops for $197

If you’d like even more helping writing email copy, you can grab the replay of the Evergreen Express Emails workshop (Normal price: $497)

You can also add the replay of the Underground Email Client workshop to your order. (Normal price: $197)

Altogether, both workshops are $694, but you can get them both for just $197.

That’s $497 off the full price.

These workshops aren’t offered anywhere else.

Not even in my private community.

So if you want to get your hands on these trainings, make sure you add them to your order.


Look — you can try to figure this stuff out on your own.

The problem?

It takes a LONG time… trial and error… a good amount of frustration… and money. 

I’ve spent over $20,000 on courses and coaching while working with clients for the past 5+ years to be able to create and deliver this course to you.

I know similar email copywriting products are selling $200…

And I know for a fact that they’re nowhere near as valuable as the 6-Figure Emails system.

I’ve looked at similar email courses and I know the value is here between the course and the bonuses.

But I’ve decided to use a different approach…

And increase the price in increments along with demand.

That means the price will increase by $10 USD after the next 50 sales.

And jump from $49 to $59.

(It’s already increased FOUR times, from $7 to $9 to $27 to $39)

So if you want to get 6 Figure Emails for the LOWEST price, I suggest you get it now.

Because when you invest in 6FE, you’ll feel confident writing emails that get results for clients.

Of course, you don’t need to do anything at all.

That’s always an option.

But if you want to learn a 6-figure skill (that’s worth even more to business owners), email copywriting is one of the best ways to create incredible cash flow in a short amount of time.

FYI — nothing I teach is theory.

The students in my private community are charging clients $2,000/month for just 3 emails a week — as beginners — and $5,000 /month for larger packages (you can see the case studies on my YouTube channel).

Most importantly, the 6-Figure Emails system is about FREEDOM.

The ability to become financially free, choose (and turn down) clients and work from anywhere in the world.

So for the cost of a nice lunch you can get your hands on the entire 6FE system.


To be 100% crystal clear:

6-Figure Emails is a digital product.

And it’s an EMAIL COURSE. 

So you’ll get one lesson a day (10 emails total).

The reason it’s an email course is because I want it to be easy for you to consume the content in bite-sized chunks.

So you’ll get a new lesson delivered to your inbox every day.

When you purchase 6-Figure Emails you’ll get your first lesson delivered by Gumroad shortly after purchase.

If you’re ready to dive in…

Click the button on this page to place your order.

There Are NO REFUNDS On This Product

This is a digital product, so if you buy it, it’s impossible to return it.

DO NOT buy this product if you expect a refund.


If I ever update the course, you’ll get the new version of 6-Figure Emails included with your investment today.

(It’s already been updated TWICE)

So for the price, it’s a no-brainer.

Q. Why don’t clients just write these emails themselves?

Because they don’t have the TIME… or they don’t know HOW.

You see…

These businesses are busy doing a million other things…

And there are thousands of businesses in the SAME situation.

They’re desperate for good Email Copywriters.

And they’ll hire you to write the kinds of emails I share with you in this course.

Q. How can I charge so much and work so little?

Email copywriting is a super high-ROI skill. 

My emails are read by thousands of email subscribers who end up buying products and services that make my clients LOTS of money.

So they’re happy to pay me well in exchange.

Q. Who is this course NOT for?

This email course is NOT for you if you’re an advanced Email Marketer.

This course does NOT cover A/B testing, deliverability, segmentation, strategy or other intermediate-to-advanced topics.

This course is NOT about getting clients (but some of the bonuses cover client acquisition).

Oh — and this course isn’t for dirtbags who buy and resell courses illegally.

The focus of 6 Figure Emails is entirely on how to WRITE simple, conversational emails while avoiding common beginner mistakes.

To be 100% crystal clear:

This is a BEGINNER product. 

If you’re not a beginner… don’t buy it!!

And if you’re the kind of person who refunds digital products… don’t buy it either!

Q. How much money can I expect to make using the 6-Figure Emails system?

Well, it depends on you.

Mainly your skills, behaviors and beliefs.

If you start off by selling small trial offers you can offer them for free or charge a few hundred bucks.

Then you can upsell clients to monthly retainer packages starting at $2,000 like some of my students.

But there’s no “going rate” for emails despite what you may have heard.

As a rule of thumb, I want client to make at least 10X off their investment in my services, so if I charge $2,000 I want my client to make at least $20,000 in return.

Q. How much time will I need to put into using this system?

Again, this depends on you, your work ethic and your other commitments.

I’d try to invest at least an hour a day into learning email copywriting and pitching clients.

The more “pain” you’re willing to endure upfront, the better your results will be down the road.

But I can’t make the decision – or do the work — for you.

Here’s What Happens Next

1) Click the button on this page to get the 6-Figure Emails course and all the kickass bonuses.

2) Fill out your payment details

3) You’ll get a confirmation email from Gumroad and be able to access your purchase through your member library.

Then you’ll be able to go through the content on your laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Plus you can download and even print the PDF worksheets so you always have them in front of you.

Thanks for reading,

Dennis Demori


Do you still have questions about 6-Figure Emails?

Think it might be a waste of money?

Not sure if it’s the right product for you?

Feel free to send me a Direct Message on Twitter:


I’m happy to answer all your questions.

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Dennis Demori – 6-Figure Emails + Islam Benfifi Workshops
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