
Dandapani – Unwavering Focus


The Unwavering Focus Course

A simple, practical life-changing course outlining a step-by-step and goal-orientated approach to mastering the mind and developing unwavering focus.

Empower yourself with tools and teachings to handle and overcome worry, fear, anxiety, and stress, and start manifesting your life’s goals.

Learn how to…

Master Your Mind

Learn to harness and direct the greatest tool you have, your mind. By understanding how your mind works, you begin to take control of your life.


You’ve probably been told to concentrate but never taught how to. Learn techniques on how to concentrate and be excellent at it.

Develop Willpower

Learn simple techniques to develop willpower, your mental muscle, so that you can accomplish all that you set out to do in life.

Course Outline

Chapter 1 to 10 Outline

Chapter 1: Foundations for a concentrated mind

Lesson 1: Introduction

Lesson 2: Making the Case

Lesson 3: Death, the Greatest Impetus

Lesson 4: Manifesting the Life You Want

Lesson 5: The Art Of Practice

Chapter 2: Understanding the mind.

Lesson 1: Introduction

Lesson 2: The Most Important Thing I Can Share with You

Lesson 3: Understanding the Mind

Lesson 4: The Importance of Terminology

Lesson 5: Awareness In Daily Life

Chapter 3: Understanding awareness

Lesson 1: Awareness and Energy

Lesson 2: The Mind the Garden

Lesson 3: Paths within the Mind

Lesson 4: Defining the Purpose and Goal

Lesson 5: Moving Awareness in the Mind

Chapter 4: Mastering awareness.

Lesson 1: Bringing Awareness to Attention

Lesson 2: Separating Awareness From That Which it is Aware of

Lesson 3: Supplemental Content – The Mind as a Mansion

Lesson 4: Supplemental Content – Awareness as a Traveler

Lesson 5: Supplemental Content – Awareness the Dog

Chapter 5: Introduction to concentration.

Lesson 1: Introduction

Lesson 2: Defining Concentration

Lesson 3: How Badly do you Want to be Concentrated?

Lesson 4: Technology and Concentration

Lesson 5: Understanding Distraction

Lesson 6: The Wheel of Distraction

Lesson 7: Zero Tolerance for Distraction

Lesson 8: Distraction is the Ultimate Time Waster

Chapter 6: The science and art of concentration.

Lesson 1: The Power of Observation

Lesson 2: Mindfulness

Lesson 3: Concentration Breeds Efficiency

Lesson 4: Undivided Attention

Lesson 5: Listening and Understanding

Lesson 6: How to Concentrate

Lesson 7: Practicing Concentration in Daily Life

Lesson 8: Establishing Concentration Rituals

Chapter 7: Cogitations on concentration.

Lesson 1: Wisdom is the only Rigid Rule

Lesson 2: Setting Awareness Free

Lesson 3: Love, Discipline and Happiness

Lesson 4: Desire, Effort and Concentration

Lesson 5: Understanding Multitasking

Lesson 6: The Wheel of Concentration

Chapter 8: Willpower – Life’s Greatest Force

Lesson 1: Defining and Understanding Willpower

Lesson 2: Benefits of Developing Willpower

Lesson 3: 3 Ways to Develop Willpower

Lesson 4: Practical Ways to Develop Willpower in Life

Lesson 5: Why make the Bed in the Morning?

Lesson 6: Other Opportunities to Develop Willpower

Chapter 9: Willpower extended.

Lesson 1: Negative Effects of Developing Willpower

Lesson 2: Supplemental Content – The Monk on the Cliff

Lesson 3: Supplemental Content – Source of Willpower

Lesson 4: Supplemental Content – Long Term Exercise 1

Lesson 5: Supplemental Content – Long Term Exercise 2

Chapter 10: Concentration a Panacea for the Mind.

Lesson 1: The Eternity of the Moment

Lesson 2: Worry

Lesson 3: Fear

Lesson 4: Anxiety and Stress.

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Dandapani - Unwavering Focus
Dandapani – Unwavering Focus
$99.00 $35.00 Add to Cart

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